
(You have formed a platoon)

(Do you want to rename it?)



I should name the platoon according to its future role.

(Great Platoon)


Didn't knew I still had the humor.


Men who should be able to take care of anything that comes in my harm's way.

I would have prefer 'Imperial guards' or 'Royal guards' and some shit, but I suppose having done that would be a torment to my future self's dignity and consciousness.

The name also atleast adds a sense of wildness in it.




Volksgrenadiersx40 (Veterans)


"That should be fine I suppose"

The boy finally got a breathing space after thinking for the name of the platoon for a few minutes.

"What should be fine?"

Said an emotionless voice with space in between his panting words.

"None of your business"

Pleron coldly denied the sarcastic voiced out to him.

Turning around he saw the crippled Ku'ln struggling to get up the staircase with his crutch.

"Well I know you're probably not going to disclose the information of your supernatural

set of cards, but please do inform me if you're ever to mobilise them, be sure to take me along as well"

Ku'ln grabbed a nearby chair and sat across Pleron, only a long table separating these two people from ever having conflict.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Naivety begets death"

"Telling me your cards hidden within your sleeves is only a move an ignorant child would do, or a God whose only purpose is to hold absolute power, therefore he never had the hassle to worry about petty factors"

Ku'ln spoke out with a sagely visage.

"Good thing I'm the latter then"

Pleron quickly transitioned his calm demeanor to a cold one.


In which Ku'ln responded with a short laugh.

"Tell me then"


"I see, so that's the reason huh?"

(Favor increased from 0 to 4)

"Truly a miracle sent by the Goddess to stop these vile inhabitants from stopping the world from its suffering"

The long eared man said with the face of a priest you could see in the church everyday, looking down on you, telling you off with a sermon in masked parody of their paradise.

(Favor decreased from 4 to 0)

It seems this elf really doesn't like to make attachments huh?

"Too bad my purpose of coming here is to make your world suffer more"

Hearing the irritating preach, Pleron quickly denies the elf.

"Surely it must be the cleansing of the world the Oracle Lenattes have once seen in his dreams thousands of years ago"


Pleron's ears twitched after hearing the elf.

"The cleansing of the world, in other words the removal of all impurities"

"The Gods had given an expiration for all that may ever survive the cycle of existence, such was the fate of the Old beings, the former inhabitant of this world, who dared to break the rule and wished for immortality, giving an abrupt end to their race, the Gods could not be blamed, for their jealousy surpasses even their very own might, and for them, these miniscule beings were not something they could have bear to see if they ever gain a partial blood of a God and be granted eternal life"

"The punishment for such misdeed had come from all kinds of forms, sometimes incurable plagues, humongous titans coming from the humble earth to falling meteors, the punishment kept ongoing till the numbers of the Old beings were no longer existing"

The elf continued after sensing the usually apathetic boy's temperature to suddenly rise up, contrasting the 'staged' outbursts he had from his memories, whenever the boy had a mental attack he always knew it had a deeper meaning within it and so deciphered that the boy was faking it to bring out his desired scene to play out, truly he had me at one time and even managing to draw me out, but never again, and now that this machine in a flesh to suddenly react.

"So you mean to tell me I'm the punishment?"


"But if not"

"Surely seeing a man with a mysterious power on par to their own, might incite them to do action"

Ku'ln gave a discerning look at the kid who was looking down and trembling, the heat gradually rising up.


"It seems this world isn't the only thing I'm going to tame"

(Status updated)