
Roaming from the grassy fields of plain nothing is a roaming beast.

Pleron could see from his vicinity fences and windmills as they stretched from his sights as he passes.

"I wonder what should I do to that dog when we meet again?"

"I'll have to get those Volksgrenadiers back or else"

The boy who had just been in a few ghastly predicaments, merely brought the incidents to the back of his head. And was thinking of the previous dog he held captive, that he almost forgot.

"Oh well, forget about him"

"There's another important issue at hand"

And decided to hold on to it for now.

"I should still be able to catch up right?"

Pleron who was now once more back in the Tiger, fearlessly and persistently followed the man who had almost killed him.

"That guy was a Duke huh?"

"Wonder if I could recruit him?"

'Afterall, their situation is quite special?'

'After having that cursed blessing they shouldn't be loyal to their own, right?'

Having felt the same way of isolation since childhood, Pleron felt like he could sympathize to the man and suffering he had gone through.

But just then as Pleron was intoxicating himself in his daydream, a huge magic circle just a few kilometers seemed to have been summoned again, just approximately to the castle's bearings.

"Don't tell me it's that guy again?"

Grabbing the binocular inside the hatch, Pleron saw a massive familiar insignia.


And then as if a ghost appearing in the mist, a huge enflamed clump of a rock appeared within the huge circle. The massive stone seemed hellbent on destroying its destination as even the pressure seemed to get Pleron despite how far he was.

"That's bigger for sure?"

"Does that guy not have some sort of a cooldown?"

If the size of the meteor that almost struck Pleron was the same as a car, then this time the mass murdering projectile seemed to even exceed the size of a mansion.

"Not good"

With enflamed velocity, the meteorite pierced the colossal sea of clouds, paving way to the titanic monstrosity.

Putting the desert fox's goggles that was hanging at his neck to protect his eyes.



As if seeing the future end of the world, Pleron looked at the meteorite as it collided to Earth.

"It's just like fireworks"



After clapping his both of his hands for the admiration of such portrayal of beauty, Pleron then upon seeing the waves of dust and dirt coming his way hurriedly got inside the tank and closed the hatch.


Having landed, the aftereffects weren't kind enough to even let go of its vicinity, as the sound of air cutting through armor heavily pounded the boy's ears and the little footing he had inside shaking. Pleron desperately held anything that could recover his stance but alas, the boy could not deny physics and bouldered within the tank. Through the episcopes, speckles of dirt and dust seemed to have passed through, due to the goggles Pleron's eyes were protected but some got stuck to his mouth.

"Now this is a fantasy world!"

"Or else conquering it wouldn't be worth it!"

Despite the catastrophic situation he was in, Pleron's empty heart seemed to be finally beating in excitement mixed with a tinge of fear.

Even after getting into this fantasy world, this is the first time he felt such a feeling despite all the events he had bared, for the boy, this is a wondrous and joyous event, although he was still rolling around inside the tank.



Dwarves were known for their immeasurable strength deep within their surprisingly short stature.

Also renowned as innovative minds, their own genius is put to a trial when met with veiled mysteries.

Lurking within the east of the mountainous terrain lived such beings.

Not a patch of green nor trees could be seen.

At broad daylight.

As the towering hundred foot mountains brought low the esteem of any onlookers, below the foot of such intimidating presence is an elf, together with a small group wearing weird looking clothes and an eerie skin wielding sticks of iron.

"Don't go any further now"

A sturdy voice ordered when the group met a huge gate connected by huge walls that seemed to even stood among the tallest of mountains that disconnects the outside world.

"Take a step closer and you'll find yourself in hell"

Hearing the command, Ku'ln stopped and raised a hand that signaled the men behind him to halt as well.

"Gatekeeper, I've come here to give the sho- dwarves a proposal!"

At the face of the towering gate Ku'ln loudly proclaimed.

"Is it the stick looking weapon that I see?"

Due to the distance anyone who would like strike a conversation with the dwarves had to talk to the gatekeeper who couldn't be seen due to him standing atop the foggy peak of the gate.

'As expected of the dwarves they must have already invented a scope that could see through a long distance and into the fogs'

"Indeed, the magnanimous gatekeeper sure has great eyes!"


With a loud creak the huge iron gate seemed to be pulled by an unbelievable force, dust claimed as the spikes that held the foot of the gate to the ground rose up.

"Though colluding with an elf boils my blood, the leader had given orders to take on anything that might help improved our advancement in weaponry"

"But bring only a sample with you and leave your hideous men behind"

Ku'ln nodded and accepted the condition.

'This is all for my ambitions!'

With fiery gaze the elf got inside, as the Iron clogging gate closed down with a loud thump.