
A few seconds later~

As the tremors soon stopped, the boy didn't bother looking outside but instead called out to the system.



While spitting out the dirt that managed to get inside his mouth, Pleron hastily chose the Heer category.

"Snipers, snipers where art thou?"


With a jolly expression plastered to his face, mischief was radiating itself from the boy.

"What were they again?"

Clicking the infantry section, the boy sought out the men who warned the people of war to keep their heads low and exercise caution at anytime, the snipers.

Sniper (K98K) (Beginner) 150,000 pts.

Sniper (K98K) (Amateur) 200,000 pts.

Sniper (K98K) (Seasoned) 250,000 pts.

Sniper (K98K) (Veteran) 400,000 pts.

Looks like there's not a lot of varieties to choose from here?

Pleron thought, as there is only a few he could choose from picked a strand of his nerves.


(Sniper (K98K) (Veteran) x5

(1,300,000 pts. left)

His mood swinging left to right, the boy thriftily spent points.

(You bought Sniper (K98K scoped S.S patrons) (Veteran) congratulations!)

(You bought Sniper (K98K scoped S.S patrons) (Veteran) congratulations!)

(You bought Sniper (K98K scoped S.S patrons) (Veteran) congratulations!)

(You bought Sniper (K98K scoped S.S patrons) (Veteran) congratulations!)

(You have generated an ace German-Lithuanian sniper called Bruno Sutkus!)

Pleron patiently calmed himself throughout the annoying pop-ups sounds only to hear an ear splitting buzz noise that came to his ears.


Putting a pinky inside his ears that was still ringing, Pleron looked at the notifications.

"Who the fuck is that?"

(Due to the absence of a deployment area)

(The system had decided to spawn the units near the Führer)

"Wait don't spawn the-!"



Overcapping the intended size of the 5-manned tank Pleron got his head hit by the mg mount's handle due to being pushed by the burly shadow snipers that got spawned inside.

"Everyone out!"

Receiving the orders the snipers simultaneously executed the order, getting themselves stuck once more.

"One by one!"

And so after getting out in a terrible manner, Pleron lined the men up by a single file.

One of the units stood out amongst each other as the greenish grey uniform it had was filled with badges.

"This guy has an iron cross"

"As for the other badges"

Pleron didn't bother recalling anything from his mind nor did he delve deeper to the sniper ace, but rather changed the section from infantry to motorized.

"What's the name of that motorcycle again?"

Pleron scrolled down, and saw different kinds of half-tracks and other infantry used vehicles.


R75 German type motorcycle (Sidecar) (Mounted) 200,000 pts.

R75 German type motorcycle (Sidecar)150,000 pts

R75 German type motorcycle 100,000 pts.

Zündapp KS 750 German type motorcycle (Sidecar) (Mounted) 250,000 pts.


It seems that items like these were never meant to be bought if one already had the headquarters, due to the price it laid bare, building the motor pool might be something worth investing more.

'If I never gained that 'Exalted being' title after losing the headquarters, I would have been done for'

'It seems that I really have to find another place to settle in quickly, if I want to defeat Aeshma's incoming rival'

(You bought Zündapp KS 750 German type motorcycle (Sidecar) (Mounted) congratulations!)

(You bought Zündapp KS 750 German type motorcycle (Sidecar) (Mounted) congratulations!)

(You bought Zündapp KS 750 German type motorcycle (Sidecar) (Mounted) congratulations!)

(You bought Zündapp KS 750 German type motorcycle (Sidecar) (Mounted) congratulations!)

(You bought Zündapp KS 750 German type motorcycle (Sidecar) (Mounted) congratulations!)

(Would you like to automatically buy each respective motor a driver?)

(Yes or No?)


'It seems, coming after that Duke who could see my men coming from a hundred miles is just suicide'

'Even right now my location is known to him'

'But if I were to consider the limit casting range of that guy is, even if he was a duke he might not be able to hit us at this range'

'Since right now the distance between us and them is a 5,000 yards after all'

'But at this range we can!'

