The Talented And The Useless

In a former village once called Yundra.

"Hey kid"

With the flames and the smell of burnt stone fading, Ku'ln spoke out.

"Yes boy?"

Ku'ln ignored the boy's contemptuous remark and heaved a deep breathe.

"Let me join you"

The elf grabbed a hold of the jail's bars indignantly.

"You're my pet, so of course you were already mine"

Pleron kicked on the bars, without hesitation and composed hands, he opened the cell.

"Come out"

The boy gave a welcoming smile as he held a collar in his hands.

"I'll have you know that I wouldn't hesitate to stab you in the back if ever the favor is not with yours"

"Until that day is realized, I would do my utmost best to impart my knowledge and experience throughout these centuries to aid you"

Ku'ln stretched his arms and took the collar.


The sound of a lock clicking resonated throughout the empty cells.

(A companion would like to join you)


(Yes or No)

Without further delay Pleron accepted and soon a series of notifications popped out in front of his face.

Pleron gave a sweeping glance at Ku'ln who was struggling to stand up and turned back.

'It seems the system is invisible to outsiders'

'But I can't just let them see me waving my hands around'


Pleron grabbed a crutch that was leaning on the cold walls and threw it to Ku'ln.

"Come meet me upstairs after you get use to it"

With that, Pleron took flight upstairs away from the cells, and was now at the lobby inside the HQ.


With the command of his mind, the notifications grew larger enough to block his whole sight.


You have took a (native) companion under your wing, thus, furthering your reputation income)

(Would you like to view your new companion's status?)

(Yes or No)


With the notifications being replace by new words that formed, Pleron soon saw Ku'ln's status.

Ku'ln Klaiveus Threus A. Hoace

Title:Former Captain of the proud Silver Riders, The Prodigious youth, Hard worker, Youngest leader of the hawk riders in history, Traitor.

Potential: Among the Legends in History


Age: 146 years old

Temperament: Choleric

Personality: Ambitious

Machiavellian (Scheming and cunning)

Progressive (Will accept and do anything for progress) (Hates traditionalist)'1

Driven (By ideals and goals)



Prodigy- Is able to easily absorb anything just from observing.

Adaptable- Acts appropriateley to make his situation favorable. (From Chameleon)

A natural born leader- just his presence alone gives hope to allies around him.

A life long knowledge- having lived long made this man knowledgeable

A great tutor- Wisdom through the ages made this man easily impart his knowledge.

Dexterous- Elves' prided talent

Mana: 7,000/ 7,000

recovers 5 per second

Passive skills:

Adept footwork

Master Fencer

Master magic user

Grandmaster Archer

Active skills:

Flaming arc (no level)- grants the user's weapon a flame affinity.

Mana consumption:20 Mana per second

Nature's spring (no level)- creates an unbreakable illusion of a spring that heals allies within its radius.

radius: 20 meters

duration: 30 minutes

Mana consumption: 6,500

cooldown: 3 days

Mother's blessings (no level)- grants great strength and agility to the user.

Duration: 5 minutes

Mana consumption: 200 mana

cooldown: 10 minutes

Great Ice hail (lvl 5)

- Summons a magic circle through the air, that lets out thousands of sharp and deadly icicles.

Summoning: 5 secs

Duration: 3 secs

Mana consumption: 800

Cooldown: 10 secs

Great Fireball (lvl 5)

- Summons a magic circle through the palm that lets out a huge fireball.

Summoning: 7 secs

Mana consumption: 1,200

Cooldown: 5 mins

Fanning flame (lvl 2)

- Summons a magic circle through the palm that lets out fans of flame.

Mana consumption

50 per sec

Nature's call (no level)

- A gift naturally given to a selected few by the Goddess, enabling them to seek aid from nature itself.


"Seeing this made me realise how miniscule of an individual I'am"

Pleron stretched his finger after a few minutes of scrolling in the air.

(Would you like to make your new companion a commander?)

(Yes or No)


(Note that giving the position of the commander gives the right to be given a division that he could command)

(Since you don't have enough troops to make a division, a platoon could be formed in the organizing menu)