Forgive and forget!

It's been a week.

Aidan didn't got out from his room since that day. It's his first time accounted with this kidnapping event. He never being abducted or anything and it just occurred with extra ordinary circumstances during his first timer.

I believed that the rest of the children be having the same trauma like Aidan especially that little girl. Being twice at almost to be a shooting victim, she received the worse compared to the others.

Damien did mentioned about them but I put my focus only to my baby brother and that little girl.

I wondered how she's gonna cope with that and I really hope she will be good soon. I have should checked on her as possible soon.

Back to Aidan...

He can't even sleep at night. He was having a nightmares every single night: screaming, crying in his sleep. He can't eat properly because he will puke them back so mama just cooked him a porridge with different flavour everyday.

She would accompany Aidan in his room until he fully asleep but coming back as soon heard his screaming and messed up on his bed.

Poor my baby brother.

I did try to approach him but whenever he sees me he would bawling out his eyes didn't want me near him at all!

Today, I want to try again.

I bought him his most favourite ice cream, rainbow with a lot of cookies crumbs. He loves to eat them while watching his cartoons until the desert gone by himself.

Adam did tell me that he looks cool down a bit recently. Yeah...looks cool down not may I said it but still need to try it out. If it can float, it will be my lucky day! If not, lets just's a bad timing...

Now here I am...trying to test the hypothesis whether his: okay?


not okay?

I let out a big breathe and knocking on his door. It's been 20 minutes I am standing here, working on best words to be put together before decided to face it now. It's now or never!

No sound of any movement when I placed my ear on the door. So quiet? Is he sleeping?


Finally, I opened the door and welcome myself in. He was not even on the bed. In the loo maybe...

Still holding the ice cream tub with extra spoons, I sit on his Batman bedding sheet and waiting for him. When I asked mama his whereabouts, she just said that he was never out from the room like almost a week ago.

But then, I slightly feel there were something not right. Deep within me believed that he was not here.

Impatiently I quickly nearing his loo and opened the door with my free hand.

He was not even here. Everything in neatly manners. I ran out from his room with the ice cream on my hand, descending the stairs.

Putting the tub into the freezer I did ran around looking for him everywhere.

"Where's Aidan?" I asked mama when I bumped to her.

"What do you mean?" mama asked back.

"He's not in his room..."

"Did you check under the bed? Loo? Closet?" she asked again.


With that I ran back to his room and swiftly check his presence in his room.

Under the bed ✓

In the closet ✓


I was looking for him frantically but to no avail. Suddenly my eyes caught the opened window due to the thin curtains sway by the breeze.

I knew he loves to be a monkey, climb from branches to others and giggling when I chased him in the similar way but didn't expect him to using the window at tree to running away in his age!

Seriously, this little man!

Then again, I ran out and ahead to his favourite tree. Tilted my head, covering my eyesight...I couldn't see him if he got caught up in between the branches.

"Did you find him, Sammy?" mama asked with worried on her face when I entered the living room.

"No! I search him around the house but I can't find him." I say furrowing my eyebrows put on some squeeze on my both side of waist.

"I did too...I called your papa and the boys...they will be home any minute now."

I nodded towards what she said still holding the phone tightly.

"You wait here ma. I'll look for him...around here." I was making hand gesture to represent my searching area couldn't wait for the boys to return.

" careful..."

Once again I ran into my room change into proper attire with a sneakers. I did hid my weapons carefully on my secret compartment including in my bra's hidden pocket. Grabbing phone, purse and bike keys, I walked quickly to the downstairs.

"Call me as soon as you did find him.'

"Alright, mama..."I rubbed her hand to smoother her mood before I nearing the compartment.

Snatched the helmet from the compartment and ware it while I was walking to the garage and let out my 'rest' bike from his cover. That black Ducati really gonna have his moment with me any minute now.

"Hey, baby... let's find our baby brother..."

Put on the ignition, I rev up the throttle and dash off from the garage. I drove it slowly and scan the area at the same time.

First place I went was the renovation playground, our neighborhood playground.

He's not here.

Where did he go? Walking at this distance with his tiny feet quite impossible. He might end up tired or crying for help. I know too well of his antics but now I am not sure anymore.

Please God...please protect my baby brother...

I drove again to the nearest building. Seriously, I don't know anywhere he would go alone because he always with us never alone...