(Personality "Confident" acquired)

Bursting with confidence, Pleron thought.

Due to the considerable amount of distance gained after being delayed by the smaller meteorite, Pleron knew that even though the duke knows his location, he would never be able to cast a spell due to the distance between them, and so decided to ignore Pleron's or rather the tank's threat.

But one thing the duke didn't know was the boy's capability.

The duke would probably even didn't consider that Pleron had a bolt action rifle that cover a maximum range of a 5,140 yd with the S.S patrone bullet.

"Hey, Bruno was it?"

"Step out and shoot that long eared man with a huge ass hat"

"Shoot him only in the liver to knock him out"

"Let's see what kind of an ace you are?"

'If it's that monster he could probably survive a shot in the liver without dying right?'

'And considering the distance that the bullet would cover it would be non-lethal to him right?'

Looking through the binocular, Pleron saw the huge crater where the previous castle stood once, and nearby, the duke and his men could be suddenly seen being entangled against an ambush.

'To be able to ambush that monster, who could it be?'


"Oh shit that was fast"

Pleron saw the duke who was straightening his shocked army, to suddenly fall down his mount, causing further confusion to the elves who were now being slaughtered by the enemies' shock cavalry followed by a hail of arrows. Since shock cavalries is most likely made up of armored men and armored horses, a barrage of arrows wouldn't be a threat, but for the elves who wore enchanted armors it wasn't a concern as well, but for their mounts? I think not.


Pleron saw the elves' vulnerable mounts being slaughtered, causing the elves who mounted them to fall down and be stampeded to ground meat by the enemies' cavalry.

"The motorized infantry follow me!"

"Snipers, try and get closer to provide covering fire!"

"As for the tiger tank, follow me as well!"

The soldiers silently executed the order, the snipers tried to cover as much ground as possible to provide covering fire, while the motorized infantry got to their respective bikes and followed Pleron who was also using a Zündapp.

He also bought five tank crew members to mount tiger tank.

Pleron put on his goggles and rode out to the entanglement.

"Honestly I would have preferred using the tank and shred those bastards to pieces"

"But after seeing seeing a force of 50,000 men, a single tank might not be able break them off"

"I could try and wait for more points to buy more tanks but that might kill the duke if a barrage of AP rounds and hails of bullets were to consume the battlefield"

Pleron was thinking to himself as he got closer and closer to the battle.

The terrain was smooth so they easily managed to cover the ground in a matter of a few seconds, with Pleron being first followed by the motorized infantry, then the tank.

"Looks like the duke is being carried away from the battlefield"

From the south of the battlefield, Pleron saw a beautiful elf mounting a horned horse carrying the duke away from the onslaught coming their way.

Seeing this, Pleron stopped, causing the following motor infantry to motion the same, their distance to the battle was only just a kilometer away, making their presence already known, in fact a detachment of cavalries were already stampeding their way through Pleron.


(Volksgrenadier (Kar98k)(Veteran) 150,000 pts.)

"Mount the gun"

The shadow smoothly got in and mounted the gun from the sidecar.


At this time, the tank was already near Pleron's side.

"Motorized infantry go and capture the commander of the human side, after doing so, retreat to the southern forest"

"As for the tank, go back to the snipers and tell them to fall back to the southern forest of the castle as well"

Since the soldiers and equipments Pleron had now wasn't enough to engage against a massive army, he decided to make the tank retreat to the snipers' position who was already shooting quite loudly in the distance and make them fall back, Pleron doesn't know if his soldiers' could pass on orders, so he could only hope they could do so.

As for the motorized infantry, Pleron knew they could outrun the arrows and the heavy horses, so he decided to hopefully manage to catch the commander of the human side as well.

"Hopefully, when this is all over, they wouldn't be as unreasonable than that dog"

Remembering the betrayal he had just a day ago, caused the composure of Pleron to break into a smile, with insanity as its reason.


(Personality 'Possessed' acquired)

'I've tried to hold off the thoughts, but it seems I can't hold it in for much longer'