Not Just A Fling

An annoying incessant ringing blared near Ley's ears as she struggled to stay a minute more in dreamland. It was a losing battle so she turned her attention to look for her noisy phone as she tried to keep her eyes open.

"Hello?" She answered sleepily without looking at the caller ID and a familiar rasp penetrated her sleep-fogged brain that instantly sent her scrambling to sit up.

"Did I call at a bad time?" Landon asked in a quiet voice that seemed to be louder in her room and almost sent her back into a daze.

Ley looked at the window and saw that it was already dusk. She had intended to just get a few minutes nap after arriving from the reservation this afternoon but it turned into hours. Her little trip last night with Gale and bringing Old Bertie straight to the reservation caused her to stay awake the whole time which burned out her energy.

"No, it's fine. Do you need something?" she replied clearer this time, sounding more awake.

"We'll be having a meeting on the current status of the case tonight at 8:00 or if you're preoccupied I can just tell you what went down when you're free," he informed me.

She appreciated that he was sensitive enough to give her a choice this time but she preferred to be there personally and get the latest news firsthand.

"Thanks but I'll be there on time."

"I'll see you then," he said before hanging up.

Ley dragged her lazy body up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. She splashed some water to her face to wake herself up and saw her own exhausted eyes staring back at her. The vivid green color that she inherited from her father reminded her of what happened early this morning with Old Bertie.

She still can't understand why the silencing curse she tattooed on Old Bertie cancelled out the one that was on her tongue. It was even more confusing when she verified it with Sera. 

Sera confirmed that it's a rare occurrence and it only happens when the magick that caused it is powerful. If a situation like that happens, it's because the curse magic attained the tyrannical attribute which doesn't tolerate other curses. Others thought of using that kind of method to remove curses but it's not enough to be just powerful. The bloodline has to be superior.

Ley stared at her reflection and wondered why a lot of things don't add up. She had a feeling that it was all connected to what her parents are hiding from her. If she was supposed to be powerful then why can't she use her magic freely unless she spilled some blood?

Time was running so she had to abandon those thoughts for later and took a quick shower before heading to Landon's base. She got ready quickly and just grabbed her usual sneakers before going out.

She walked the familiar route in the forest towards the base absent-mindedly as she thought of the information given by Old Bertie once the curse was removed. It was a shifter and a taboo who ordered for the ocarina to be made. She'll have to ask Merda to get their image from Old Bertie since she specialized in mental magic. It was a violation to intrude on another person's mind since forced entry can cause irreparable damages as the natural defenses inside try to counter the intrusion but as long as Old Bertie was willing then there would be no harm.

Ley had to keep this information again from Landon. She won't even be able to explain how she got the information unless she told him she was a taboo and used magic to get it.

She sighed at having to lie but she'll have to go on until there was no other choice. It wasn't only about her life that she's protecting. It also includes all the taboos living in fear.

Ley was so preoccupied that she jumped back in alarm when there was an unexpected movement in front of her. She clearly overreacted. It was only Landon who suddenly jumped down from a tree and was now looking at her with raised eyebrows. 

"What are you doing up there and then jumping on people passing by?" she muttered before starting to walk again.

"I'm on guard duty," he smirked in response.

"Right," Ley replied while subjecting him to an eye roll.

After a few moments, Ley saw him staring distractedly down her feet. That's when she realized he was focused on the blood stains that she didn't even notice at her sneakers.

"Why are there blood stains on your shoes?" he asked in a peculiar tone which gave Ley a bad feeling.

"Oh. I just had a little problem that I took care of," she forced herself to sound nonchalant.

"That's from a shifter," he commented after a slight sniff and Ley heard an edge to his tone that wasn't there before.

"It's for a different job. It's none of your business," she replied defensively. She felt awful at having to lie in his face which made her prickly.

She immediately regretted her words after speaking them. His gaze suddenly became intense and it felt like the distance was shrinking between them so much that she felt the need to back away from Landon at that moment. He was displeased. That much was obvious from his countenance despite the smile on his face. However it was this smile that gave Ley foreboding feelings. It was the expression of a gentleman who decided to shed all pretenses and be the ruffian that he really was.

"I think I've been patient enough. Should I make it my business?" He said in a husky unhurried tone that seemed to reverberate in her ears. 

He slowly closed the distance between them without breaking eye contact but she was inching backwards for every step he took until she felt the presence of a hard wall at her back. 

Landon placed his hands on either side, effectively cornering her. He was so near that Ley  had trouble thinking clearly and just blurted out words without thought in panic.

"I don't do relationships, Landon. Unless you want a fling?" She managed to say calmly without betraying the inner turmoil inside her, trying to somehow bluff her way out.

"What I have in mind for us is not just a fling," he murmured softly but he stared at her in a way that made her insides squirm with nerves. It backfired on her and she felt her face heat up from his words.

"There goes your answer," she moved to push his chest away somehow finding strength from her fragile bravado. Unsurprisingly, he didn't budge but it made Ley unprepared for his next move.

Next thing she knew, his lips descended on hers and proceeded to wreak havoc on her perfectly constructed composure. He kissed as if he wanted to possess her very being. Tyrannical but not oppressive. Ley couldn't do anything but accept whatever he gave as she stood there with legs that threatened to give up on her. It was like she was swept away by a wave and the only thing she could do was hold on. Unconsciously, her hands gripped his shirt while his roaming hands found its way to her back and pulled her closer.

Reason fled her brain as all her senses were attacked relentlessly by Landon. All she could hear was their heartbeat roaring in her ears. These sensations were completely new to her that she can't seem to make sense of them. A bit later, she finally managed to push him away but not before biting her lower lip as if he was reluctant to part with it. 

"I thought you didn't want a fling?" Ley gasped, still trying to catch her breath.

"I said I didn't want a fling, not that I didn't want to kiss you," he voiced hoarsely accompanied by a searing gaze that spelled anything but over.

Ley glared at him but was unconvincing with her swollen lips and misty eyes. Landon gave her a knowing smile before turning back in satisfaction.

"We're late to the meeting," he declared, all traces of passion gone in a blink of an eye.

Ley followed him, stewing in icy silence, while contemplating revenge at his earlier behavior. She entered the meeting room after him and was engulfed in a stifling atmosphere. She didn't know  most of the faces except Landon and Sebastian but she presumed that this was Landon's best. Ley took a seat opposite from Landon and observed the rest of the people.

She noticed that their behavior was on alert. It was as if they would take off on a moment's notice as soon as an attack was made. They were prepared for imminent and unexpected danger. She pursed her lips at the annoyance of not knowing all the details. Their enemy was slippery and haven't left any obvious traces at all so they can only defend at every possible angle.

Ley listened to them talk while playing with a pen in hand regarding the heightened security of the base and the various measures they're taking to prevent infiltration until they broached the subject of possible suspects and assistance.

"We're not eliminating all the suspicions regarding magick involvement however we've just gotten news that the whole territory  is now under lockdown due to the fact that the Magick Queen has just been poisoned.

Ley felt like the earth was gone beneath her feet and she was falling endlessly when she heard the words. The pen in her hand cracked from the sudden strength she exerted. They all looked at her but Ley felt her mind spiralled into disbelief.

That can't be!