Evade by Fainting

Glancing through one of the clear parts on the frosted glass, Ley could see Landon preoccupied with the papers she brought in earlier for an important deal. Yesterday passed by really fast as she spent it mostly doing Roma's job. She barely had any interaction with him as he had been busy with meetings all day.

From what she had heard from the other employees, Landon had a pretty good reputation. He was amiable, treats his employees very well and all of them clearly adore him. Well, except Roma, she called him ruthless which Ley agreed on wholeheartedly.

Ley heard him firing an executive without even batting an eyelid yesterday due to a misdemeanor that would have affected the company if it got out. There were no talks of second chances and he just straight out removed a long time employee. From his interaction with his subordinates, he's clearly a master at using the carrot and stick method. Everything he does is reasonable from their point of view. She felt the itch to tear off his mask and see through the veneer he projected.

Woah there.

She put a decisive stop to where her mind's going. She decided not to be overly curious to her temporary charge as she's just doing this job for a short time anyway. Her curiosity would just lead her to more troubles.

She was still staring at his bowed head in contemplation when she suddenly found herself staring at his golden eyes that never failed to distract her. Seeing those eyes, reminded her of their exchange yesterday and her mind automatically went to that scene.


His intimidating eyes continued to stare at her as he waited for an answer. She's confused as to why he's being like this unless he's suspicious of her already which was highly unlikely as her disguise was foolproof.

She made sure that her face remained blank and her heartbeat normal as their sharp hearing definitely could detect it if it went up before she made her face looked slightly confused and answered, "I've been working here for 2 years already."

He nodded seemingly deep in thought. His eyes losing its coercive aura.

"I've been experiencing a lot of threats lately, most of them life threatening as you very well know. I suggest you don't go to work for a while until I managed to get to the bottom of this matter. Staying here would just put you in danger," Landon spoke in a low raspy voice which almost made her heart jump if she wasn't holding it on a tight leash. She'd swore his voice was sin personified.

"I don't see why I have to stop coming to work when I'm not even the target. I'll make sure not to associate myself with you more than necessary," she replied stoically. She'll stay here no matter what for the job besides it fits with Roma's stubborn personality too.

"I don't think that's wise. . ." he trailed off when he saw me shaking my head. "All right then. Just make sure to be careful at all times."

(End of Flashback)

Her eyes refocused again and realized that she got caught staring. She immediately averted her eyes and she chastised herself for not noticing. How embarrassing.

The intercom went off while she was internally berating herself for acting like a little girl. She was being called inside for their daily schedule briefing.

She brought the diary containing Landon's schedule and entered while putting a blank expression on her face.

She acted like she wasn't caught staring at her boss and projected an impalpable facade. Landon stared at her with an amused smile and nodded at her to start.

Ley started briefing his schedule for the next few days to remind him.

"You're scheduled to attend a black tie charity event tom-" she was speaking one second and the next one she was yanked away from where she was standing so fast that she got a whiplash.

Bullets landed on where they were at seconds ago. If Landon didn't get her out of the way, she would certainly be hit as well. Well, she wouldn't die that easily but it would be a pain to explain why she heals fast.

She looked at the highly possible location where the sniper could've shot them. This job is rapidly turning into a headache. She certainly didn't expect to be defending Landon from bullets. Shifters prefer solving their problems through physical means, claws and all. Why are humans getting sucked into this shifter mess?

She suddenly felt someone staring at her. That's when she became aware of her current situation. Ley felt herself pressed into a warm chest. She shifted her gaze away from the crime scene and was welcomed by Landon's face inches away from her looking highly interested at what she's doing.

Alarm bells started ringing in her head. She was pretending to be a human but she didn't even exhibit any panic or shock at what happened. She didn't really want to explain this suspicious situation.

Come to think of it, isn't this a good chance to faint?

Ley who never passed out her whole life and certainly never fell into a man's arms, fainted straight into her boss' arms.