Obliterated And Sedated


Feeling the uncomfortable sweat sticking to his clothes and the dirt clinging to his expose skin, Pleron quickly got up.


The image he had taken to his sight was no longer the purgatory, but the base he had built which was now reduced to ashes.

"He sure got me, huh?"

'Status updated'

Upon taking calmly his loss, a notification soon popped out within his sight.


"The maintenance had fixed the unknown bug caused by an otherworldly interference"

"Warning! an unknown virus had managed to hack through the system"


Various messages flooded the system in which I quickly ignored.


The Leader: Pleron Nhov V. Vhon

Condition: Sedated


Favored by destruction, Survivor to the wrath of Gods, Exalted Chaos, Hated by the Gods.



Numbers of divisions on land:


Numbers of divisions on sea:


Numbers of divisions on air:


Points: 900,000


Exalted being (50,000 pts/sec)



Mischievous (Affected)

Patience (Affected)

Persuasive (Affected)


Zeal (lvl 1)

Auto repair (lvl 1)

Deformity (Maxed)

- Malforms to a demonic being depicting the true form of the user's self.

- Grants unimaginable strength depending on the user's form.

Duration: 30 mins

(Can be cancelled)

Cooldown: 24 hours

Passive skills:

Successor (Maxed)!

- After thwarting the curse of Hetis the god of craft and the creator of the system, you will no longer have the system be tweaked, giving you the chance to pave your own skills and status.

One man crew (Maxed)

All knowing language (Maxed)

Pokerface (Maxed)

An Earl of Chaos

- Aeshma a ruler of chaos has exalted you to be among the royalty to the path of chaos.

- If conditions are met nearby allies will gain the trait berserk temporarily

- Berserk triples the strength but incapacitates the ability to think.

Incitement (Maxed)

- The skill that could incite anger to any being.

A Vessel (Maxed)

- Containing an abhorred demon within might cause the host to be affected.

- If conditions are met the Demon residing within may join you.

Scarlet body (Maxed)

- Immunity to any type of poison.

Insulator (Maxed)

- Immunity to natural and magical lightning damage.



A cold and slow voice spoke out.


Pleron called.

"Thine had partake within thy system and replaced ye being residing within"

So he was the virus that hacked in to the system, and managed to replace the cold machinated voice.

But for him to easily destroy the curse of the Gods and regain the system back to normal, this demon really is something compared to the Gods here.

"Thine had lived countless years, but these so called 'Gods' are nothing but childrens within thine mind'

Arrogant, as expected of a demon of chaos.

"Oh yeah Aeshma"

"Earlier, what do you mean by purgatory"

"Weren't you a Daeva from the Zoroasomething religion?"

Pleron asked.


Aeshma questioned a word he never heard before.

Ah, I supposed he doesn't know the religion that he came out from, of course.

"Then the purgatory?"

"T'was Chinvat bridge, a path to judge ye souls, that was where ye partaking of both our body and soul partook"

"Chinvat bridge?"

"A sifting bridge where souls partake to be judged, the place where the object of thine vengeance resides"

"A bridge that splits ye bourn of ye life and death"

Tsk, should have listened to those boring textbooks.

Irritated by his lack of knowledge, Pleron kicked a nearby pebble atop the burned ashes he was standing on.

"Where your object of vengeance resides?"

"Which means?"




Hearing this, Pleron had a searing pain in his mind.

"But you said it was a bridge?"

"Why did it looked like an abandoned forest?"

"That, thineself do not have knowledge as well"

"I see"

I suppose I should salvage any remaining items I could find.

Pleron then took steps, finding any remains his former base could offer.

"There she is"

Within the midst of piled ashes, stood an ashen hunk of metal.

"Auto repair"

Soon the broken main gun regained its feared long barrel, the tracks, drive sprocket and the road wheels which can be easily sabotaged was fixed back to its former glory.

The stuck pieces of ice soon melted and the burned side skirt and hull began to glisten once more.

The cracked mudguard and Mg Mount was soon back in action.

Soon everything within the tiger tank was back to service.