I almost cry worried of his safety. Simply don't want the history repeats itself twice. He was so young and incapable to do anything on his own except crying and put his best acting to gain some attention from people.

I park the bike near the entrance of hypermarket that I used to bring him here to buy what he desired to have.

Just looking around before elbowing the helmet, I took off the keys and strode towards the entrance. How nervous I felt right now. Didn't even care of the staring from others.

Yeah, they might thought I was some sort of a gangster's women but...

You can think whatever you want to think about. Your eyes, your judgement!

Searching from one aisles to others, every open area with so many people shopping around then my eyes caught on the familiar figure and attire far from where I standing.

The Batman long sleeve t-shirt with pale blue colour jeans, the baseball cap and a slipper standing facing the huge action figure in front of him.

Why slipper baby? Are you in a hurry to be here?

The way he looked at that thing mirrors the action made me smile widely and I released the relief breathe. I really wanted to cry for everything for every fiber of my screaming body.

I shook my head laughing like a mad man and just that I did cry from my mix and swirl emotion. Whoever the witness did see my strange behaviour.

From walking slowly I started to run and finally I swooped that tiny body into my embrace crying into his shoulder. Tightly enough I did hug him.

"My baby..." I said it into his ear.




All in one.

I spun him around with my teary faces and I know he didn't protest at all like a week ago. He seems relax and reciprocate with my actions.

"My girl..." he said slowly and I begin sobbing drenched in my broken water dam on my blotchy- flush face.

One hand I hold him and the other one I rubbed his damp cheek. I looked at him with unmentionables feeling but he cried too. He did cry!

"You made me worried my baby... why you didn't tell me if you wanted to be here, baby?" I asked him softly checking himself for any harm done on his body. Nothing...

He had lowered his gaze afraid maybe, to answer it.

"I'm not gonna hit you baby. Your my precious...not even in a million years I would lay a finger on your body, baby..." I said it to assures him about my well being.

"I don't know— I don't know how to say it to you. You didn't came to see me after that night. You don't— you don't even stay with me in my room when I need you..." his tears rolling down his cheek and he sniffed still didn't look up.

I cried along with him and I swept away his tears cleaned but it kept coming from his eyes. How much he endured it to let it go.

"I'm sorry baby...I didn't mean to let you know who I was when you were so much young. I'm sorry because I had betrayed you. I'm sorry for injured your trust for me...I'm sorry for'm sorry!"

I remove my hand on his cheek down to his chest, where his heart rest.

He looked me in the eyes with trembling puckered lip. Then he gave me his precious gifts: smile, kiss and hug. His little arms engulfed my exposed neck and he hid his face into my neck. Crying again to tell me how his feeling.

I hugged him back and patted his back slowly consoling him like always.

"I missed you, Sammy...very much. I feel like you're not gonna love me anymore..." he said it slow as for me to know it.

"I really-really-deeply-crazily missed you baby...and I loved you so very-crazily-insanely much! Kept and locked it into you mind your heart baby brother... remember that..." I said it full of my heart rubbed his chest once again.

He nodded and I kissed his head repeatedly.

Turned around, I see everybody on their phone recording our reunion cum forgive and forget cum drama and whatever you name it at this very moment.

I could see some of them did cried, some of them smiled genuinely, some of them proud for us.

"Look! Everyone look at us, baby..." I whisper on his ear.

He slowly release my neck and glancing at them for awhile and hid his face into my crooked neck back quickly then hugging me like a koala bear didn't bother with the surrounding.

Aidan became to shy suddenly to faces everyone now because he doesn't like to cry in open spaces and always hid wherever in his room to avoid to cry in front of us except from me.

Because we were so damn close! Yes, I took care of him since the day he was born, when mama having some complications. So I dependable to raise him until he could gave me his first walked. What a beautiful memories amongst the others.

"I'm sorry everyone...I'm mean...we're sorry..." I put some small smile and bent my body forward to show how sorry we were while I hold Aidan body securely.

Slowly, the 'celebrity attention' dispersed away from us.

"Please continue, resume with your shopping... Sorry and thank you..."

I don't know for what I said thank you to them. Haha...

There were a few waved at us and smile before get back to their business. I replied it with similar manners.

"They were all gone..." I whisper again.

He sees me in the eyes...

"I forgive you, my girl..." he said it sincerely putting his small palms on my faces, swept away the tears traces and I did the same to him.