

"Aeshma, got anything that I could turn the tiger over?"


"Ahhh, come on!"

"That is, limited to the power of the system"

"But, Not thineself"

"You telling me, you got something that could turn this over?"


"Hit me then"

"A thousand pardon then"

"Wait what ar-!?"

With the sudden tense of his muscles at his right arm, and the burning vessels that is madly coiling within his skin, the pain could rather be said unbearable due to the deforming part of the boy.


With the consistency of the pain still settling, unknown force made the unsettling lump of muscles that was once the limb of Pleron to grab a hold of the tank's barrel and with a loud 'Thud' the said vehicle was now back in action, pardon the few scratches.


With the deforming pain subsiding, and his mind gaining clarity again, a few cursing words were let out to appease the anger.


"I should have asked you about the method first huh?"

The boy was now littered with dust and sweat.

"Yucks, This might be the first for me to be so dirty"


Calling the Wehrmacht system again, the boy looked out to the clothing section, seeking for a new clothing.

"Luftwaffe uniforms"

"Kriegsmarine uniforms"

"High ranking officers wear"


"Sheesh there's a lot"

With a point, the boy chose the high ranking officers wear category, replacing the previous screen with a flick.

"Damn, those guys really knew fashion"

"Nowadays, shredded clothes are the trend, and undergarments showing almost everything, which denys its purpose are the talk"

'This generation, is such a Shame'

'Might as well get naked if I were to buy those shit'

'And what's worse, those overgrown people that doesn't know their limits were the ones likely to wear such a horrendous thing'

'Guh, fuck!'

"Ah! What Vileness!"

Imagining those people in their almost non existent swimsuits with bulging excess of fat in the tightly close fabric, brought even the chaos of demon to falter at the memory of the boy.

"Guh! back at the topic at hand"

The screen now showed images of the psuedo suits of the former renowned officers.

There was even the Kaiser uniform that the Emperor Wilhelm officially designed himself.

"Tsk, some of them are greenish gray though"

"The Overcoats are a kick in the balls, but not in these shitty scalding environment"

"The price as well, 100,000 pts. for a fucking spiked cannonball looking helmet?" "No, thank you"

"This is the reason why I haven't bought any clothes ever since I came here"

"The fucking clothes are much expensive than than some of the guns"

'If it weren't for the 'Exalted being' that gave 50,000 pts. per second, I would have never thought of buying any of these'

Seeing that the clothes were much expensive than most of what's the purpose of the system, brought Pleron to his knees.

'I've no choice but to buy'

'What would be the most comfortable though?'