History, invitation and acceptance...hmph

After Aidan being scolded by both my parents on his action with their very own methods, Aidan just be like his usual self, again.

A happy go lucky boy with teasing manners, loves to trick so much and so on...

I'm happy... totally happy. Honestly, my baby brother finally understanding of how was our huge family businesses all about.

"Did our family the first founder of the gold mine before, Sammy?" Aidan asking me while eating his favourite ice cream. I don't know why he suddenly became interested with this history of our family.

"Yeah and we are the descendents...you and me like...the 5th generation of that matters on continuing the history but more to gold crafter compared to the mining." I nodded at him.

"Meaning?" he gave me 'i-dont-understand' look at me.

"Well, our generation now making a profits through jeweleries. For example I make a gold ring. We designed the ring according to the customers requests. Back then, our great-great-great-great-grandparents just only harvest the gold by mining it. Which was you need to take them out from the earth soil underground. You know?...You got it?"

I eyed him.

"Ohh...like the bulldozer that I always play in the mud, right? I keep on digging the dirt to produce the mud pond...am I right, Sammy?"

Literally, that's the same concept and He understood it. Good!

"Yes. Like that but in our family history...we'd discovered the most precious and priceless item through their digging-"

He stopped me suddenly of what I'm trying to explain to him more.

"But...how did they found it, Sammy? Are they found it by accidentally? Or did they hunting it?" he tilted looking away with the spoonful of ice cream in the air.

"Hmm... according to grandpa, he told us the story about one of our very previously first generation uncle betrayed the family and sold out everything that belongs to our family. Then, they all didn't have a place to stay and everyone didn't even helped them at all. During that time, they were being isolated from the community and left alone to die..."

"Why?" Aidan looked at me with gleaming eyes. He's interested with our history life. I could traced the sad emotion swirling together in his words.

"Because the theft uncle told everybody that our family possessed with dark magic...erm..some sort of witchcraft. You know what witchcraft it is, baby?"

"I knew it...but please continue with the story...I believed it was just a rumours, am I right?" he scoop the ice cream into his mouth after swallowed down the previous ice cream in the air, enjoying the sweetness while I'm holding my spoon away concentrating with the story.

"Yeah...just the rumours but people back then really believed at those stuff and our banished family got out from that town and moved into the hidden because the ex-villages promised to kill each one of our family if the found us. Then, our very great grandpa decided to find some place hidden from that narrow-minded people and after a few days walking and slept around they did find a cave."

Aidan opened his mouth widely looks like he can figured that out what was happened back there but he didn't say anything. He wanted me to tell him and let he heard it without spoilt the surprises. What a sweet little man, here...

With sigh I continued...

"They just leave there like a primitive. Built everything with anything by themselves. That time, it was a hardest moment of their life to built the family honour back. With almost 20 family members to be feed they had to hunt and farming with what they have. Slowly, everything back to normal but it took times by expending the territory surrounding the cave without everybody knowing. Suddenly..."

I stopped to checking Aidan reaction. Wow, he looked impatiently and eager to know the whole story with excited smile.

"One of the youngest, happened to be our great-great-great-grandma, missing!"

"Haa..." Aidan let out his shocking state and widely opened his mouth not care to covering it. I understanding it.

"Yes, she was missing almost a day. So, all of them dicided to look into the cave after being heavily seach her everywhere outside the cave but didn't find her at all. Due to the unexpected weather, only a few members being picked from the volunteers to join the expedition further into the cave mouth.

They walked further into the cave and the temperature dropped slowly. They had to stopped for several time to decide to divided the team members into the smaller group. Why? Because, the cave got so many path and no one knows where they headed...so, after quite moments, the last small group leader by our very great grandpa found the missing girl, sleeping like a ball due to the coldness.

Not just finding the girl but the girl brought the unbelievable discovery with her. She found the large piece of gold attached to the solid soil to where she fell asleep. They recognised it instantly after look at the gleamed colour of gold."

"Wow...our great grandma really a lucky person!" he exclaimed his very great grandma admiring and imagining her self.

"Indeed Aidan. She was the one who found the treasure on her very owned hand in her young age and after that, they harvest the treasures and keep them into their storage without taking them out to the world.

They built the territory to the strongest safety before, the elderly went out searching for the capable people to join hand in hand into the gold business. That's the story about our family heritage. Well, from time to time it's not only the gold they were harvest but also other elements that we have today."

