Trying to explain...


I just say it in myself, composing myself not to look shock!

How on Earth he was doing here? Did he just walking around in this hot day? A very hot day?

I did confused but couldn't say anything back.

He just standing there looking at me after took a step back.


His eyes running around on my faces, my body? Why?

Ohh...the real me?

I turned immediately and focus on my eyes only for the girl.

"Wait! Don't!..." he said it and furrowed.

Don't he see what was in front of his gaze, now?

"I'm mean...let me go stay here. It's too dangerous."

I strayed my eyes and tilted my head. Not confusing but wonder if he trying to be the hero here but not to me. I'm used to this kind of action.

"No! I can't do it by myself. I just wanted to check on her..." I said it calmly.

"No! Let me..." he refused.

"Just let me check on her first and if she's alright, you can help me carry her across this...thing!" I firmly state it didn't care about his suggestion.

"It's the same thing I'm about to do. Why not saving our time by letting me go there. I will check her and then carry her here. If we follow your idea it took some time, Adeena.." he gave a stern looked.

He's right but I have to do that too.


I stepped back into the road easily.

He did do whatever he mentioned before but I could see his hesitation but nothing I could do about it because I couldn't carry the body by myself and still need some help.

So, I just stay waiting while tapping the steel anxiously, hug myself sway impatiently, bitting on my nails, or whatever just to stop the anxious.

After for about a few minutes and attempts to get the body off from the hole, Sam managed to get her up. Lucky enough her rattled, shredded maid clothes stuck on the sharp grasses stone and hold the body. Looks like God have His way to let us help the poor soul.


"She still breathing but so weak." he said it mentioned it to me.

"Then quickly grab her here. We need to help her."

Worried! Yes...I worried too much and kind of having stupid thought just to fly away with her to the hospital. That was faster!

He didn't wait any longer and carry the body bridal style and slowly approaching the fence, the railing and I helped him put some of my strength to the body just to let him easily across the fence without sacrifices both safety.

"To the hospital, then!"

"No!" I objected to the idea.

"What?" he gave me confused and shocked look.

"I'll explain to you later. Just don't to the hospital. My private place, please..."

I tried to convince him with my look and he nodded after a few moments. We walked together side by side quickly. So sorry cause to let his carry the body himself.

When the body securely in the back seat of my car, we drove off and as much I put the gas on, the hour and half drive turned to be a 45 minutes because I knew the way, already.

" me at the private residence now!"

Just that I hung up after mama picked the phone without waiting her questions.

Sam help me once again and carry the body into the main entrance. I waited at opened door to assist him.

"To the room!" I instructed him and walking calling the residence doctors.

"She's got a serious injuries and I want you to check her condition all over... do the scan everything and please check her baby, please..."

"Right away!" said the doctors and they walked to the emergency room to do the job.

Sam waiting outside with his bloody attire. His hands fully covered with fresh blood.

'Send the car to the cleaning. They know what to do.' I send the text to one of my friends, the one that I trusted.

'Where r u?'

'The residence.'


"What is going on?" he voice out his thoughts.

"Let's get you clean first! Follow me..."

I walked ahead to the other departments and hand his a new set of clothes for him.

"Change first to the loo, at the end of the corner and meet me back at ER."

I leave him to his business and sit down patiently on the waiting chair outside the ER.

Mama walking-running to me. She hugs me with her worried faces.

"Papa is outside and he will be joining us, soon."

"Where's Aidan?"

"With Ad and Ash. At home..."

I sighed in relief patting mama hands on my hand. Papa appeared and approaching us before engulfed us into his bear hug.

"Please young lady! Don't you ever do that again! You know how worried we were when mama told me of your state and how scared Aidan, crying to find you not at home when he woke up. Not to mention your brothers...calling for back up!"

He did scolded me but at the same time, he check on me if I got any injury or some sort of that.

"I'm okay's hard for me to tell you guys before. I need to confirm it first then I will tell you about it. But—"

My eyes catch the Sam approaching us here.

"But first let me introduce to my boss."

"Boss?" both my parents starled and look each other weird.

" my parents Jayden and Aufa Mason. Ma, pa meet my boss, Sam..." I did the introduction between them.

"I know you!" exclaimed papa.

"Your the Kingsman' I right?" papa let out his hand and Sam smiling grab those hand and shake it.

"So glad to finally meet with Raaul next legacy. How's your family?"

"Thanks , sir. They were all good. Norma still the queen. You can't beat her.." Sam chuckled mentioning his mother. Both my parents join him but not me.

Well, I didn't know anything about my boss. Don't ask me any questions about him. Zero. Nill. Nada.

"What is going on here and how~" papa running his hand wild in the air, indicates that he don't get anything.

Let's talk!

"Not here. Can we just go to your room, pa?" I suggest.

"Sure! Come on!"

We walked together. Mama and Papa in front a head of us meanwhile, we both following them. I know Sam keep on glancing at me. So many too ask perhaps.

Don't worry dude, you got them soon.

"Please have a seat..."

Papa gestured Sam to sit down and mama knows what to do.

Yeah... coffee maker it is!

Wait! I'm hungry!

"Pa...can we have the lunch first? you guys had lunch, already?"

I rubbed my belly trying to calm down the storm in my stomach while just remembered to asking them about lunch.

So damn hungry!

"Why you didn't say so? We could go to the canteen to eat first instead of here?" mama put both her hands on her waist.


"Relax ma...we can order it and having lunch here. Sam...please do join us!"

Papa displayed his generous smile to Sam while I curled my lips frown due to mild scolded I received from mama.

She hates when her children hungry and didn't eat properly.

Ma...just a mild hungry not like I'm gonna die if I skipped my lunch, always...

I looked at my mama, still in her scolding mode.

She gave me that look!

Make sure you eat properly after this young lady or else I'm might gonna force you down the foods into your system, look.

So scary!

I could feel the invisible arrows flying towards me that came from her gaze.

Papa reached to his phone on the table before speak to someone and mama back to her coffee machine to prepare some coffee for us.

Sam grinning at me.

He's grinning at me like a fool!

What the heck? He's happy looking at me being scolded before him?

I looked at him from corner of my eyes and look away immediately with scrutinized gaze and grumbling something I don't know with un-existed language!
