12 Years

It's been 2 weeks since I was 12 years old, I'm very happy, because this week came the long-awaited today to go to the School of Magic.

I am currently learning about the geography of this world.

I realized now that I had never studied the geography of this world, I didn't even know the very name of the capital where I am going to study.

I had a book in my hand, it was a book that was given by my mother. She told me that I have to learn everything about countries before going to school.

I didn't quite understand why, but I obeyed her and now I'm studying about this world.

Currently in this world there are 5 countries.

There are 2 human countries one of them is called Ezhanten and the other is called Westrain. These countries do not get along very well with each other, in the past they fought several wars. The last war was 20 years ago.

I live in the country of Ezhanten, and the capital where I go to study is called Lostfen.

The capital of the country Westrain is called Huyren, I don't know if I'll ever visit this country. But if I visit, I want to go to the capital.

There is also a country of demons called Rentren. In this world, humans and demons have also fought many wars, but these days countries are on the peace.

But today in the country demons, since 10 years ago, there is a group of demons that do not take peace with humans and are attacking humans.

I don't know if I will visit the demonic country either, but maybe in the future I can visit.

There is also the country of demi-humans called Zentrofenir, its capital was called Hinefur, they are people who are half human, and half animal.

These people are just like in my old world, there are people with various types of ears and animal tail.

There is also the country of dwarves, the country is called Ironfost, the capital of Ironfost is called Hobenn.

The book says that in dwarven country, the only thing that has to be done there is to buy high quality armor. It is said that armor bought there from certain sellers has an absurd quality

There are also elves in this world, but the elves never divulged the name of their country, humans only know that they live in the Floryst forest.


After studying a little about the geography of this world, I talked to mother, and said that I had already decorated everything. Of course she didn't believe it, so she asked me several questions and I answered correctly.

There is also Lily, it was decided that she will go with me to school next week, she also studied a lot about the world. I thought Lily would have learned about everything since she is now 19 years old.

Me and Lily will be leaving the village next week, going to the capital Lostfen by carriage sent by my father.

Father is in the capital, so when we get there, he'll find a place for us to stay. I don't know if the school has student dormitories, so if you don't have it, dad will find us a place to stay.


After a few days, Lily and I were getting into the carriage toward the capital. Mother of course, came to say goodbye to us. We don't know when we'll be back here, but I'm sure I'm back.

'Wait, I forgot something'

I remembered one thing, I had buried the core of the earth dragon behind the house. I was going to take him to the capital so I could sell him in the adventurer guild.

I ran out of the carriage, and went straight behind the house.

After digging it up, I stuffed the core into a cloth bag and headed back to the carriage.

"Have a nice trip, I'll visit you in the capital when I have some time" (Emma)

"Thanks mom, we'll be waiting for you" (Lily)

"Come when you can mom, and thanks for everything" (Endl)

Lily and I thank our mother. The next moment it was Marya's turn to say goodbye. I didn't want to distance myself from Marya, but there's no way.

"See you soon Marya, I certainly came back to town in a while" (Endl)

I'm sure I'd be back, so I decided to warn Marya.

"I'll wait for you two, have a nice trip" (Marya)

"Thank you" (Lily, Endl)

After we both thanked Marya, the carriage began to depart toward the capital.

We kept waving at Mother and Marya until we lost sight of them.

"So come on Lily" (Endl)

"Yes!" (Lily)

And now our school life begins.