Aidan seems speechless. The ice cream already melted and he didn't realising it.

During the time I told him our family history, I couldn't stopped myself to imagine it on how their lives journey. From everything to nothing than back with eternity honour that have been stepped away by someone arrogant, greediness, selfishness and many more to snatched away the glory to himself. Not to say more, he was stilled our family member by the blood.

"Wait...how about that theft?" suddenly Aidan expressed the anger reaction including his body turned to rigid state.

I smiled before answering to him.

"He tried to get back into the family but no one pay any attention to him. So he dicided to do the dirty methods on them but to no avail. He died full of hatred and promised to let his family pay them back on his behalf." I shrugged didn't care at all.

"Really? Did they?...you knows the theft family, Sammy?"

"Dude...it's our business enemy out there, the powerful enemy there was the theft family. They trying to steal our business to be their sole business but not even one succeeded."

He placed away the tub and slowly getting out from the bed and approaching his PC table. Not sure what he wants to do.

"You don't want to finish the ice cream, Aidan?"

He shook his head denying it.


"I put them back into the freezer, okay?" I asked again and he nodded agreeing.


That was our last conversation last night and he just staying in his room doing only God knows about it. He didn't bother to join our morning take out breakfast and mama, the one who brought the breakfast to his room.

"Still sleeping like a baby. So adorable!" says mama after flopped down to her favourite chair.

I bet mama wants another baby but the doctor's suggestion to stop the pregnancy because it could harm both mama and the baby. So...she had to endured it.

I didn't say anything but my mind did a lot of work on her own. To many thoughts running wildly to think so much, think that I don't know what was that about.

I shook my head inwards.

"Ohh...I almost forgot!" mama suddenly standing and walked to the fridge. She took one of the paper being magnets to the fridge door.

She smile happily like a person win a lottery. Believe it or not, she skipping like a kid nearing us.

It's weekend today so everybody just lazying around don't wanna do anything and mama keep away her pot and rest her stove for a day.

Everything was ordered out from any places we wants to eat their foods, happily just broke our wallet, instead of cooking.

"Why you so happy, mama?" asked Asher while playing with his online video games. He did concentrate on the games but he knew what happened in his surrounding.

"Yeah...skipping happily..." Adam second that and I nodded agreeing with them both.

Papa just leaned on his chair read his newspaper but I know he listened to our talks.

"Well..." she sit and place the card, the maroon card on the coffee table in front of us.

"What's that?" I bowed my head to look the card asking the question like a stupid kid.

"A card silly!" says Adam snatching away the card quickly.

"Hey!" I yelled at him dissatisfied. I frowned and hugged myself looking at him. He just mocking me like always.

"I know it's a card, Ad-dot! but what kind of card? dinner invite, weds invite or perhaps birthday invites, stupidos!" I angrily reply his mocking by calling his hates nickname.

"Languy kids!" mama gave a warning tone. Adam stuck out his tounge to me, showed that he win.

Like I care!

Then he read it out loud.

"Ladies and gentlemen, save the date for us! We're getting married on August 19th, Saturday at 9.30 pm at Grand Ballroom of Golden X Hall at this very year. Both our parents honour to request the pleasure your company to celebrate it together with us. Surprise will be coming after the ceremonials and please do join us in Bollywood themes!"

Adam pronounced it with a burning spirit and from the invitation wording I know how he tried it so hard to sound like an excited person. Lucky enough it's almost there...

Owh...wedding invitation! Bollywood!

"Who's the bride and groom's name, Ad?" Asher paused the games.

"Erm... Ollie Nelly and Izzy Rafael." Adam say it out loud after turning the card to read the clear names printed on the paper.

Asher stunned and dropped the phone, shocked, instantly.

We eyed him including papa.

"What's wrong, Ash?" mama saw him with worried eyes.


But he picked up the phone and walked out from the house. Soon we heard the bike rev up away from home.

"Ad... wasn't Ollie, Ash girlfriend?" I tried not to look so pathetic but deep inside me did told me that Ollie girl can't be trusted. And now...it's true.


He flipped again the card and read the whole content on the display. I couldn't read his facial because...he placed the card on the table quickly and walked out like Asher. Immediately, I know what he's trying to do.

"Erm..." mama didn't know what to say and papa continue his reading after paused for a moment.


'You have been accepted into the company. Please report yourself at front desk this week at 9 in the Monday morning. Please wear the suitable attire as an consultant. Thank you.'
