The Mystery Girl

Ringing telephone blared in the background as it goes unanswered. Various papers and the laptop were scattered across the table, hinting at an important deal however they were all abandoned as Landon stood in front of the window. He was gazing moodily at the distant storm clouds encroaching closer to the city. His mood was as dark as the weather ever since he got home.

He arrived from a conference yesterday night but upon looking for Roma to check on her, he discovered that she was gone. All her belongings were still there aside from the necessary things like phone and wallet so it was safe to assume that she intended to return. He didn't think she would disappear just like that since they had an agreement. He found a few traces of her scent leading outside but that didn't lead him to anything. His instinct was also as quiet as the dead this time which was driving him to frustration.

He already had some people looking for her since last night but a suffocating feeling seems to be creeping up inside him that made him restless. The animal inside him is agitated, thirsting for release. It wanted to go out and do the hunt itself instead of leaving it to others. Tired of waiting, he decided to look for her himself.

He threw the papers he was holding on to the table and the formal shirt he's wearing was exchanged to a sweatshirt. He was about to go out when the door opened and Sebastian entered in a hurry. He stopped in front of the table, looking wild-eyed and flabbergasted at the same time.

"Any news?" Landon inquired instantly.

"You have to watch the CCTV recordings from one of our hideouts. It was already sent in your email," he urged hastily.

Landon opened the laptop and clicked the video he was talking about in the email. The scene started with Roma tied on a chair with Silas shouting at her to confess.

Terrorizing aura spread across the room which made Sebastian held his breath, feeling on edge and defensive. He glanced at the wooden table that started creaking because of Landon's hand that was pressing on it.

Landon looked at him and the beginnings of a roar started rumbling in his chest. He choked it down but every word spoken was punctuated with menacing snarl, "Where. Is. Silas. Now?"

"You have to watch until the end," Sebastian persuaded him while exposing his neck to demonstrate his yielding to not antagonize Landon further.

More creaking sounded from the table as Landon played the video again while trying to harness control. Landon's hand fell away from the table the moment Roma's appearance transform in astonishment. His pulse started speeding up in excitement at what he witnessed.

It was this girl that awaken his dormant instinct. It was her every little action that interested him. He wanted to know the real her and at the same time admire her guts to imitate his secretary. His interest was going stronger by the minute he watched.

When the girl slammed Silas to the wall effortlessly, the beast inside him roared in approval at what she did. Though it's anger wasn't appeased at what Silas did, it wants to punish him personally.

"Investigate and find all the information related to this girl," Landon commanded the moment the video stopped playing. He looked at the still image of the fierce girl who thrashed Silas, committing every detail of it to his memory.

"Alright. Wait, you're not angry? You're even smiling," Sebastian observed quizzically.

"Why would I be angry? Clearly, she's talented and we can also recruit her," Landon shrugged, his mind on other things already.

"You've got a point. Wait! You don't recruit ever. You've other motives, don't you?," Sebastian accused doubtfully, finding his actions unusual this time.

(Can this even be called motive?)

Landon thought, chuckling to himself, his mood soaring at his discovery. He had to do one thing first before taking action.

"Tell Silas that he's out of the security team from now on and to see me tomorrow," his voice taking on a ruthless tone, ignoring what Sebastian said previously

Landon walked out of the room, intending to find her.