Chapter 3

The Maserati car zoomed across the empty street of that small town. The emptiness on the roads was echoed by the loud reverberation of the engine's roar. From an outsider's perspective, it looked badass, as if from a Hollywood movie scene. But for the passengers travelling in the car, it was anything but, albeit one of them being a Hollywood star.

Yianna's heart was beating too fast to notice where they were going. She didn't even know why he dragged her into his car. Her breathing was too elevated and no straight thoughts entered in her brain except for panic. She slowly calmed herself after a while. Looking at the man in the driving seat, Yianna saw him in a similar state.

"Hey Lucas, where are we going?"

He must still be in a very stupor that he didn't hear the question. Yianna placed her hand on his shoulders hoping to calm him down and bring him back. It seemed to work as he suddenly looked at her and asked the most confusing question that would definitely increase one's blood pressure.

"What are you doing here?"

She stared back at him with utter disbelief.


"Why the hell are you shouting, you crazy woman?"


"What did I tell you about shouting? Stop shouting. And yes, you are crazy".

Both of them were so engrossed in their sorry excuse of a conversation that none of them had eyes on the road. A big blast of a truck horn came in front of them making them aware where they were. They screamed in horror of the oncoming gigantic truck, Yianna closed her eyes expecting an impact and Lucas, by chance, swirled the wheel as much as he could before the car skidded away from and slided to the side of the road.

After feeling the sudden stop, she slowly opened her eyes just to see that they were very close to hitting the side fence of the road. She swallowed nervously and looked at Lucas who was having that stupid look of absence again that almost cost them their lives. Realization of that fact hit her when rage filled her. Yianna started hitting him all over his body and started shouting again.

"You good for nothing man, you couldn't even concentrate on the road. We were about to die because of you."

"Me! It was your shouting that almost led me to die with you."

"Well, do you think I shouted at you randomly? You asked me that stupid question. Why do you think I was in your car?"

"How do I know why you were in my car?"

"Because you dragged me without even asking me. No, not drag. Its called kidnapped. "

"I didn't kidnap you!"

"Then what do you call taking someone forcefully without their permission? A PICNIC?"

"Ow, why the hell are you shouting for?"

"At least have the decency to feel sorry. I know I cannot expect a sorry from you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Lucas, start the car and get me back home. I am not about to fight with you."

Lucas had the good sense to not continue the fight and do as she said. The luxury car, unfortunately, threw a tantrum. The engine was unable to start. He looked at Yianna with an expression that she wasn't able to decipher.

" Well, what is it? " she asked. He looked at her and said, "The engine isn't starting."

Yianna was an inch away from bursting. She breathed using the meditating technique and calmed her nerves. But that small part of anger needs to be released in a way and she hit her head multiple times on her headrest till that frustration seeped away.

Sighing, she got out of the car and looked around.

"Where are we?"

Lucas followed her example and got out to discern where they were but no such luck. He rarely comes to these small towns. The star was in a bad mood when he wanted a drive and unknowingly drove all the way to the town with the church where he met this crazy lady. He could have easily called someone to pick him up, but unfortunately, his battery died when he reached the church.

Looking at Yianna, he asked,

"Can you check the maps? Maybe we can locate where we are."

Yianna, agreeing to his suggestion, checked the map. The tower range was bad but it was still available. After a few agonizing minutes, the Internet revealed where they were.

"Yianna, where are you going?"

"What?! Why do.... "

"Stop, don't shout. I meant, where are you going? Do you want to go back to the town or....." he left the ending blank for Yianna to fill.

"I stay in New York."

"Then why were you in that town?"

"My family stays there. Every weekend I come to my hometown. And no I do not bring my luggage."

"Ok...." Silence reigned between them again both of them not knowing how to continue the conversation.

"Well, can I use your phone? I will call my agent and ask him to pick us up."

Yianna agreed fast and handed her phone. After three rings, Lucas got in contact with his agent and explained the situation. There was no need for him to describe the church incident to his agent as he came to know that the fling is now the latest trending topic on all media channels. He cut the call after his agent gave him an earful.

He turned to Yianna and told her of the progress but kept quite about the fling business. The stranded duo decided to sit on the hood of the car while waiting for rescue. In the meantime, they sky gradually darkened revealing the true beauty of the evening sky transitioning to the night.

All while the pair is waiting, the one upstairs might have wanted to bring a twist to this big test of life. On what it might be, only he knows.