Suitable what, exactly?

Ughhh...not again!

She changed her strategy. Again!

She knew I'm not gonna be home at night, she brought them to the lunch. Mommy! Why?

I feel like wanted to hide in the cave and be the caveman forever not getting myself being married with one of her long list friend's daughter and starting the family with her. No!!

I knew it! That is why she'd been asking me to do the groceries shopping yesterday. For so many servant that she had, she chose me to do the chores? Am I her maid of honour to do the job?

Yeah, right!

Because she knows how capable I am on that housewife dutying being held. I'm damn so good!

Just so you know, I'm a very hardworking guy compared to my 10 sisters that I have!

I'm a big brother but got easily being bullied by my sisters!

How dare they ignored me to do the chores alone!

"Hah, serves you right because you! You stay away from us and once a while you had to do the chores we did everyday! Or else mommy will force you to have a wife soon! How's that sound? Happy?" says my second sister.

See, you see how they were so talented, working together behind my back just to let me endured it alone! ALONE!

Anyway, here the list names of my siblings:

Don't judge it first but read to finding it out!

1- Me of course! The big brother. 😼😼

2- Sayonara Evanora, Nara @ Eva

3- Farvel Milly, Avel @ Milly

4- Adiaū Esmeralda, Eddy @ Esme

5- Hyvästi Nolan, Asty @ Ola

6- Bless Young, Bless

7- Ardievas Foxy, V

8- Veloma Ester, Ema @ Ester

9- Addi Michelle, E @ Elle

10- Sara Mushe, Sara

11- Xayr Izabelle, Abel

Don't get me wrong but this all the truth. My mommy got so much excited by naming all her girls based on the translation of 'goodbye' in every languages that sounds pretty and beautiful for her.

Each one of them has been named by her when she found out the gender and opened online dictionary for all languages and started the search and finally... that's all above mentioned.

And until today, I don't understand why mommy so excited to be naming the girl with goodbye meaning translation. Why not other translation like love or missing you. That would be nice, right.

But then think again it's all up to her to put anything because she's the one who gave birth to them all includes me's her right! She deserved to put whatever she chose...even you disagree with her...

My dad only gave them the middle name except for Sara as per promised because he answered always sounds like this:

"It's my kids too. To have them we made them until we success planted the seeds into your womb, woman! You got the first and I'm deserved the second name!"

I remembered them exactly the same meaning but with different colourful words came from Dad's mouth. I can only shook my head try not to digest the ideas into my mind and produced the images when I was young and enough knowledge to understand the meaning of behind his words.

Gosh, dad!

Well, back to the name... I bet you guys might wondering what's my name, right? be honest my name not based from 'goodbye' meaning but because of my grandparents did gave the name for me also as per promised whenever my parents had a baby boy as a first born.

So here we are;

Sameer Keith Austin Kingsman

That's the name gave by my granddad and grandma, respectively.

By the way, Kingsman is my dad's name and he was the one who gave me Austin as my special name.

Dad: Raaul Kingsman.

Mommy: Norma Kimberly.

Back to the lunch gathering...

So many dishes displayed on the table and did make me drooling to the deliciousness but!

It all becomes dull due to the guests here. Instantly, I've changed into my usual self.





But my 'prefer' characteristics are including;

Demolished soul!





And many more... that's what people around called me. Really?

They don't know the real me. How fragile I am when mommy's around and when dad's not around.


All of my sisters called me— mommy's boy!

Hello! I'm a dad's boy, okay?


I think I am but to think again I'm no longer a mommy's boy because I was now a capable young businessman who took over most of the businesses all around the world.

B-but...did I dad's boy?

"Sam? What are you dreaming about, honey? Alexi been talking to you since the beginning...did you listened to her?" mommy reprimanded me in front of them.


Bulls**t! You don't even know since when she was here talking to you non stop.

"So, do you agree?" asked mommy brilliantly made me confused.

About what?

"You did promised to help her in the future so I bet this is the right time and moment."


She's explained it upon seeing my confused state to me back to clear the uncleared!


I didn't registered mommy's words at all because I don't understand what have they been talking about at all!

Help on what?

Clueless didn't get the memo correctly, I bit both my lips looked away pinching my nose.


"I believed that position still empty right, Sam?"

"What?" I really clueless.

"The vacancy, my dear... I thought you understand on what is going on, Sam." says mommy again.

Alexi or Julia stifled the soft giggling while shyly covering her mouth pretending to look polite in front of both our moms.

Really, Julia? 360° self changed!

"About that... I've already found the suitable candidate to held that position apologies to you all about the vacancy." without a smile I just answered it full confidence.

"Really? Who?" mommy looks interested.

"Someone but that person need a time to settle on the family matters, first. When ready, anytime that person will be there and you all can meet with that anonymous. That would be all. Excuse me."

I stand out after finishing my meals to leave the table as faster as possible. I can't even concentrate on my mission at all, past these days.

No! actually I'm being avoiding to answer mommy's questions about that person. And to be honest I just want to run away... and never out from my own house anymore!

If I can...hmm...drama boy!

"Sam? Sam! Where are you going?" mommy yelling-calling me back when I walked away from there straight to the front door.

"Home!" I yelled answering her. Didn't even care about the guests at all.

Suddenly, someone tugging my elbow and I stopped abruptly. I looked at that person with disdains aura. I hate when someone do that's to me.

"Sam...wait up..." Julia @ Alexi.

Or...Julia Alexi Carmen. Daughter of Audry Carmen. Her mother was one of the most influential fashion designer known as the most fierce lady boss towards her workers. While her daughter, Julia, was the female human species that rotting the earth with her unintelligent self.

She claimed that she was the best student amongst them in Harvard but based my own opinion, she's dumb! And I don't believed every single about her acknowledgement. No!

Trying harder to possesse me to be one of her own toy, she didn't managed that. Sorry Julia... you're too far to be in my reached.

"What do you want?"

I stand straight, put on both my hand in the pockets pretending to be lazy to have a chat chat, according to her statement.

Hah! She didn't realised that I knew so much about her and absolutely rejecting her if mommy trying to tie us together.

Not in a million years, mommy!

I rather be having a relationship with Sameera.

What the heck!

"I just... can we hang out this weekend? I mean... have a drink like an old buddy."

She uttered the suggestion with easy. Looks so contemplated.

"On what purpose?" I raised an eyebrow. She looks away shyness.

I laughed inwards.

Trying to be innocence to me but I don't buy it. It's fake but if you truly even a shy woman still...I'm not interested!

"Just having some fun..."

"Fun? According to you...the fun term would be end up as a sex. Am I right, Julia?"

Seems like I could read her mind, her eyes bulged open looks disbelief in my words.

"No! I mean—"

I stopped her by putting up my hand and slowly I approached her and arced to her ear level.

"I don't do sex with someone that fake. You want me, come straight at me and say it open. I love to have sex with you, to know what's your limit of imaginations. Hmm...I'm a sex God when the womans I slept begging me for more..."

I breathe the last sentence into her ears. Smirking, I know she's pleased with that. I could see from her body language and her cleared desire. Just like that I could make her turned on.

Gosh, so easy and I hate easiness. If you try harder I will be harder enough for you, woman!

She's gapping like a fish with bashfulness.

"That's what I thought! See you again...Julia and I look forward to our special session because if you tight enough I will make you screamed my name until you forgetting about everything else..."

Turned around I walked stifling my laughter so hard! I knew her face already in deep red and I know it's because too angry or carve my body pressed harder on her, maybe.

What a shameless woman, think sex could provide anything she wants.