Chapter 4

"Wow! Absolutely gorgeous!", Yianna exclaimed while gazing the gradient night sky while lying down on the car hood with Lucas.

"Yes. I am indeed gorgeous", the star self confessed. Grinning at Yianna, Lucas knew what sort of response she would shell out. And she didn't fail his expectations.

Clenching her fist, Yianna looked at Lucas with disgust.

"Can you keep your silly narcissistic comments to yourself?"

Lucas laughs at this, clearly feeling the exhilaration of making that silly woman do just as he predicted. And he is not done yet.

"No way, crazy lady. This narcissism is truly deserved. I am not the most desirable man in Hollywood just for my fabulous acting!".

"My God, can't you tone down that fabulousness when you are not in front of the camera? We are in the middle of nowhere now." The word fabulousness was recited with a very obvious hint of sarcasm.

Lucas became quite after that. The irritated lady was waiting for a very Lucas like response but nothing came. 5 seconds, 10 seconds.... 30 seconds....... 1 minute. Wait, did he just get offended by her statement?

Yianna, though a confident young woman, only has one weakness. She feels infinitely bad if she felt she offended others. With a face filled with panic, the ardent Christian believer tried to console the star. Placing a hand on his shoulder in a bid to comfort him, Yianna tried to recite words of apology but no suitable words are passing through her brain as it is in full mode processing guilt. She gave up.

With a guilty face, she stooped down so much her chin touched her chest and said in a small, fragile voice,

"I am Sorry."

Lucas couldn't take it anymore. He held it all in when the fiery girl changed her wild emotions to one that of guilt, but after she said sorry in that small, tiny voice, the star couldn't hold himself in anymore. He laughed and laughed. His laughter sent vibrations through the silent night deeply surprising his companion.

A look of astonishment crossed her face when she realised that she had been played. Her eyes wide in disbelief, it suddenly turned to embarrassment for falling for that trick and then anger came forth surging like a tidal wave. She bellowed at him,

"You were acting?"

"Of course I was. Judging by your reaction, I can safely say that I am still the best actor I have ever known."

Yianna already lost her temper with his trick. His narcissistic comment just boiled over her metaphoric pot of patience. She screamed and then kicked the laughing man off the hood.

Just as he fell, a bright headlight shined on them almost blinding them. Relief coursed through their bodies as they both stood from their positions, one from the ground and dusting the sand from his pants and the other climbed down from the car.

A man got out from the car and the only thing his silhouette gave Yianna was that he was tall and well built. Soon his figure came clearer. His face showed doubt and apprehension when he saw his star on the floor. And according to his years of managing artists, it was very clear that his person was definitely pushed.

He looked at Lucas and in a very tight voice, asked,

"Are you ok?"

Oh! The star knew what that question by his agent entailed. Whenever Lucas was asked that, it meant tell the truth or face the consequences. With his stellar reputation, that question was a threat to anyone who had an upper hand on him or is a like candidate to jeopardise him and his career. Right now, that question meant that this young girl beside him will be in trouble with a threat or most probably a lawsuit.

With an exceptionally bright smile to distract his agent, he said,

"Yes, I am perfectly fine."

The agent must have calmed down when he turned to Yianna and introduced himself.

"Hello, I am Edward Williams, Lucas's agent. Ms....."

"Yianna Mathews." Holding out her hand to shake his, she looked at the man who manage Lucas. A serious face is what is being seen at first impression but after a second or so, visible laugh lines could be seen with the bright headlights. A person managing a narcissistic existence like Lucas is no simple man. He looked handsome, that's for sure.

Seeing Yianna stare at his manager for quite some time made Lucas kind of self conscious. No woman has ever looked at his manager when he was around. Well, look here. She must be smitten by the way her stare is to go by. And by the looks of it, his manager was kind of attracted to her by the way they are still holding hands and shaking and staring back at her.

Not wanting to ruin the atmosphere of a budding romance yet in a hurry to get back home to get back to schedule, he cleared his throat. That seemed to have jolted the duo out from their own personal romantic moments.

"Let's go, shall we?", Lucas awkwardly asked. A mumble of approval from his manager was permission for the star to be back to his former self.

"Not that I am complaining, Dragon Lady, but the awesome man like myself has to keep blessing this world with my existence."

"Dragon Lady? Whose the dragon lady!!", she roared in anger. Satisfied with her response, he put his hand on the small of her back abd and gently guided her to the car.

"Come on, we will drop you home. Where did you say you lived again?"

" I didn't tell you where I lived", but she obediently got to the car with the star. The manager saw them bickering and followed them to get inside the car as well.

Inside the car, the bickering duo sat at the back seat but the lady seemed to doze off to sleep judging by how her eyes are drooping. The manager quickly asked the location of her dropping point. After a few minutes, Yianna actually dozed off.

Lucas thought she was too vulnerable at that point. Taking advantage of her weakness, he silently slipped his visiting card and his manager's card as well into her hand bag.

Lucas caught his manager looking at his actions. He silently shushed him from asking questions. Turning to Yianna, he whispered,

"Goodnight, Dragon Lady."

Oh, what a joke. The One Above must be laughing his ass off now. It seemed Yianna and Lucas completely forgot what brought them together in this situation in the first place. Well, let the drama begin.