Each With Their Own Choice

Eastern tower of Kwelled castle.

"Sire, our foes had begun to break off the siege, should we begin pursuit?"

A man with a feathered pointed bascinet said

as he put his palm and fist together.

"Hmmm, seems like old age had withered my flames for the battlefield"

A scarred man with tusk on each end of his full plated cuirass with a melancholic atmosphere said.

"Should I have not broke from his Majesty's service?"

Hearing his Lord's words that totally ignored his report earlier, the bascinet man stood still, as if clearly used to this.


The sound of flesh meeting upon another resounded throughout tower.

"You didn't have to tell me that Captain Bleche"

"Why did I even get up here for then?"

The man who slapped himself was Emmanuel, he spoke as if no longer the battlefield was his den, but suppressed the temptation carnage would bring to him.

"Though it pains my heart that every second wasted is not killing a man, a scout must go out and perceive the vicinity of the castle"

"Shall be done"

Bleche stamped his feet once and turned to leave.

'If you think luring me is a choice because of my aggressiveness then my decades that tempered me in the battlefield would have been for naught'

"I wonder what kind of surprise this little fledgling could give me?"


Within the forest at the far east of Kwelled.

"Duke Elba, nature screams out in pain"

"I will take a thousand to send our first salutations to these flatlanders"

A man with leaves covering his body and a wizard like hat made with variety of flowers that covered his whole face voiced out and stood up to leave the carriage filled with the other Dukes.

"Despite his mysterious appearance he's probably the most bloodthirsty among us, huh?"

The confident Sryll spoke without any restraints, never minding the other within the carriage.

"Sryll, mind that even the slightest interruptions, that man could still clearly feel it"

A woman cladded in layered of silky robes softly spoke out.

"Not like he could do anything about it"

Voiced by a lazy man who was lackadaisically changing his lying position to another.

"Since his sensitivity had long been dull, except for that short fleeting moment of intensity"

He pointed at the two curved longswords near


"Problem is, should we wait up if ever there was a slight unaccountable factor?"

Sryll got back to his seat with a thump~

"Hmph! as long as our centuries of knowledge and cultivation in the arts is not thwarted, none could ever hope to beat us"

"He'll be back to us within a day if it's just a single castle"

"For now let's set out for the heart of these humans"

Duke Elba scolded the ignorant youngling.

'Though the monster at Yundra is quite a worrying one'

'The Silver hawks should have long came back by now'

Elba tapped on his knees and thought of a choice to send another team to check up the events at Yundra.