His flirting like a gentlemen...

"Thank you my baby brother..." I kissed him on both his cheek after I uttered the thank you for his kindness.

"You like that thing, Aidan?" I pointed my finger to the specific area.

He looked at the action figure, the thing that I mentioned about and he nods frantically towards it.

"Then go grab it because I will pay it for you and it's a gift for your kindness and gentle heart..."

I patted his head and placed him down.

He ran towards that stack and take one of the box and hug it tightly.

"Thank you for your generosity, Sammy!"

He jumped happily hugging the box. Well, it will be his most treasurer item and trust me...he will name it after the name who the person bought or gave it to him.

"I named it Sam because he's a boy..."

I chuckled at his answer. See, what did I tell you?

"Okay... let's pay Sam first...then we can walking around here to find anything you want... alright?"

"Yeay!" he beamed excitedly, jumped around hugging the box tightly to his chest.

Eagerly to that, he ran to the cash register and place the box on the automatic conveyer bench and smile widely to the cashier.

"Hello cutie..." greets the cashier showing off her braces.

"Hello pretty teeth!" he replied it and the cashier name, Sofia, laughed harder upon listening to the words he preferred for her.

"Wow..." she can't say anymore—so much speechless!

I gave Aidan some cash and gestured him to pay it himself.

"Will you scan it and stick it with your tape, please? I would like to hold Sam with me..." he eyed Sofia with puppy dog eyes and pointed his tiny finger to the tape dispenser.

Seeing how happy he instructed the cashier, Sofia just nodded and did what he asked for with non stop smiled plastered on her face.

"Thank you—"

"Sofia..." the cashier cut him off while pointing out her name tag to show it at him.

"I know...but I like your teeth..."

I chuckled on his 'gentlemen' way. Just knowing enough that he learned it from both Adam and Asher while flirting with girls through the phone.

Sofia looked at me disbelief.

"How old are you—"

"I'm Aidan and soon to be four. She's my girlfriend!"

He answered her quickly by putting his four fingers forward and suddenly pointed me as his last statement. I laughed at Sofia silently blinked.

"He's just teasing you, Miss Sofia. Anyway...his my baby brother."

I placed my hand forward and she gladly grab it and we shake hand together. Due to our greetings, Aidan would like to do it with her too and she let out her hand bending towards him.

We both shocked when he kiss the back of Sofia hand like a true gentlemen.

Oh my! Did my baby brother flirting with a girl that so much older than himself?

I could see how red Sofia's cheeks after Aidan let go of her hand.

Second wave shocked when he winked at the girl.

I couldn't help but let out the heartwarming laughter by Aidan gentlemen gestures.

How he changed so much!

"See you again, Aidan..." Sofia waved her hand to Aidan and once again he gave her flying kiss. To looks more dramatic, Sofia, catched the kiss and place her fist on her chest with lovely braces smile.

I shook my head with unstoppable laughter towards them both. Aidan, happily returned the gesture when Sofia flying her sweet kiss to him back.

Oh my...my heart fluttering towards their actions. Couldn't imagine if Aidan turn to young man using his flirting technique to other ladies out there. I am very sure he will be besieged by them all the time.

That's dangerous baby!

"Are you jealous Sammy?"

I standing dumbfounded after he let out his unexpected question to me. How to say it? I blinked at him gapping like a fish, losing the oxygen slowly...

"What if I say I did jealous? What are you going to do about it?" just checking his surprised answer.

"Well, I will flirting with you then..." he answered with wide grinning flashes on his innocent faces.

Oh wow...I don't know how to react either to cry or to laugh. Baby brother, I am your damn sister not to be your lover...I face palm inwards.

I should scolded both the boys because teaching our baby brother without their acknowledgement. I don't care!

We continued walking and soon arrived at indoor playground.

"You wanna stay here or to walk around, Aidan?" I looked at him. Wow, he did do the thinking by putting his thumb and pointed finger on his chin and rubbed it slowly, making a hard face.

Welp! He acting like a big boy now. My eyes glued on him, just...thinking hard about how am I going to do with him? Charming yet little over reacting to let people know I'm a big enough to make a decision.

"I wanna stay here... playing with them!"

He straighten his right hand exactly pointing at the kids playing with all there: tubes, animal spring riders, playground climbers, merry-go-rounds, slides, see-saws as well as swings.

"Okay...have fun!" I gave him a permission.

"Can you hold on Sam for me?" he walked approaching me and holding out higher the box to me.

"Sure...go have fun!"

Grabbing the box, I just focus on his figure nearing the playground to join with the other kids. I sat down at the nearest bench at the indoor playground for watching over him, duty.

The conclusion that I could give you guys is whatever happened, playground was a perfect place to have fun and due to previous events Aidan still wants to having and enjoy himself in his own happy bubbles.

Congratulations, baby brother!

I knew you were a strong kid and I believe you will be the greatest destroyer in the future much better than us but this time do please enjoy your childhood life and cherish it while you can.

Aidan Mikael was a big brother for his late twin sister, Aida Mikaela. My precious little sister but she came just to visit us for half an hour. She passed away then because of her complications in mama's embrace with everyone around.

The sorrowful day for all of us. I know how was mama feeling towards all these because she was already being experienced the losing for several time, to be exactly about 4th time including our last sibling.

Just a little history about our families:

1- Adam Smith (27)

2- Sameera Adeena Aufa (24) ME! 😁😁

3- Asher Ryder (20)

4- Expected baby boy (3 months)- miscarriage.

5- Expected baby boy (a month)- miscarriage.

6- Expected baby boy (8 months)- miscarriage due to car accident, during that time I was 18 and severely injured and coma until I turned 19 about to be 20.

7- Aidan Mikael (4)

8- Aida Mikaela Aufa (born with complications and only stayed half an hour before passed away)

The twin, our last sibling were born after I was awake a week before my birthday and a month during I was be having a physiotherapy due to my too long sleep. My muscles also being slept and needed to push back to move like usual.

Yeah, that was a terrible accident that caused my life in 50-50 chances to either alive or not. That was what mama told me before.

My left leg had a broken thigh bone that causing me to have permanent scar in three different positions while my right leg had both fractured tibia and fibula. It causing the metal rod stay forever in my bones.

That was a sad story of my life and my families life. Both my papa and mama families gave their supports to my parents.

Once again I saw that little man, flirting with a girl about his age or a year older than him. The girl that higher than him have bashful red cheeks and acting shy towards Aidan that standing gentlemanly talking to her. I could guess he praised the girl in his own way and words.

What a shameless little man!

I chuckled from afar and didn't know what should I do with this boy.

Since when did he changed so dramatically?


What was he been doing in his room away from everyone, everything and world? Wasn't he abused papa's WiFi again? Or finishing mama's internet quota for a month into a week usage?

That's what happened if you let that little genius a permission to have his own electronic devices.

Mama: "It's okay...he can handle it."

Papa: "Big enough!"

Me: "Get ready to have a broke wallet and purse in the future! Good luck!"

I smirked evilly whenever they both complaining about what I had told them before.