Three different personalities? Really?

She was here.

That fainted girl was here. She did looked so different.

With whom she was here with? His son or daughter? Perhaps her other younger siblings? No idea.

She looks glowing without any make up cakes on her face. So innocent. So pure!

I walked around just to spend my free time enjoying the laughter filled surrounding. Too much silence in my places and I can't stay a minute there so here I am. But then, I saw her...again!

What the f***!

Why I can't take my eyes away from her?

She still glued on the kids playing a see saw, looking at them with pure adoration. So focused without realising the surrounding.

The sudden commotion causing everybody running around in every direction. Chaos with screaming, yelling, crying. I didn't see her at all. What happened?

Then, there she was standing straight looking at a few masks guys running with kids on their embraces!


"Aidan! Aidan!"

I heard she called someone loudly. She was looking around frantically but stop suddenly when her eyes caught on something.

She take out her phone and call somebody before running to her car. I did followed her in my own car that parked in a same row as her.

Well, we chasing the white van that occupied with the kids that being kidnapped earlier.

Almost an hour, we arrived at the isolated area. Covered with abandoned building and wild bushes as well as huge tree all around. I followed her in safe distance and park away from her before I walked nearing her.

Not long ago...a few cars approaching her distant. They were a few bulky guys and a late 40s man nearing then throwing her a bag.

I just silently hiding behind large tree to see what is going on.

Wow, she changed into another attire, skinny tight jeans with leather jacket and a pair of boots. Her messy bun turned to neatly one. So dangerous yet cabalistic.

Wow...I could see her in three different attires as well as different attitudes. Lucky me!

They were planning the strategies and after a few moments everybody knows what to do. Then, I realised she has disappeared.

It's getting dark here compared to the other side because of the covered surrounding and I started to stroll in just to find out, not to put some action. If needed I would personally end of them for her.

The buzz keep on vibrated in my pocket.


"What?" I whisper yelled to the other line without looking at the screen at all.


I stay away from the phone after hearing the loud shrieking came from the other side.

Oh shit!

"Yes, mommy... what can I help you?"

Why mommy? Why did you choose this time to call me? For such a long day why now do you have to disturb my time? Why??

I sighed slowly not to let my mom finding out my sullenly mood because of her call.

"You will be home tonight?"

Just to ask that?

"No! I'm staying at my place tonight..." I replied rubbing my forehead while I leaned my back to the trunk.

"Come home. I cooked something special to your likes."

I could senses her grinning through the phone, her beamed self looking forward to have me at home.

I'm dead! I'm dead man!

Special for her means she invited her long list friends along with their daughter to be my future wife. Why she had to do that? For being a matchmaker to her only son?

Why my mom not like anyone else mom? You can do whatever you want to do. But, my mom...she had held me like hostages until I finished my higher education not letting me have my own life!!


"I'm not sure mommy. I'm now at outskirt area for some business." thinking for some excuse.

"What business?" she's curious.

"Just some business. I got to go...If I'm early I'll be home but don't expect me be there on the time..."

Or not at all...

"Okay-okay...I got it. Take good care of yourself and don't forget to call me when you already in the city!" her always stern words.

Mom...I am a capable man and I am also the most dangerous person here so...should... nevermind!

"Love you honey..." with a kiss.

"Love you too mommy..."

I gave her a kiss like always whenever she called me, whatever am I doing and whoever I was with.

She doesn't care and demands for more kisses.


Finally...for the severe 15 minutes talking to my mom, the unpleasant surrounding turned to be okay back and of course I loose everything.

I don't know what exactly happened there.

Wait a minutes!

There were fire everywhere on that abandoned warehouse. What happened?

I stopped running to realised that her car and the others were gone!

In just 15 minutes while I was taking with my mommy, they just finished the job?

Who the hell are this people? I have should find it out and have some connections with them.

Thus, should I started it with her first?

But I just rejected her this morning!

'See I told you to have a consideration first and now you regrets towards it.'

'You have to make a new appointment with her and hire her instantly if you wants her...I mean to have a connection with them.'

Heavily sighing, I walked away from the scenes to my hidden car, parked behind the wild bushes.

I don't know for sure how to decide.

Should I asked mommy about it?

She might laughed at me on how stupid I'm making a decision.


Everyone ran away in every direction after hearing the sound of the gunfire. Frantically, I looked for Aidan. Where is he now? I saw a few kids being carried away by masks man into the white van.

