A Presence Of A Leader Is Worth A Million

"How I miss those 1$ dollar backyard sales"

Pleron said so, despite having hated the past.


Amongst the clothing of the imperial army, one stood out amongst of it all.

After scrolling down the officer clothing section, there was a huge 'Set' word that clearly depicted the border between normal clothes and other piece of clothings.

"Unlike the first half, everything in this section already has their own full set"


Officer wears

Feldwebel (Normal/Afrika/Winter) (Set) 150,000 pts.

- Increases efficiency in guns by 5%

(Only works to a living being)

Oberfeldwebel (Normal/Afrika/Winter)(Set) 200,000 pts (Only works to a living being)

-Increases efficiency in gun by 7%

Hauptfeldwebel (Normal/Afrika/Winter) 300,000 pts.

-Increases efficieny in guns by 9% (Only works to a living being)


The list goes on in and on, from uniforms for Heer officers to the Kriegsmarine. The uniforms also included the insignia of each designated uniforms.

"What's this?"

"Everything's absurd!"

Just as Pleron was getting intoxicated by the elegant designs of the uniforms, another surprise came.

Special sets

Gestapo (Set) 800,000 pts.

- Makes the wearer's awareness in crimes and conspiracy sensitive.(Good for law enforcers)

Shcutzstaffel (Set) 800,000 pts.

- The presence of its wearer intimidates any hostile beings. (Good for personal bodyguards)


Feldmarschall (Set) 2,000,000 pts.

- Boosts morale of the army when his presence is nearby.

The Desert Fox (Set) 2,000,000 pts.

- Just by wearing these set of clothes could make the wearer and all the Afrika corps efficient in using tanks.


Kaiser (Set) 2,100,000 pts.

- The loyalty of your own party will never waver (Includes Companions).

Führer (Set) 2,500,000 pts.

- Inspires his people during speeches or just by appearance in the public. (Makes your buildings and labourers more efficient)


"Damn! clothes that could make me climax just by looking"

"But what is up with those price?!"

Seeing the clothes put in front of him, those dull looking officer clothes before couldn't even compare.

(The Nazis was also known for their elegance and intricate clothing fashion)1

(Hitler and Kaiser Wilhelm held artistic value in high regard, even going as far as to make designs for themselves)

Hearing Pleron's curiousity mixed with anger, the system answered.

"Nobody asked"

Going back to the topic, it's already a given what I should wear right?


(You bought the Desert fox Set!)

(What color would you like it to be?)

(Black-white-red or Olive green?)


(What type of set do you want?)

(Overcoat or default?)


(What material would you like?)

(Leather or cotton)


(Would you like to use the badges and medals?)

(Yes or no?)


(Would you like to wear it now?)



A cloudy mist plastered itself all of over Pleron's body. The boy felt his body being cleaned all over, as every crevices that held dirt began to be washed.

Soon the feeling of an afterglow at the bath took effect and the set of clothes wrapped itself against Pleron merging to his size that fitted comfortably.

"Feels great"

With the smell of a beggar gone, and the itchiness feeling subsided. The clothes that partook at the body of the boy could now be clearly seen.

With intimidating fashion, a cotton overcoat falling down to Pleron's knees accentuated the boy's fit body, the Sam browne belt clinched to the smooth cotton tightening the hips area it holstered the Mauser pistol as well.

Accentuating Pleron's slender neck was the collar of a colored black shirt within the overcoat, hanging there was a goggle and on top of it is an Iron cross first class, residing on both sides of it is the incospicuous black upper lapel and the sexy red lower lapel that intersects at the chest part with the left side hidden underneath the right part.

The 184cm tall Pleron looked handsome as the German ski cap fully captured his owl's gaze that had seen the world's cruel side.

The pants looked poofy as it showed ruffled curves here and there which complimented the long overcoat's lower part, and a pair of rain leather boots sealed off the bottom hem of the pants.