A Boy's Past

This is my humble past, please intoxicate yourselves through the pleasures of watching someone's life slowly crumble as the insidious poison slowly takes the lives of many.

"Where's the fucking money, bitch!?"

That's right, I was 5 years of age at that time, My father was a minor druglord, so at the same time a wanted criminal. I must do say though when it comes to managing affairs he did quite a good job, but now that he was sorrounded and his men being slaughtered or just outright left him, we managed to escape in a countryside, a trailer parked in solace moor of the forest.



The man threw a bottle of alcohol at a blanket, it was trembling, that's right, that was my mother inside, a red stain could now be seen sticking in the gray colored cloth.

"You stupid bitch I'm talking to you!"

My family moved to the countryside and now lives on a trailer out of nowhere, what I do know is that we're sorrounded by trees.



The same time when my father threw a kick within the blanket, a short cough of blood could be heard, staining the blanket more.

"If your so good at spreading your legs for a man, WHY THE FUCK WON'T YOU USE IT TO MAKE MONEY!?"

My mother was also an adulterous woman, but I'm pretty sure my dad was too.


Each and every single time the man kicked, the blanket would tremble with more ferocity.

Bam bam~

But unlike what it used to do before, the blanket stopped trembling and a hand lifelessly protruded out of the blanket's cover.

"Hey you! open that blanket for me will ya?!"

The man backed away from my mother, in which soon I got closer.

"Hurry hurry!"

The man looked at me mischievously as he was smirking that scarred face of his.

Creak creak~

With a pounding heart and heavy footsteps, seconds felt like a minute, though I don't know what happened to my mother, something just kept weighing my whole body, as if to tell me to stop.


I slowly lifted the blanket, and from the corner of my eyes I saw that man still smirking.

There I saw a blonde woman with bruises in her whole naked body, blood was everywhere, one could see how malnourished she was as her bones and ribs could clearly be seen through her skin.

I wonder what my mother felt in her last moments, was it regret, in marrying such a pathetic man, or hatred, by being beaten by such a pathetic man. I could not ask, afterall she's gone.

The same woman whom I admired as a strong willed lady who kept up with the nonsense of his man, I wonder why did she kept up long with him, even till her death, was it love? or was she waiting for revenge? That too I will never know.


The same time my brain registered that image, I jumped back, falling from my ass.

"So how does it feel!?"

In the corner of my eyes I saw that man's face closer than ever before, even touching my cheeks, his eyes wide and saliva drooling from his mouth, as he asked me a question.


He stretch his neck going as far as putting his face in front of mine's.

"I'm asking you a fucking question!"

That hideous face twisted, as it suddenly screamed at me.

That face used to be my hero's and now it's just nothing but pure malice and wrath, intended with insidiousness.


The same time I said those words, my hand that was grabbing a broken glass shards shot right to my target's eye.


The man stumbled confused, his hands that were covering his eyes, bloodied.


At that time I was already holding a kitchen knife, with both hands shivering as it touched the blade's handle.


With the left hand covering his left eyes, the man charged at me.


But who would have thought the man would spit on my face.


With that, the man caught me, I got my neck strangled with his right arm, he slowly lifted me up, losing my grip on the knife as I focused all my system in breathing, both my hands scratching the man's arms.


I kicked the man at his balls, in which he once more stumbled, biting his tongue at the process.


Expecting his eyes to go bloodshot in blind rage, the result I was expecting seemed to be quite far.


The man grinned at me when he regained his posture, and opened the door to leave.

After that, I really never saw him again.