Chapter 1.7 shock from all the family around the world (part 2)

In the United State of America, one of the biggest families of this country is having a banquet with almost all their members.

The name of this family is the Walton family. They are the owner of the group of stores known as Walmart. What people do not know is that they are also super powerful families that cultivate. This means that all the people in the family have some type of cultivation realm to them.

The name of the leader of this family is Robert Walton. He is 300 years old. The reason for the banquet is because it is his 300 birthday. Think about it not many people can make it to this age. Especially now since the aura on earth is not as strong as before. His cultivation realm is that of Heavenly Core stage 6.

He is the strongest member of the Walton member. He is also the founder of this family. With his help, this family has been able to raise in the rank with ease. This means that today they are one of the strongest families in the United States thanks to Robert's power alone.

The rank of the Walton family is top 10 in the United State. The only reason is not higher is because of his cultivation realm. But this does not mean that he does not have business relationships or tied relationships with other families.

The amount of people in the Walton family is roughly 1500 people. Is not the biggest family in size but they make for it with the business they do. Another thing they do is that they own many other different things and companies that make them a family worth 4 trillion dollars. With this amount of many, they take the 5th rank as the wealthiest family in the United State.

"All hail the Supreme Empress Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana.." a loud voice of man ring throughout the world. This voice made everyone that hear shiver with fear just by hearing it.

"All hail the Supreme Empress Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana." Many other voices follow suit after the first voice sounds. This time it made many of the cups and utensils in the banquet begin to shake nonstop.

After the thing around the banquet stop to shake everyone in the room looked at Robert Walton looking for an answer. The only problem is that he is as shocked as everyone in the room full of people

Everyone has to know that the voices were even louder closer to the United State of America since they were closer to them. This means that the voice of these is at least 10 times stronger than the rest of the world.

"What in the world was just that? And who the fuck is that Supreme Empress Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana that I never have heard before. Those voices scared the living shit out of me. And my cultivation realm is that of Heavenly Core. I am still shaking after hearing those powerful voices." Robert Walton said as he was shaking nonstop in front of all the members of the Walton family

The other member was even worse than Robert some of them passed just by hearing the sound of those powerful voices. This means that they could not handle the power that those voices carry. The only good thing is that those voices were aimed at cultivating family. This means that regular people could not hear these voices or they would have died just by hearing it.

"I have never heard of any people name Supreme Empress Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana." One of the people that were tasked with collecting information for the Walton family said with a worry on his face. He is one of the main leaders of the Walton family.

He is the reason why the Walton family have a lot of information on many other families around the world. He is also one of the people that trained people in the CIA. this shows you how powerful in information gathering he is. If someone like him has not even heard of the name Supreme Empress Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana. This shows everyone that this is a new expert in the world.

This also means that they should be scared since they do not have any information on Supreme Empress Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana or her group of people.

"Not even you Alexander know about this Supreme Empress Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana. This worries me a lot. It seems like we need to pay attention to this new person." Robert said to Alexander.

That is the name of the person that spoke before Robert spoke. His full name is Alexander Walton. He is 75 years old man. His cultivation realm is that of Mortal Core of QI stage 9. This means that he is close to a breakthrough into a higher realm.

"Yes, even I have not heard of this name." Alexander Walton said to Robert.