Warped Alley

Tinkling sounds rang out as Ley wore a nondescript bracelet with a tiny bell charm on it. It was something she needed for her trip to Warped Alley later with Landon which she'd rather do alone but due to the need for cooperation, she'll have to bear it.

A series of knocks against the window sounded and Ley glanced exasperatedly at it. What is Sera's problem with the door again?

She went to open the window and asked in annoyance, "Aren't you supposed to start using the door now?"

She stared through the dark and didn't see anyone when a flash of white winked out and she was tapped lightly to make her step backward. Next thing she knew, Landon was already in her room, looking around at the surroundings.

"W-what are you doing here?" she stuttered in surprise. She still wasn't used to seeing him outside the office, more so when he just suddenly appeared like this. He wore a loose shirt and rugged jeans with his half-mussed hair, looking so casual unlike his CEO persona.

"We had an appointment," Landon said matter-of-factly, as if he wasn't intruding to someone else's home.

Ley rolled her eyes and acted as if he wasn't flustered by his presence, "That didn't include meeting here in my room," then she gestured for him to go back down the window. She was ignored instead while Landon leaned on the table to look at her.

Landon opened his mouth to speak when the door suddenly opened which startled the two.

Sera energetically said, "I entered from the door this tim- sorry to disturb you two," but immediately closed the door back when she saw Ley and Landon staring at her.

Judging from the knowing look Sera shot at her, it's highly likely that she jumped to conclusions again. She glanced at Landon and he shrugged at her with an innocent expression when he noticed her gaze. He was definitely enjoying all these misunderstandings. They should go before she starts thinking that whacking him is a good idea.

Ley got out of the building with Landon in tow. He didn't question her and just followed her lead which she didn't expect since Landon must be used to leading and the one giving the orders. They walked with the nearest entrance to Warped Alley in mind.

"Is it your first time going to Warped Alley?" Ley asked, making small talk.

"Yes, I didn't want to encounter magicks more than necessary," he replied, looking ahead, unaware of the flickering emotions within her.

Ley felt her heart clenched unconsciously for some reason in response to what Landon said. Of course, he's the same as the rest of them. It was inevitable.

There was still light out but when they entered a deserted alley, it became dimmer and desolate suddenly. They continued walking and encountered someone sitting on a crate. The robed person slightly looked up and inspected them for a beat on their arrival but soon ignored their presence.

The guide.

They were found on various entrances to Warped Alley for people who wished to frequent the place but don't have the invitation. A guide's presence here meant that they were in the right place. They can be hired to enter and exit safely but they only guide people away from the spells. It would still be up to you if you would be able to find what you're looking for.

"Brace yourself," Ley warned before gesturing at Landon to continue walking towards the darkest end of the alley. It was so dark that it seemed like the light was being sucked in.

Landon went in blindly but he soon felt a harsh glare through his eyelids. He opened his eyes and and was astonished at the familiar place he's seeing. It was a long time ago since he last saw this place. A wide expanse of field peppered with grasses that stretched on endlessly in front of his eyes. It gave him the urge to run around until the sun set.

It didn't take long before the whole place turned bleak. Fire was all around and the grassland was scorched everywhere. Screams suddenly filled the air and he looked all over for the source. He felt panicked and trapped. A woman being dragged away suddenly appeared and his whole being was stunned. It was the scene countlessly replayed by his nightmares.

"Run! Run far away and don't look back! You have to survive!," she screamed at him while trying her best to wound her attacker. Bloodlust flooded his brain at what he saw, almost leaving him without reason. He knew somewhere inside his heart that it wasn't real but he couldn't help but respond and do what his past self couldn't.

It was different now. He was grown up and can finally protect his mother. He was poised to attack when a ringing bell seemed to summon him out of this nightmare against his will. He was still suffering from the scene when he felt a warm hand cover his in the midst of rhythmic chimes.

He opened his eyes and saw the woman who was a permanent resident to his mind lately. Her eyebrows were furrowed while saying, "We're only doing this avoid getting separated here, okay?"

Looking at those limpid green eyes coupled with her reluctant expression, calmed his raging emotions effortlessly and proceeded to tease her instead, "If you say so."

He now realized that he experienced an illusion right from the get go and was only freed by her help. The wards here in Warped Alley couldn't be underestimated at all.

The sun was still out before they entered but it was night here inside littered with floating fancy jars with bright orbs inside as the light source. It was like a typical night market filled with people but instead of food or other homeware items, you can hear hawkers yelling about magically-enhanced items or magic services instead.

"It's perpetually night here inside no matter the time or weather outside. Any object you heard that was created by magicks can be found here even the prohibited ones as long as you managed to find someone selling them," she explained as if she read what's on his mind then gave his hand a slight tug, "Let's turn here."

They entered another pathway that was quiet and has less people traffic. Various stalls were also set up but no one bothered calling at them to take a look at their products. They didn't even paid any attention to them.

They stopped at a particularly inconspicuous spot and an old man sat at a rocking chair in front of his wares while looking bored out of his mind.

"I need information about Old Bertie's location," Ley told him.

The guy slowly looked at her, exposing his grumpy countenance and yelled, "If you're not going to buy anything then SCRAM!"

Landon moved forward to take over with the persuading but Ley yanked him back. She wasn't fazed at all with his response.

"Equal trade."

When Ley said those words, the old guy's face cleared out immediately and a cunning smile surfaced. "Ha! Should've said so right from the start. Can you even match my price little girl?" he taunted.

"Stop dilly-dallying and just say it," Ley replied, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Hmph. I want the tattooist business card," he said while crossing his arms and leaning on his chair.

"Aren't you reaching for the sky? I don't think the information I need is as valuable as what you're asking," Ley shot back.

"Hahahaha! Old Bertie went into seclusion and stopped coming here. You won't find her anywhere unless you have my information. Is your need to find her greater than that business card?"

"The Tattooist?" Landon muttered with confusion on his face.