School Tournament 1

The day of the tournament came and I was looking forward to it, I was thinking about it all the time. Even now that I have just woken up I have a great anxiety.

I think it's because it's the long awaited battle of Mary, I'd like to help her to the fullest.

Lily was also apparently very apprehensive, she was biting her nails in anxiety. We were still in the room, as we could not sleep very well we were talking at night.

When a few minutes passed, Deby called us for breakfast, since she knew the school tournament was today, so she put more food than usual on our plate.

'She's extremely nice.'

Since it was almost 1 year since we arrived here, Lily, Daby and I were very close, so she knew everything that happened at school with us.

After a while, we finished eating and left the inn quickly.


When I left the inn I saw many classmates, everyone was with their parents. Since today was the school tournament, most parents come to school to see their children.

Well I didn't know if Dad was coming to see us, but I'm sure Mom had come to watch.

I think mom knows today is the tournament then, and as she is a totally lovely mom I think she will show up to support us.

When we arrived at the school door, Mary was already there, as today was an extremely important day, Mary said she would wait for me at the school door and that I would not need to pick her up at her inn.

When we arrived, Mary saw me and already ran and hugged me. As all the students at the school already knew about our relationship she didn't care much about it.

So when she hugged me I hugged her back.

As usual Lily was on her side just watching.

"Let's go Endl." (Mary)

Mary called me inside for us to prepare.

Lily stood outside waiting for Flora to arrive as she was her match during the tournament, she had to wait until she arrived.


When I entered school, I realized that there were many pairs already formed, but Mary and I didn't stop for anything, we went straight to our classroom. The teacher told us to meet in the room before the tournament starts.

By the time we got to the classroom, everyone was there but Lily and Flora since Flora hadn't arrived yet and Lily was waiting for her outside the school.

As Lily had not yet arrived, we were waiting for her a few minutes, but after a while she arrived in the classroom with Flora. Apparently they had rushed here, as they were panting.

After they arrived the teacher spoke again to all the pairs for the battles. The teacher also talked to us about how the tournament worked.

The winner was declared when a pair gave up or when the pair was eliminated.

As there was no system for no physical injuries all students could use their spells to the fullest.

After the teacher finished explaining all these things, she left the room and asked us to wait in a tent outside the battlefield.

Apparently each classroom had such a tent to prepare.

The first battles were between students of the same class, then the battles were between the winners of each class.

Since the battles were a bit long, the tournament will last a few days.

After about 30 minutes, all the stands were already packed with relatives of the students and visitors who came to watch the battles.

While I was looking at the stands I noticed two people, it was Mother and Marya.

"Lily, look over there, it's Mother and Marya." (Endl)

As soon as I warned Lily, she spotted them both and waved, I waved of course, as soon as they both noticed us they waved back.

'At least they came, but the father is not here.'

But I don't care much about that. Since he had to work and had no time to come to watch the battles, nothing could be done about it.

Lily also showed no sadness for dad not here, but she was extremely happy after she saw Mother and Marya.

'They were very close'

Since they were so close when Lily lived in the village, I don't think she could contain her happiness after seeing both of them here.

After a while, the principal drew the first confrontation of our class.