

'It seems the tank is already able and ready, huh?'

Due to the decimation of his previous base, Pleron is once more back at the forest, in search for a place he could set up again.


This feeling, it seems I've gone far.

"The smell of pollution and corruption, heh!"

The fragrant smell the forest formerly brought was now slowly being wrestled by the smell of blood and smoke.

"Let me see"

"So that's why, I'm within the territory of my own species!"

Getting out from the forest and into the clearing, the boy took out a binocular.


Within the lens, Pleron could heavily recognize an army of a thousand.

"Judging from their silhouettes, they're probably elves"

'A war really is ongoing'

'The dog did said that I was the caused of this'

'But never would I have thought that those long eared fuckers were this aggressive'

'It's just been a day since the massacre, and they've already mobilized'

'They didn't even bother bringing a diplomat of the sort'

The boy decided to follow the army out of curiosity of how a war is fought in this kind of world.



"Hmmm, it seems something is following us?"

Amidst the rushing army of the elves, is an elf with a wizard hat. Mounting a wolf marked with signs all around its body, the man raised his arm in the air.


And muttered a word.


'They're quite fast'

'Is something burning?'

Due to his nose being used to the soothing smell of the forest, a sudden fluctuation of intense fiery smell took over.

'A fireball again?'

The boy looked up to see the Sun falling to his location.

"Boy, thineself thinketh amain of such projectile may present thyself to danger"

"You're saying I should dodge, right?"


With a sudden change of direction of the tank, the spell that was casted missed its intended destination.


The ground shook as the grass near within the explosion withered to ashes, taking Pleron and his tank to flipped over, as the intensity of the collision was the same as a meteor falling to Earth.

'Not again'

The boy fell unconscious once again.


"That should teach it to never be confident in its capabilities"

The Duke smiled in contempt as he felt the unknown being spying at the rear of his army eliminated.

"Disappointing, I would have preferred if it atleast managed to take a blow of my spell"