The offers!

Finally, I will meet her tonight.

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, I would say that one of my tasks is about to be completed not to mention about tonight will be happened events. How important she was to me. Wait for me Sammy. Wait for me... It's just a test to see how's your performance tonight.

Everything will be under control if that certain person did the job excellently without any flaws and I wanted to see it with my own eyes because I still don't believed that girl survived from the first attacked. How did she managed to survived? I did put those bullets on her heart. After being shot, she disappeared in a thin air without traces until one of my minions reported back that she's always at her work place. Shit!

Tonight, I wanna see it...see the differences in herself. I knew she was special, extraordinary not like the others and if I could control her...I'll becoming a king. King in this cruel world. She's would be my ultimate weapons.

"Sir...he's here..."

"Let him in." I gestured my minions to let that guy in my place, again.

"Yes, sir."

I watched the Erick guy strode in with his usual self. Looked defeated all the time because of his obsessions towards gambling making his life much miserables and devastated.

"What do you want now?" I asked while leaned on my leather chair comfortably placing my both hands on each armrest and tapping the finger on to it. My eyes keep examine this guy to search for something... something that he could do and disappeared forever from my sight and my world.

"I need to borrow some money, sir." with meek voice he said the same sentence when he's here in front of me with bowed head.

I've already knew about it but still want to listened it from him. Perhaps could be something different this time? It took me enough time before I started to remind him about his debts.

"Do you know how much money you owned from me, Erick?" I entwined my fingers together before propping them down on my shiny wooden table free from my leaned and looked at him expressionless.

"I know sir but I need those money for Erica."

He fidgeting under my gaze and I laughed out loud listening to his stupid reason. I could see he's break the sweats, glistening on his forehead and slowly cascading from his temples. So funny...and I stopped laughing immediately, scrutinized him under my deadly hunter eyes.

" think I'm stupid like you Erick? You using the money that I gave to you on my tables down there. Trying every single games until you broke. I don't mind to give what you requested but there are prices for you to pay it off back. You know that, nothing is free in this world..." I paused for a moment before speak again.

"How about I put it down right now, Erick. If you capable to complete the unsuccessful job of termination previously, I would personally treat your sister until she's in good condition but..."

I stood and walked around the table to reached at him by trailing my pointed finger along the way very slowly until I standing at his side. Crossing my arms on my chest, I sling my long leg leaned the table looking at him smirking. My, my...

"If you failed, I'll kill your sister and all of your kin of you so called families in order for me to restore of my lost. You know what I mean, right."

I saw his Adam's apple bobbing up and down while swallowing his saliva. He everted his eyes away from me second ago just to look at my near self, nervously. I chuckled evilly at him.

"Trying to running away...I will personally put your sister in misery until you return or until she died. And if you asked some assistance from any party, I'll burned down your house with your sister in it. How's that sounds? Beautiful, isn't it?"

I watched him with my hawk eyes. "You can run but you can't never hide from me and will catched you and tortured you slowly until you beg your mercy from me. All I asking is do finished the job and I will fulfill the terms I told you for you and your family."

"What-what if I-I-urmm...get-get caught?" he asked me with stuttering? He asked me that question?! Don't he see how that lead to his future? Stupid maggot! I fumed insides ready to lash it out. But...

Hmm... interesting question.

"What do you expect me to do? Hmm...I'll personally put the bullet between your eyes before you open your big mouth and shut you up forever and your sister, I will treated her and be my sex toy until she died! Sounds cool for me, right?"

What options did he have now? Only to success!

"You have time to decide until 6 o'clock like..." glancing at my wrist watch. " about five hours to give the answer."

"If I declined the offer now...will it be open on the next task?" he boldly asking me another stupid question! How dare he is right now! I see blood right now. He's not even stutter like before!

Trying to calm myself, my slightly trembling from fumes before I blow my wrath towards him, I exhaled and inhaled a few times and calmly said a very good point to triggered his interest.

"I'll give you one million dollars to you. That is included with your sister's treatments. Plus with interest if you not get caught in action. Interested?"

He's silences make me glanced the watch again. He will be very interested when the time about to end. I smiled evilly inwards.

"Take your time..."

I believed that he will agreed to the terms but he will failed, certainly. I just knew it. The main purpose of this negotiation was to eliminate him by let him lead his own path. Thus, I would easily free from any accusations. Hahaha...

"If I can't so...who's gonna do the job?" another brainless question!

"Postponed to the next time." it came out just like that!

"What?" he looked at me confusing.

I suddenly tired of this insolent and pathetic maggot attitude even more with his big mouth asking too much. He's trying to scheme behind my back? That would be the stupidest idea you bozo! I'm not gonna let it slide easily. Nevertheless, I still wants to see how you perform tonight.

"You can't have your money to gamble again and poor of your sister's health. It's getting worsening if not being treated soon. Well, you kept on delaying the process, I believe."

I love to tauting this person but his self made my very self started to feel unreadable emotion within me. I knew he's trying to not showed how wavered he was but I could see a turmoil in his eyes, from his body language. I see those and can't wait to see the result from both of him and that girl.

That's it! First step accomplished after he silent and fidgeting his fingers, thinking about them again. To evaluate pros and cons between the offers, I guessed.


I waited patiently in the remaining hours after that guy Erick out off my place and to ensure it, my minions on the alert mode to made sure he never turn his back off of a me, the leader of secret underground channels.

I might be cruel but I still do my part as a human being. To torture a person was simple as you hold on to something so personal towards that person. Other than that, use the psychology treatment on them, taunting their mind and soul without letting your hand dirty with your enemy blood. If the situation turn ugly, then I would start with physical tortured methods. That was what I did about this situation of that Erick guy.

He just done his job previously so it's not his fully fault on the failure but this time I want him to do it on my behalf. It's too dangerous for me to do it myself because,

One: I couldn't justify her capability, either she was like before or much better.

Two: It would ruined myself to the public if I get caught either by recording or not. I knew that club was full of securities inside and out.

Three: It's simply because I want to gain her trust on me. Like she will be depending on me more in order to let herself safe. I don't want to put her on suspicious status towards me.

After all I want her just to myself. She's mine from the beginning. I'm the one whose supposed to train her but in the end, they cancelled the agreement when they found someone who can turn her into this dirty situation, dirty places now.

I could remember how pure and untainted herself before. So beautiful until she turned to be the killing machine. I don't know what happened to her while her being trained but if I, the one for her...I would pampered her with all of my wealthiness.

That's before everything's changing. The terrible one night in every my marriages life. She killed each one of them. At first, I thought it was all an accident but it's not. They being killed until their internal organ destroyed completely while they were sleeping.

I knew it was her and that is why I want her die at first. If tonight got something special, I will reconsidered the killing offer to anything else like I mentioned before.
