The Craft

"Hmm? what a useless cur"

"And yet it still called himself a God?!"

"As expected of the main Earth's useless entities"

Amidst the middle of the neverending raging sea, protrudes mountainous rocks seemingly piercing through the heavens.

"Hey Hetis! try and rein in your dog will you?"

"Be responsible and deal with that mortal"

This unnerving tower was being pushed pulsating waves of the unforgiving pressure of the sea, but despite its efforts it never seemed to show signs of crumbling down.

"Tsk! I know"

Atop this tower was a marbled platform, standing there was a meeting being held by two monstrosity.

"Not only did I lost my connection with my new creation that was still yet to be finished, the host even had the gal to try and belittle us!"

"Though that product is still unfinished and still has some major setbacks, if we the Gods don't deal with it quickly and that kid managed to gain a stronghold, we might have another risk of a rebellious ascension again"

A spinerending voice spoke out in her veiled mouth, her tall figure wore a thick black habit clothing it only showed the emphasized curves of a coquettish woman being spilled in the obvious tightness of her garments.

"That's why I'm telling you to deal with it woman"

A man then suddenly dissapeared in front of her as he gave a stare and a warning.

"Hmph, think of me as an imbecile, but I've already taken precautions if ever a malfunction occurs in my creation, unlike those lazy bastards"

"Altough the system project to begin with was just something I created out of boredom and decided to give it to a deceased soul"

"Never would I have thought that a random insect would cause this much headache"


Being left alone, the woman chuckled as her eyes dilipidated in insanity.

'Reading through the history books of mankind had made me broke through my craftship once more'

'Being inspired by the wondrous cruelty of the dictator made even a great being like me be filled with zealousness'

'Though I've made the system with the wehrmacht as the premise, and the soul of a fervor nazi youth as the guide'

'For that bastard host not even showing an ounce of gratitude but even dared to trample my own genius'

'Is infuriating'


The marble tiles started to shake and broke under the pressure emitted by the woman.

'Looks like I'll have to send my son to the fray'

'Let's relive the magnificent markings of the world once more'

With a heart wrenching excitement, the woman smirked moving her veil in an upward stance.


Right below the overtowering guardian of the elves' suddenly stood a man who wore no clothing, and just simply kept on looking around and around as the onlookers gazed upon him in confusion.

"A human?"

"How did he get here"?

"He must have hijacked one of the nobles' recall scrolls and got here"

"Quick! call the guards!"

"Hahaha! human really are like animals just as the books said"

At the sea of confused and jeering long eared mammal, the man just stood silently as if waiting upon something.

(Welcome to the union of the red army)

(The Soviet Union system)


The Leader: Achilles


Title: Demi God, Son of Hetis, The hero of the trojan war, Blessed by the river of Styx.



Numbers of divisions on land:


Numbers of divisions on sea:


Numbers of divisions on air:



Reputation: Heroic Entity 50,000 per/sec

Personality: (Cannot be read)


(Cannot be read)

Passive skills:

(Cannot be read)

(Defend the honor of the Gods' and obliterate the horrendous black army! Comrade!)