The Disfiguration

I soon woke up, only to find myself in the middle of a sea of flames, crates due to explosions, the smell of limbless corpses and of course the signature of war.... Blood.


These sight could have made a person alone, have complicated and strong feelings but I.

'Feel nothing'

What the hell is going on with me?


A coarse and drained clichéd line flowed right through my ears as I swept a glance to the source of the noise.

'A mother without her legs and her dying child, of course'

'Such a sight is literally overused, but I guess it does have its merits"

Through seeing those two, I got out from the hatch, exiting the Tiger, I soon found myself staring down at the pair.

'I wonder how it feels for them'

To be trampled and all that.


The mother with her left melting face garrisoned enough strength and scowled.

"Now now, a beautiful lady such as yourself shouldn't show such a face"

The once former percelain face that could have never be seen in my previous world was now having the left of her face being twisted and mangled, in a closer look, one could see her left eye popping out of her sockets and the bits of her skull protruding through the melting tissue.


That shout brought me to my consciousness once more. After clarifying my mind, I saw a hand of mine extended to the pair.

'What do you think you're doing?'

'You think you can undo everything?'

'The moment you agreed to that shit'

'Your fate was already predetermined'

'Your path to domination has now just started'


Pleron mumbling to himself as he saw his hand extending never being held nor sought out for, is finally unable to hold on and is now tiring out.

'I guess falling to wherever I go now is my only choice'

With that, Pleron's hand exhaustedly fell.


"You have been given 30000 Points in dominating a minor village!"

"Your status have changed please check it to be more informed"

'Main menu'

Just like what the system suggested, I once again followed the algorithm in opening through the status.


The Leader: Pleron Nhov V. Vhon

Condition: On the phase of change



Numbers of divisions on land:


Numbers of divisions on sea:


Numbers of divisions on air:


Points: 45793


A Centaur (100pts per/s)(New!)


Kofmrkdidkznsk (Loading)

Cynical (New!)

Driven (Tweaked by the system)

Composed (Tweaked by the system)


Zeal (lvl 1)

Auto repair (lvl 1)

Passive skills:

Successor (Maxed)

One man crew (Maxed)

All knowing language (Maxed)

Pokerface (Maxed)


"Having a new reputation"

"You have once more been given a bonus roulette"

'Heh! the things I do for shedding blood'

Apathetic to my status, I got back to the main menu, I instantly tapped the roulette button.

"Congratulations you got a Mauser C96 (Magically Enhanced) (loaded)"

With the roulette ending, I didn't bother with the system anymore.

The Pistol dropped in my hand, and me expecting it be dropped, caught it.

"And now to fulfill this thing's purpose"

I pointed it to the pair of baby and mother.


Loading Complete

(Life hater)