The poor souls...

"Crazy shit! That son of a b****!"

He screamed out loud after entered his rented house, slamming the door dangerously until its almost teared off from the door hinges. Poor those old wooden door. No longer to take another blow once again.

With furious state, he shaking with too much anger towards that b*****d!

What choice do I have?

He kept passing back and forth bitting on his nails, racking through his mind if he could find something to use as his back up.

The options that I got from him:

1- Accomplish without being caught :

Erica and me save with one mil and interest. Sounds pretty much cool, aight? Can I do that? Those one mil so... tempting 🤑🤑

2- Failed:

He will kill Erica and all of his entire family. Did he mentioned about me?

3- Getting caught and unsuccessful attempt:

He will shot me between my eyes right away. Kill Erica by burning her with my families? No-no...he would treated her untill well and forced her to be his sex toy until she died!

4- Running away:

He will put my sister in misery and let her suffer until her died...

5- Asking assistance:

He will burned down my house with her inside as long as my other families.

6- Returned after running away:

He will tortured me until I begging from him and what? He'll killed me instantly after I'm begging him. For sure?

How shit of my life right now!

And of course, Erica also involved without her realised it. Ohh...poor my sister soul. How would it turn out to be like this?

There are no other way around to help Erica. I will let Erica died with herself is like a shell of herself. Almost gave up to fight with her illness, heart broken and consumed a poison and her internal organ only in 45% chances to live. He got to have enough money to let the surgery went well and she is going to be fine soon but he never do that. Why? To gained much money to help her through gambling but...he failed her...He did failed her!

To have the money, he need to accomplish the job. Ohh...

He slumped on the floor crying so pitiful and full of guilty. Pity of his sister's fate and guilty with his behavior towards her.

When I have the money I used to gambling everything until I broke and made a loan at the loan shark. The most feared loan shark that threaten me and my sister's life.

I cried loudly ignoring if neighborhood heard me. I don't care! I letting out the tears pouring out from my puffy eyes because too much cry.

I do have time to think and decide. There are few more hours for me to...

Shit! Shit! F***!!!


His minion reports back to him what the current situation and he laughed evilly. He's second plan was about to be success and he confidently knew, the Erick guy would do anything to his sister, Erica.

He walked into the communal ward. The last hospice bed hold very skinny and pale girl that currently on sleeping state. He approached the bed and looked at the laid girl.

He running his eyes on to the fragile body in front of him before caress the girl's skin. So soft and smooth but yet so cold. She look like dead but still breathing shallowly. So much wires and tubes attached to this little body.

Erica Sara Winston. Age 22, attempt suicide by drank the liquid poison that caused her important organ damaged and depending on life support only at the age of 20. So young. Being in coma for about 2 years until now. The main reason of her attempt was because of her ex- boyfriend cheated on her and having sex with his mother when she discovered it.

So devastated, when he confess that he fell in love with his own mother and already have a son came from this affair. much unfair in this world. Who could she put the blame on?

On her diary:

'I couldn't stay away my eyes from the scenes in front of me. With bulging eyes I saw my BF having sex with his mom. I knew they were close but didn't expect this kind of close. They way they eating each other out made me quivered... trembling... frightening to the bone. Oh gosh... supposed I was on that position, eating his out completely, screaming my name but no...I was the one standing there looked at them. How many tears I've gave out to show how I feel about it? No one knows. And I will put this misery away because I can't stop thinking about it and it's keep it coming as movie being stored and played repeatedly. Misery...misery...

I didn't talked to him at all. Jim, how could you did all this to me? I thought he was your younger brother but turned out your what? Your illegal son with your mom? What should I called that boy? He was 3 years old that means you've been with your mother for how long? Is that was before our relationship?

I can't take it anymore! Your useless b*****d! A son of a b**** with your b**** mother to have a b*****d b***** son? I HATE YOU THREE TOO DAMN MUCH AND WISHED HELL TO BOTH OF YOU AND PUT YOU'RE B*****D B**** SON THE LIVING HELL!!!

I hate you the most because destroying my whole life! All the promises you told me so rubbish! I lost my no our baby the day I found out about your life that day. I force to the abortion to not let my baby to have a father like you!

This is the end....

I love you Erick.'

He recalled of her last update on her diary and try to killed herself but she managed to survived....

Poor soul!

He walked out from the large room got something to do with this.


I woke up trembling. Not because of coldness but because of my dream. What kind of dream was that? I don't even understand it. I roll into my bed covered in my blanket half covered my face.

I couldn't even understand myself anymore since yesterday. I've got too much questions but I don't know to asked who about it and what question should I asked first?

I swept my damped forehead with my trembled hands. My body shaked and slowly the tears pouring from my eyes. Cried like a baby 'alone' in my assigned room. I hugged and curled myself into the fetus position afraid to nothings on the bed, lonely!

Closed my eyes, the dream comes again. Those same bloody scenes. Why? Why me covered in blood? Whose blood was that?

I opened my eyes, running the eyes to every nook and cranny of the medium size room with fully furnished with basic living stuff. This was the room I used to stay? But...

I have a mama to take care about. She paralysed, not even uttered any single word when my father disappearance 7 years ago, when I reached my adult age. He went out to God knows to where and never showed up after that.

Mama started to hate me because at first she put all the blame on me. What did I do? Papa severely irritated of mama's behavior by put curfews on him since the beginning of their marriages not like before.

Twenty years for his suffering, so suffered under his wife my mother's wrath. She was not evil but overly too protectively of my papa. Too scared to let any woman out there spared a glanced towards his husband. Easy to say, my papa having mentally abused, emotionally tainted of my mama's harsh and sharp words that most of the time hurt Papa's heart.

At the end he's leave just like that. While took good care of mama, I went out looking for papa but until today...nothing at all...

The room screaming the eerie condition. It's makes me feel too stuffy. Suddenly I felt the sudden coldness came from where I don't near me...

"You shouldn't injured yourself with that useless human being, Sammy!"

My eyes darting to the sofa on the wall in front of my bed after hearing those sentence.


I was completely and utterly shock!

How? How he was here?
