Who I was...


How did...

"You passed out yesterday after putting so much force on that peasant. I did carried you and you did wish me not leaving you here, alone..."

I looked at him didn't know how to react.

I bet it happens again, right? Passing out then still trapped in this Sammy girl, body.

It's been a few days I'm here. Lending this body a soul but I couldn't even have the controller to control the body. Just like right now.

"Wake up. I have to go. Anyway, you did having a nightmares and keep on calling your dad. You do remember woke up in the middle of the night and begging me to sleep with you on the bed?"

I shaked my head didn't remember any of those.

"Never mind...it will come soon."

Just like that, without any emotion trace on his face, he took his coat and walked off the room. He's leaving me still in daze state, not knowing how to comprehend the 'un even remembered' situation.

Running my hands into my messy hair, I did noticed the pillow and blanket on the sofa, neatly folded.

Sighing, I got out from the bed and started doing my morning routine. Still early outside cause I could see the light came from the lamp post just outside from my windows.

After taking a shower, I walked nearing my sliding window, opened it and placing my hands on the window sill. My knuckles still red scratched after took a beating of that guy. How did I performed that?

Both my hands shaking, not due to cold from the shower but maybe the reflection of the beating, I guess.

The black luxury car, parked below looks so shiny and tempting. It was one of my dreams to have those as my one of possession but...never mind. I will get it some day.

About a few minutes later, the car slowly went away. I bet that was the gentlemen's car. What was his name before?

Sam...err...Mr. Austin? Yeah, Mr. Austin. I do remember now.


She was the most suitable candidate to be an assassin. The dangerous living weapon. Once in killing mode you can't even stopped her and he was a living proof to be the witness along with the others.

"She's my investments so I will let you guys having experiences to have her settling on your problems by putting the betting. The higher, the better. I will let you having her for a month. How's that sounds?"


But interesting!

"The bidder will be held on Friday night next week on 22:00, sharp."

"She will not represent but I will send her as a gift to the winner." the boss continued with cigar between his fingers.

He's sound so happy yet satisfied with his own idea showing off his gold rings and piercings. Bald but handsomely charming. What a true gangster.

"Starting with?" one of many audiences interrupted the conversation.

"One mil..." he answered that guy.

"Isn't it too much for the starter?" the guy crossed his leg while placing both arms on respective armrests.

"You think so? Then, you can't compete. Let the others having some happy time with my number one."

"How many of them..." asked the gray suit guy. He's not even uttered any words while Sammy did finished that peasant herself before passing out, grabbing the glass before gulping down the content.

"Depends on the news. If everyone wants her so place the bet."

"Just like that? I bet everyone wants to see her actions during the event." he said again, the gray suit guy.

"Like I said, she will not represent but I've already put some effort to let everyone pleased with her. Find it out soon..."

They turned silent.

"You haven't spoke Mr. Austin... She didn't show up till your standard, huh?"

"....no...very interesting and I can't wait for it..." smirking with gaze fixed on the boss.

"Good. So good to having someone influence like you to join us..." says the boss then inhaled the re-lit cigar, satisfied.

The rest of them continued to discuss about the business and their own activities. That involves with many parties legally as well as illegal teams.

"Excuse me...I have some business to attend."

Mr. Austin standing buttoning his suit and walked off ignoring them all, the bald boss knew what that means and let it slide for his own purpose.

Yes, to tied up those cruel mafia. The best man ever.

He keep on walking until he sees her being carry by the bouncer, no...someone else.

Kevin. The manager.

"Stop. Let me." he said nearing them both.

"It's okay, Mr. Austin. It's my job anyway." Kevin stopped right away.

"It's okay. Come here..."

Just like that, Sammy's body already in his arm passed out.

"Care to show me the way?" flat face, Mr. Austin waiting the manager to show Sammy's room.

"Oh...this way..."

They walked for about five minutes and reached at the staff quarters. Her room was the third from the front door and fifth from the back door. Kevin pushed open the door and let Mr. Austin walk into it.

"You may go..." said Mr. Austin without a spared any glance at Kevin.

Door has been closed on Kevin faces and he standing there blinking and shocked.

What the heck?

Inside the room, Sammy regained her conscious-self but still in daze state. Asking the guy to accompany her, sleep on the bed together, helping her in the bathroom...clinging and pestering towards him unconsciously.

He didn't go anywhere. Waiting for anything, probabilities.

He did trying to get some sleep on the bed because she has been holding his hand didn't let it go. More to forcing him to follow her everywhere. When, she finally off to other planet he decided to went home, just about to open the door, she came and hugged him from behind like a koala bear, tightly.

He didn't say anything and carry on to babysit her. Arranged his own sleeping manners by taking out extra blanket and pillow on to the sofa after putting her back into the bad, she came again sleeping on top of his body.

There is goes for as long as he can remember. Turned out, he can't even sleep at all but he finally free from her grasps.


She's keep on mumbling in her sleep calling for his dad, restless. From his investigation report, she didn't have any parents- alive. How was possible she's calling for her father? Wait...

There's something off about this girl. Based on his own investigation from a distance, Sammy was cheerful and talkative but yesterday, she was always in the work mode. Is there something he doesn't know?

But, her killing skills still like previous. He have should checked her up even more after this or perhaps, having her for a month.

Then, he could learn about her more and dig deeper into her memories...

Seriously, I didn't trust that bald guy, they called boss. He's isn't trustworthy enough. Loved to having highly skilled girl as a waiteres but as an assassin, on the other side.

Around 5:47 am, she woke up looked like a astray person...adrift from reality. She's running her eyes all over the room, examined the situation then, she cried.

Think twice, should I put some money on her?

Then, she did realised me here, sitting on the sofa. I did approached her, saying a few words and asking a few questions before took off.

I don't know what happened on her but she really not look good at all. How come she didn't remembered anything at all?

Or, did she just pretending to not to answer it?

Let's finding out soon...


Why would I'd still in her body?

What's going on.... I've should do something...but what?

Last night...I do sleep but in a weird sleep actually, feel like some kind of floating away. I could see both different dreams and nightmares at the same time but I still don't understand...

Why my dad turned his back on me? Why do I've been covered in blood completely, like being having a blood rain. That both ready did gave me a weird feeling until now. Not to mention Mr. Austin here...


I think... I've should asked someone about it.

Suddenly came to someone... Kevin!

He seems close to Sammy... should I go to him?


I walked into where my foot takes me. I was standing at second upper floor bar and saw him, drinking there alone. Seriously, he still in his last night suit. What happened?


"Oh...thank goodness... you're okay, sweetheart?"

He quickly engulfed me into his tight hug until I couldn't breathe properly while the other one, keep pushing him off me. Then, I smacked my hand on to his side, quickly for a few times.

"Can't breathe...." my voice came out as a whisper...

"Sorry...are you okay? There's anything happens with you? Did he do anything to you?"

He checked and examined my body for confirmation.

"I'm fine Kevin..." still breathless.

He let go relieved sigh.

"I couldn't sleep at all. Worried about you with him last night..."

I cut him off immediately.

"It doesn't matter. I've got more important things to ask you, Kev..."

"What?" he's shocked, definitely due to my question or maybe...

"Who was I, Kevin?"

Kevin: "..."