Chapter 2

Yianna glared at the haughty man that just continued to smirk at her in challenge. But then just like as if she was hit by a train, her brain just provided with a shocking thought. This man is familiar, very familiar. The intensity of the glare reduced and curiosity resurfaced. By now all of you could figure out, she switches emotions too easily.

Wait. OMG!!! Yianna just saw that face in one of her follower's tweets today who asked her to critique a famous celebrity's fashion choices. He is Lucas Star, the rich playboy extraordinaire, the top dog of Hollywood. How could a YouTube Vlogger like her not know when she sees that face in every single media spread.

Her jaw slacked off, her eyes rounded bog enough to safely stuff pool balls.  She easily looked like a person whose short fuse was blown to bits in her brain. The man chuckled again.

"You are quite a weirdo, you know? Seeing you in your comical fashion is enough entertainment for my mundane life."

Yianna's inner monologue screeched to a halt again. Rage filled her again witha vengeance. See, her emotions just switch like a switch.

"You are Lucas f*****g Star!!", Yianna exclaimed.

"I am not f*****g any star. I am Lucas Star."

She had the decency to look ashamed to use bad language especially when reciting a person's name. Her parents do not know about her cussing, nor do the church members. She immediately looked around to see if anybody saw that embarrassing moment. Thankfully, no one was present or that would be enough for those old people to say that YouTube was teaching bad things to everyone. That would be very bad since YouTube was her way to earn her daily bread.

Hey! No disrespecting one's profession.

Now, where were we? Yes, Yianna feeling embarrassed for cursing.

She looked away in shame and pink dusted her cheeks. Lucas on the other hand, had a different trajectory of thoughts. He, the poor man, imagined that she is blushing after knowing who he was. With a touch of seduction in his actions, Lucas brushed back his hair with a smug on his lips. This move was a hit with the ladies and he was expecting the arrow of Eros to pierce her heart.

He stayed in that position for a few seconds, hand in his hair, waiting for the customary squealing and gushing confession of how handsome he was and how lucky it was to meet him. But none of that came. Silence spread between them. Then, Yianna turned to face him, face controlled of that blush from shame, only to see him in that weird pose. She lifted her one eyebrow as in question. After a second, she understood what was going on here. Soon that eye brow lifting became one of mockery accompanied by a slight lift of her lips on one side.

Lucas saw that. He tried to salvage the situation by staying in that pose for a few more seconds, the poor man hoping she would do the usual squeal of the ladies. But none of that came, only a solitary wind that passed by, intensifying his awkwardness.

Ok, its time to give up. He slowly disloged his limb from the head and sat straight. Cheeks bloomed in red which he desperately tried to hide, Yianna on the other hand thought he looked embarrassed and quite adorably childlike for a man who projects the image of a playboy.

While she giggled  inside at that thought, her outward appearance relaxed to a small smile. The Hollywood star must have thought that the smile indicated she was mocking him in full blown mode, he stood up in a sudden huff and pointed at her with his cheek still glowing in embarrassment.

"Stop that. Stop making fun of me. I am not wasting my breath talking to a crazy lady like you!," he huffed and walked out of the church fast to get away from his not so great moment in life.

Yianna looked shocked at this outburst but shook her head. It's not like she will ever see him again right? She bowed down to the cross and walked on the centre isle. While passing by where that man sat, she found he left behind his phone.

The good Samaritan she is despite the strained exchange they had a few minutes ago, Yianna decided to give the phone back. Fortunately for her, Lucas was still in front of the main door and exploring the thousands of pockets on his suit, shirt and pants, most probably for his phone. She called out to him.

Lucas looked back to her in horror, thinking that she came back to make fun of him or to either take a video of his embarrassing self and post it online. Well, we can't exactly blame him for this thoughts. The Hollywood star turned swiftly and ran away.

Yianna came running behind him and caught upto him, pulling the hem of his suit. She handed out his phone and said,

"You left your phone behind."

"Oh! Thank you."

"Why did you run away?"

His cheeks glowed again and shyly said his thoughts. She laughed hearing this.

Let me just give you all a big reminder. The famous playboy celebrity is standing in front of the church steps in broad daylight with no disguise talking to a young lady.

Just then, the church bell rang three times. Yianna looked at her watch and grew stunned. Time passed by and she never knew that. She was supposed to pick up her sister from college for shopping by now.

She turned to him and said,

"Nice meeting you. But let's not meet again"

Yianna extended her arms for a goodbye and a deal. Lucas took the arm and shook it. And they stood smiling at each other for a second, multiple thoughts engaging in each mind.

Just then, a wedding party arrived in the church. The people stood still for a moment and got shocked at seeing a celebrity. Then their attention turned to the young lady with him holding hands. The next moment, their inner paparazzi jumped and took photographs and videos and asked questions, all forgetting they are part of a wedding party, trading it to get the juiciest piece of celebrity news.

Yianna was stunned with the sudden avalanche of flashes and phones and questions on her face. Fear filled her and she looked at Lucas for guidance as he is a celebrity and had faced this multiple times. But even he looked a little shell shocked, never expecting to get ambushed outside a church while questions of Are you dating? Is she your latest fling? For how long?

Pulling the hem of his sleeve, Yianna aimed to pull him out of his stupor. It worked, but not the way she supposed it would.

He unconsciously grabbed her hand and pulled her, running to his dark metallic blue Maserati car. She cried at him to let her go but he was deaf to everything and everyone except his need to get out of here. He pushed her into his car, got to his seat and left the church premises so fast as if the Devil himself was at his heels.

None of them knew, at that moment, their lives would be worser than the Jungle Book. While they both had their hearts beating in adrenaline, there must be someone up there who must be enjoying this show.

Their test of life begins.