Disqualified...but playground?

I read it over and over again the hard copy of unconscious my almost to be employee, Sameera resume and her CV.

I stole it from her folder when she's passed out.

Too blend. Like she's never accomplished anything in her entire life. At the age of 24, nothing interesting achievement for me to look at.


Having a few years gaps. Don't know what happened on that years.

She finished her school and her higher education but much to academic purpose not an entire self education.

I couldn't comprehend on how her social life was , how on her responsibility as a teammate or a leader in certain groups or projects. I couldn't see it.

For me...it's a correct move to disqualified her.

But, deep within myself...there is so much more. I should have gave her a chance to speak. Gave a enough chances to let her tell anything she wanted to tell that didn't appeared on her CV and resume.

Based on her photo, she's looked professional but, just by what happened earlier, I made my decision and now...I doubt with that result.

"Mr. Austin?"

How did she know about that name? And even mentioned it on my face?

I think I've never met her before so it did made me curious about her. Curiously because she did fainted and had mild fever during the interviewing take place after too shocked to see me. Hmph!

She even more looked frightened, scared of me.

Did she knew who I was and still am...now?

The documents on the table really making me dissatisfied. Half myself wants me to call her and reset the interview just for her but my other half didn't allowed it. Looks like I'm trying to playing a trick not to be honest if my staff knows about this.

"What are you thinking about, bro? Looks so disturbed, frowned, sighing...not comfortable enough on the chair. Did you want me to settle this alone?"

"No! Nothing serious. What do we have here?" I stand up and approached him to the long table.

"Nothing much just for your request to look at them..."

He gestured me to join him for weaponry selection. Starting from my other end of long table until the other end, filled with many type of weapons. Guns, sharp weapons, chemicals, devices and much more.

I did examined them one by one. Lucky enough that my room was soundproof so I could test them all here without bothering anyone else.

"I kind of like this gun. Not too heavy and not too light. Easy to carry and most importantly, it's precision compared to what I have before. This also good. The knifes and blades of course, my most trusted babies. Well, nothing more I would like to say... overall, I want them all and you know what to do about it."

I stilled holding onto the new gun on my hands. Just a little time to familiarise with it, I could feel that this gun was specifically made for me. The caliber of the bullet really hand crafted by someone special and of course I like it!

"I knew it. Your gonna have them all. So Nick gotta pay me hundreds cause he didn't believed me about all this." he laughed and I just smirking at him.

Boys will be boys. Nothing can change it.

"Wonderful." I reply casually.

"Alright, I will asked someone to settle all this and I think you can continue with your staring, huffing and whatever you do with that thing..."

He walked out of the room and I keep away the documents into my drawers.

Still early.

Hmm... I know what to do.


"Come on, Sammy...please..."

He begged me again and I? Ignored him again, munch on my potato crackers while watching a movie, my most favourite movies rich in action like a secret agents full with weapons. How I love it so much.

"What Aidan?" I asked lazily and he keep on making puppy dog eyes to let me be with him this late afternoon to his favourite places: playground and ice cream. What a typical stuff the kids love to do.

So did I long ago. And simply thrown the tantrums if mama or papa didn't let me to the playground and having the swirling ice cream that I really wanted so much. Hmm...

"Please...Sammy...you are my pretty girl. When people ask me I would say you are my girlfriend. And promised not to spilled the ice cream onto my shirt anymore. And promised not to playing the swing dangerously. I promised..."

He said with his promised gesture making a pity expression.

"Did you pester Adam and Asher before me, Aidan?" stilled interrogate him like a police officer.

"Yes..." with meek voice.

"What happened? What did they say about it?" I glanced at him with my almost closing eyes.

"They don't want too. Busy with their girlfriends. Please Sammy. I only be with you....please...you my hope..." pleading...

He's about in verge to cry and I like to tease him even more.

"What can I get if I let you go?" I testing him.

"I give you a lot of kisses!" he answered confidently.

"I'll pass..." I wave not interested.

"I won't wake you up like that again, promise..." he's face already red in colour.

HAHAHAHA...I laughed evilly inwards.

"Sounds good anything else?" I keep on teasing him.

"I...I...promised not to... not to mess with momma when she's in the kitchen or when she's tired...I promised that!"

Finally the tears rolling down his flustered cheeks.

I win!

I closed the canister and put it on the table ignoring him.

He just looked at me started hiccuping, too sad and he puckered his trembled bottom lip. The tears keep on coming flooding the floor 🤪🤪.

I walked away and smile evilly heading to my room. Then, I yelled at him still standing on the last third stairs.

"Okay...we go and keep those promises Aidan! Let's go! If you brake your promises I will steal your bank away from you!"

Too much happy, while hiccuping, he hugged my leg and looked at me with his innocent eyes. He's so scared if I did what I told him because it happens before. I hid his bank and he tearing his room searching for it because of his stubbornness. At last I had given the bank back to him.

I did love to bully him but just to discipline his naughty manners especially towards my mama and mama did punish him to clean up the mess he did to his room, as matter of fact to teach him a life lesson.

"Ip-i promised *hiccup*...I promised Sammy *hiccup*...thank you!"

He runs to his room to change with happy giggles while hiccuping and so did I running to grab my belongings.

Just like I did mentioned before, a shirt, baggy pants and slipper would be on myself. My long dark hair, I just tight it into a messy bun and didn't care to put any make up on my face. I told you I hate that!

Aidan already waiting at the door wearing his shoes, his most favourite one, Batman snickers. Whatever as long his happy.

I opened the door because he's still short to open it by himself. Yeah, did I told you he's my baby brother? Yes, and next month he will turn 4 on his birthday.

His little self really made me say he's my baby boy if some of people bothered me too much and Aidan gladly help me out and as returned I have to buy him the most expensive ice cream for him. How clever this little man!

He runs to my car and opened the door with much effort and climbed into the front seat and buckle up himself without being asked.

Well, he turned obedience when you bring to his favourite things. If not, he will pestering you to help him even if he managed to do that himself. Such a spoiled little brat!

"Come on, Sammy...quick! I don't want to be late and have a little time to play there...and I'm afraid if the ice cream finished before we're there." he waved me quickly and I could see his hand move just like a Squidward hand. So funny!

"Alright kiddo...have a patient! The playground won't run away..."

"But the ice cream would run out of the stock if we late. Come on!" he whined and about to trashes on the seat.

"What did I told you before?" I put my hand on my waist, looked fierce at him.

"Behaved..." he said with slow voice.

"Then?" I'm waiting...

"I'm sorry...but please hurry up!"

I rolled my eyes, opened the door and slipped on the driver seat.

After I turned the ignition, I drove to the neighborhood playground about five minutes walks.

I'm too lazy to walk so I drive but unfortunately, the playground has been under a renovation. I looked at Aidan. He seems so sad standing on his seat.

"Can we go to other playground? Please Sammy..." he begged me.

"Alright...sit down..."

He comply it and sit down silently but his eyes wondered outside of what he can see.

10 minutes later we arrived at most crowded playground. No wonder it's crowded because our neighbors also send their kids here to have fun. So glad I could see Aidan smiling faces.

We walked hand in hand and I let him go playing with the others while I'm watching him. When I'm with Aidan my phone will be my second priority. Aidan my baby brother and he's a treasure that I should cherish. So hard my mama in a OT to gave birth to him almost 4 years ago. So I cherish them both.

I smile looking at his happily playing together with other kids. What a lovely sight, huh?