The Reason

Achilles stared back with his azure pupils, causing the onlookers to stare away unconsciously.

"Wh-what is this perfection?"

"How could such a human be blessed by such an image"

Seeing such a chiseled body and a handsome face, even the narcisstic elves began to shy away to the entity that was presented to them.

"Don't berate yourselves, even in the temple of aphrodite such beautiful beings such as yourselves could have never existed"

Sweeping his beautiful white hair, the man with a soothing voice the penetrated the hearts of the men and women alike, softening their guards.

"Oh my! such a gentleman"

"Where is that lowly flatlander?!"

Alerted, the guards soon came unto the scene, silencing the awestruck citizens.

Due to the main army being moblized. The king had no choice but to spread out his own personal guards to secure the safety of his people to the inconspicous dark elves, and the misunderstood ally of the humans, the dwarves.

Truth be told, the kingdom of Elendra was just a small plot of a forest that elves resided, counts and other high ranking nobles had no choice but to build their counties and duchies near to the palace of the king, which made the organization and mobilization of the soldiers an easy task, and the ambition for expansion grew inside the hearts of the king and his subjects.

"Such fine soldiers, mayhaps a meeting upon the basileus of such men can be humbly requested?"

"Of course"

As if they knew each other, the personal guard of the king seemed to comply easily to the request.

'Mother had told me a while ago that these long eared humans was just again, a creation she created out of a whim'

'My mother is such a genius to create such intricate beings in her spare time'


"Listen Achilles, before you go out there and take back that whatever system I created, you'll meet the other creation of the gods, and of course mine as well, so if you meet one of them, you can just order them around if you wanted to"


"It's in their system you could say, hehehe!"

"Once a God decided to create something, either for fun or to further their worshippers, there is one thing they never forget to instill inside"

"One is obedience, which will make them comply any orders us higher entites want"

"And second is contentment!"

"Why contentment you say?"

"So that they could learn their place and not rebel like those idiots did back then!"

"So the dream of conquering the world or gaining immortality, or whatever heresy they may think, will never cross their minds"

"Why bother when we can just order them around with obedience?"

"Achilles, do you think beings like us have time to spare to a toy that we've grown bored of?"

"Of course not, the only reason I'm bothering you to take care of that boy who had the system is because he managed to tweak it, destroying the obedience, and that he held the will to dream of conquest, defying contentment as well"

"He also managed to make a contract with a main Earth's demon, making him a potential threat"

"And also beware of that traitor Promethues' creation, the humans as well"

"They may be weak and dumb, but if that boy managed to make contact with them would be an undesirable of an event"


Remembering the words his mother said to him, Achilles touched his chin and begun to think.

"It seems that my opponent is quite a formidable one"

'For now, allying with all the potential candidates like the elves, and their opposites the dark elves, as well as the mermen would be much appreciated'

"Oh and the dwarves as well'

'And of course, a plot of land would be desirable'