"Aidan! Aidan!" I was yelling his name.

I keep on searching for Aidan and finally, during the chaos I could see himself being trapped and soon getting catch by the thug.

Not only himself but also a few other kids being dragged away. I couldn't stay away like this and needs to do something.

Think Sammy! Think!


Quickly I called papa and gave him the current situation.

"Aidan has been kidnapped. They are around bunch of kids also like Aidan. I have to put some action and please papa, bring my bag."

"Where are you now?" He asked but in a calm tone of voices.

"The second neighborhood playground. I'll call you later as soon as I catch with them. Bye!"

I didn't realised that I have already at my car and I just turned the ignition to follow the vehicle.

About almost an hour with my steady speed shown on my speedometer, I finally arrived at the abandoned facilities, a warehouse. To looked more carefully, this place was some kind of abandoned factory due to the damages condition accompany with smell of rustic iron and the old burned surrounding vehicle and etc.

The temperature also getting chilly and slowly turned to dark. I am stilled waiting here. I did bring my weapons hidden on my secret compartment in the car but I need my proper attire in order to finish off some business.

I send a short message that I promised before. Not too long, papa and his man arrived. He throws me the bag. Yeah, for desperate measure I have already prepared my gear if needed and today the lucky day I could ware those 'business' attire.

Running quickly into my car, I changed as fast as I could took off my pants and slipped onto my skinny tight jeans and ware my signature leather jacket. Put on my socks I slipped on my combat boots. Then, I tied up my hair into neatly bun due to my thick and long hair, quite interrupted me if I don't properly tied them up.

The masks with the picture of vampire teeth already on my grasps as a disguise. Leaving behind the pack I put on my most precious items into my hidden spaces all over my body.

I approached them and papa let out his plan after one of his guys, Damien, to do some check up on the building. He was the most capable person to do undercover task so smooth and easily.

After that, I disappeared into the slowly darkness nearing the building where the thug held all the children.

Papa did know what my capable of at doing this job and easily let me go do the things while he went for his own part.

Slowly, I walked nearing the slightly ajar door and push it open as silent as I could and I'm in.

With keen eyesight, I examined the area first while take off the gun and put on the silencer, quickly. We don't want people to hear any commotion because papa wants us to do the job as quiet as possible.

Our group known as a silent killer. Not too many managed to have us on their side because they not knowing who we were. This secret organisation lead by my papa and mama and the rest of their man really capable and talented in so much field of crimes.

We even being collaborated with the certain private individual or organisation who needs our services. Amongst them, only I can overly expert in any weaponry.

Well, the rest of them have their own capabilities like Damien, tracking down the enemies. Adam specialised at chemicals weaponry while Asher in mix between them.

Both my parents were good at everything including speed and strength like body combats: martial arts but papa very good at mix martial arts and he loves guns more than anything. Mama...too much on her automatic bow and arrow and flying daggers.

What a crazy family, huh?

Not to mentioned about my huge and entire family. Fuh! need me more than a day to describe them one by one time, okay?

I had never mentioned about my life achievement in my resume because its to dangerous to exposed my real self to me.

"Lay low of yourself. Not putting a trust to any one because they will betrayed you. Always cautious with the surrounding." That's what papa always said to remind ourselves.

I fix the mask on my face again and slowly step closer to their hiding places. I quickly could identified the thug and swiftly shot them in the head. Done with the first task.

I know the rest of them trying to rescue the kids but didn't heard any commotion from nearest room.

I walked slow cautiously with my surrounding when I see a few more thug having a conversation among them and with that I finished them of instantly. Done it again.

Two points for me!

Clearly, I heard the crying, whining voices behind the closed door at the end of the hall way. Looking around to check on any movement.

What should I do?

I left to find the remaining alive thug to be the decoy and happily find someone.

A girl? Did she the one who instructed her minions to do the job? Hmm... such a spoiler!

I approached her quietly and saw her with masker on her face? Really? At this moment?

"Don't you dare to make a move girl."

i whisper on her ear.

She seems shocked but remain calms. I know she was ready to strike me and then she did that by using the hidden knife under the bedding.

I smirked at her and caught her hand and twisted it until she dropped the knife before I secretly broke her arm.

"Arghh..." She cried out the painful yell due to her broken arms. I held on her tightly don't give a damn about her current state.

What a waste!