Inside To The Border Of Madness And Reason.

"Goddammit I'm LOSING IT!"


(Trait 'Composed' lost)


"And so the pitch of darkness had finally consumed the maze of his mind"

"Scavenging the boy who garners the mind of a brilliant killer"

"Had finally consummate every reasoning"

Hidden in talons of pitch mud and slings of revolting effigies, stood a boy clinging to the mast of his ever shaking worn and batten boat. Floating along the sea of nothingness his boat came to a still.

"Hello Aeshma"

In front of such distorted imagery, a stretch of a hand came as a greeting to an ever changing profligate stone.

"For you to be here"

"Must mean that you've ceased to be a human?"

The stone stretched a hand as well.

Seeing this Pleron shook it, more like tried to, as it never even shown itself accepting the hand.

"Nono, good friend, in fact it's the opposite"

"I've come to learn to accept it"

Hearing the boy's response the statue then came to a motion as it decided to put its hand to his chin.

"I've helped you once, but this time, only you could salvage whatever remains to your aching sanity"

With this, nothingness crumbled along with the trail of solice the statue left.

"Remember that madness is caused by straying off your beliefs"

"Be it insanity or piousness, stick through them till the end"

"Never lose track of what is your purpose in this world"


Feeling the clear burn of his left cheek, Pleron opened his eyes.

"I see"

"The system tried to change me, but Aeshma helped me in conquering it"

"And now"

Seeing the streets of the rundown countryside town he once lived in the , Pleron felt his blood rushing through his head.

"It's just me"

"And I have to conquer myself, the irony!"

(A diety named Sros had seeped through your mind after sensing your vulnerability)

(Thwart his prayers and gain the favor of the ones lurking)

(Task: Conquer yourself

-After doing this, the deity itself would have no choice but to show itself.)

"Isn't this too fast?"

At this time, the system clearly shown its favor to me after greeting me with a blue screen along with a warning.

"Well, I suppose I could count the system as well"

Wearing Rommel's coat, hanging in his Browne belt is the holstered Mauser C96 ready for any opposition.


Checking the magazine fully loaded, Pleron took off the safety lever that was at the left of the hammer and held the gun with both hands.


The sound of the school's dismissal.

"You know that Pleron boy from those couple?"

"Of course, who wouldn't?"

"Right I heard he stripped himself naked and peed at the fountain"

"For an 11 year old boy to do that, what are his parents even doing?"

Stricken with feign worry, the mothers continued their conversation.

"And more importantly, I heard my son saying that the boy was always smiling to the point that even the ones bullying him came to as stop due to his arbitrariness"

"Arbitrary? I think the kid must have something wrong with his head!"

The middle aged women soon took up the scene as the school opened its gates for children to go home.

"I want to go to the plaza first!"

"Mom! I scored a perfect and got a star at my hand"

"My classmate said he had the new game, can I have it as well?"

"Bye Nadine"

"Hey! Lark let's meet up later!"

Amidst the intoxicating innocence, stood out a lone and a young boy.

Behind him the gates slowly closed as the guard eyed the boy who got out late.

With a smile plastered to his face, the boy hurriedly took off, sweeping the brown ruffled hair.

"I made them laugh again, hehehe!"

With a disturbing laugh, the child brought his hand to his face and massaged his jaw.

"Playing as the buffoon feels good doesn't it?"

The boy was soon blocked off by Pleron.

"Feels good being laughed at, right?"

"Just to fill that emptiness, you dilute yourself to the fantasies of having friends by acting like a fool"

Seeing that someone was taking attention to him, the boy regained his smile once more.

"I wonder what does mister mean?"

Merrily the boy said.


The flesh burned, resonating the pain throughout the public eyes.

"What is that young man doing to that boy?"

Soon eyes and ears were all around, seeing this, the boy who stumbled back due to the slap smiled more merrily and was even making faces at the people.

"Sorry big brother, I won't do it again"

"Come on, let's go home or else mom would give us the belt!"

Playing as a family, the boy's thinking was clearly mature, though Pleron wasn't clearly keen on acting along.

"Still thinking about your dignity, even in the face of danger huh?"


This time a fist came to the view of the boy, dizzied and unbalanced, the boy fell to the asphalt of the road.

The taste of iron dipped within his tongue made him let out everything in his stomach.


A hue of green and the putrid smell came to his senses.

"Sir! I would like to talk with yo-"



The roar of the engines and the honks of the angry drivers due to the traffic caused by the event was soon replaced by an ear splitting sound.

"I wonder if this is still time to make friends?"

Lying down besides the shaken boy, was a corpse of a police officer with a hanging mouth, a bullet in the head paved way for the brain and skull matters to ooze out, going along the trail was blood.


"Call the police!"

"That child is in danger!"

Scurrying, the people around Pleron immediately took flight to seek safety.

Some decided to follow him in the distance and took pictures.


Holding his head, the boy couldn't gather air through his body.

The irregularity of his breathing nulled his senses and thought process due.

"Come with me you little fucker"

"You better be prepared, what I'm about to show is the kind of life you will lead soon"

Seeing the pathetic state of his former self, incited the instinct of domination.

It is said that something you have done or become in the past would either be a nostalgic memory or an object of anger in the present, for Pleron it was the latter.

"Let me show you a little lesson in life"

"A lesson about how to make friends, while not making yourself look pathetic"

Dragging the boy by the hair, Pleron took his former self to an alley. While walking, people were already pointing fingers and some were even holding rocks, but upon seeing the Pleron's gun and the boy he was dragging, they decided hold the thought off.

"Hey bastards want to become friends?"

Hidden in the eyes of public, a group of teenagers could be seen sticking a diluted drugged syringe to their skin.

Pleron saw them and pointed a gun at them.

"Wooooah, so scary dude"

A mohawk man with a lot of piercings tucked to his face provokingly said, judging by his wrinkled face he should be the 'responsible' adult of the merry group.


"I'm talking to my own generation, shithead"

The man soon turned to an object of fear, a corpse.


"Damn, is that a colt something gun?"

"Cool aesthetic clothes bro!"

"Where can I get one?"

The four teenagers spoke their own thoughts to the event.

"Help! help!"

A gothic girl tried to sneak past to the gap on the left of Pleron.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"Let's become friends"

"Get off, weirdo!"

The girl was grabbed by the collar by Pleron, in which she responded by pushing the latter, making him stumble at a nearby trash can.



Seeing the girl escaping, Pleron decided to remove her.