Returning to the guild.

My sword was where I was thinking, and it was propped right on the side of my bed, I think I could take it everywhere now because I can be attacked any minute and it can end up hurting me if I'm not with my sword.

I grabbed the sword and left the room quickly, I didn't even say goodbye to Deby right and just ran towards the adventurer guild, I ran so fast that I don't even know if Sylphe will be there already I think I rushed too much, I didn't need to have run so fast.

'The excitement makes me very agitated.' When I get very excited, my anxiety also grows, so I end up doing everything very quickly, including I walk and run faster than normal seems.

When I arrived at the door of the guild Sylphe was already there, I thought I had gone too fast, but it seems that I was not as fast as I thought, it gave her time to at least reach the door of the guild.

"Hey, the guild master is calling us." I already arrived at the guild door, receiving news like this.