Walking around?

I run to the bathroom, cleaned myself up and changed into my new attire quickly and grabbing those jacket before I'm running down the stairs...

Shit! My phone!

Quickly I ran up back getting my phone, some cash and dust off the room.

"You know the rules young lady! No running around. It could kill you!" mama bellowed from her kitchen.

"Sorry! I had to run. Got some emergency!"

"What emergency?" mama walked out from her kitchen while rubbing her hands on the napkin.

So much thing to grab, I did drop some money to the floor...the phone as well. Too much chaotic everything seems not right. My dishevelled clothes, unkempt hair made the mother worried.

"Calm down, Sammy! What's going on?"

The mother looked at her daughter getting back what's scattered on the floor didn't care about her appearances. Snatch the helmet but put it back into the compartment and looking for the car keys on the holder.

What's did terribly her until she looks like this?


"I have to go mama. I love you and be back soon!"

Found what she'd looking for, the daughter out from the house after kissed the cheek of the mother.

What happened? The mother worried for her daughter behaviour. Strange!

I don't care about anything...I just wants to find out about my dreams either it's real or just a dream.

According of what I had, the servant was being thrown away a couple of hours ago...she might be dead by now!


With trembling hand she drive out the garage into the road before stopped immediately.

Urmm...which way?

The phone! The phone!

Frantically, I took out the phone but hold for a minute.

What cliff?

She's raking her memories back trying to remember the cliff scenery. Her eyes running a wild just to put the pieces together. Fidgeting, she closed her eyes and the memories flooding and gave what she wants.

Quickly describe the situation, she's found out where the cliff at. The exact cliff she went for a walk in her previous dreams.

It's exist?

I thought it's just some fragment that my brain putting together!

No...we need to save her.

Just like that, I drove following the directions shown on the screen with the navigator instructions.

The uneasiness getting me too cautious. I don't know...I don't know...it's kind of scared thought to lose someone just based on the dreams. It's first time it happened like this.

What is going on?

It took me an hour and quarter to be there. Not so many people around and I need to find her as soon as possible. But where?

The cliff itself so large and it took a long walk just to enjoy the beauty scenery. *snort* Not for me!

I running my hand wild on the hair, frustrated with everything.

Chill Sam! Take a deep breath and relax.

How am I supposed to relax? It's scorching out here even in a cold breeze right now. The sun displayed the rays happily and let out the heat dancing didn't care the people like it or not.

I took off the jacket and throw it into the car and I walk before locked the car.

Walked...and walked while looking frantically towards the cliff corners. It's so good to have the steel divider and I could hold on to it just to look further down to check any trace of human body all the way to the top of the cliff.

10 minutes passed already...

That's crazy enough I walked without any umbrella or some sort of heat protection gear on my body because I'm not a heat lover person neither too cold person.

Just wearing a thin white short sleeves plain shirt on the body accompanied with gray tight khaki long pants and a pair of sneakers. Forgotten to comb the hair and tied it properly.

The phone keep on buzzing and vibrating into my pocket. I can't risk anything just now. Not until I prove something then I will relieve-ly tell the others about it.

There! I spot something on the steel divider about five foots ahead. The dent and a large scratch took the paint off of the steel. The black paint dented with greenish colour on it.

I don't see a car or any vehicle from my dreams just the body being thrown over the devider and slightly scenery. It's enough for me to gather everything and relate to this situation just now.

I swallowed the saliva hard. Nervously, I nearing the undisturbed scenery then stopped abruptly when my eyes caught on something. I closed my slightly opened mouth with my trembling hand.

My eyes...I couldn't identify weather what I saw is still alive or not.

Without I realised it, I just climbed those devider and unconsciously getting myself ready to get the body.

"Hey, Stop!"

I turned my head to look at the person yelling at me. He run towards me and immediately stopped glued his feets to the ground after diverted his gaze to the body.


I don't know what happened to my body because I couldn't control it.

I do realised everything but whenever I send a pulse to my brain to stop whatever the body doing, they don't obeyed it and keep on coming to get me ready out from the house during this time.

It's hot out there and I don't know why is hot today during the middle of humid seasonal now.

Damn it!

There...my body took me here. To the cliff that I almost died from falling of the railing.

Lucky enough I could save myself and promised not to be here again. But now...here I am standing in this very solid earth.

Not again! My leg won't stop whenever I refused to walk. Wide awake but I think my body numb to process the instructions properly!

There, there is some girl trying to do something!

Did she trying to kill herself? Here? In the middle of scorching sun? Is she crazy?

Oh no! no- no- no!

"Hey, stop!" I yelled putting my hands out trying to make her stop. And she did stopped but already on the other side of the railing. Shit!

I running towards her but suddenly stopped.

I saw it! I saw it?

The body!

"What is going on? What are you doing?" I asked her but didn't break the stares from the battered body covering in the blood.

If you looked careful enough, you can see the body but if you aimlessly walking didn't pay any attention, your eyes easily blind it you with scene of red sag people used to filled with onion or potatoes being thrown away and stuck on the hole of the cliff.

"I just found it while I'm... walking..." she said it.

I diverted my gaze and took a step back upon seeing her face.

Really? Walking here with this kind of self? Looks like someone just got up from long sleep with unkempt hair and bland faces.

Wait a minute!


She's just looked at me dumbfounded with no reaction.