"Stop the car, stop the car" Mu yazhe yells at Mu zain. Mu zain and Anna turn at the same time and ask:" what is it". Uncles getting in that car" yells Mu yazhe. Mu zain pulls to the side quickly. They watch and see it is him getting in. The car with the uncle in drives off Mu zain follows slowly behind the car in front finds out it's been followed they speed up Mu zain also speeds up they are given chase but for some reason, Mu zain keeps slowing down Anna looking at him driving she ask "what wrong why are we slowing down". To keep the distance from them in case the brake the other cars getting further away from them Anna looks at Mu zain what are you doing now she then realising that Mu zain Mu yazhe are swapping seats after which the car speeds up again they give chase weaving in and out of traffic Anna still thinks that slow she says "drive faster you drive like an old lady"! Mu yazhe says "I going as fast as can you think you can do any better you drive little Master". Anna huffs she doesn't like been called little Master.

They make to a remote part of town still trailing Mu zain rung the rest of the team at the compound and told them to track them down. Anna also texts the shadow guards" it's showtime". They know what to do as the car ahead comes to a halt in front Mu yazhe stop the car the look on Anna assess at the situation she realised they just headed into a trap she looks back she a line of cars parked behind them blocking them in with their cars revving the engines "oh its like that is it " Anna sneers. Anna is glad Mu zain used her car she puts her seat down and pulls out a black overnight bag in the bag is her guns, knives and other useful equipment her cap and mask are on the bag she takes of her suit jacket and puts on her leather jacket ties her up puts on her cap then her mask she then asks Mu yazhe "to swap seats with her "Mu yazhe looks at her and is amused by what he sees he heard about going on mission looking like that but today he witness it. Anna hands the weapons to them and explains what she wants them to do Mu zain is impressed with Anna's plan Mu yazhe seeing Anna in a whole different light. Anna starts the car she spins to face the cars lined up she revs the engine then moves forward at speed Mu zain and Mu yazhe wind down the windows to put the guns out they ready as they move the other cars move it becomes a dare who gets out of the way first. Anna speed increases so the other cars Mu zain takes the first shot takes the car on his right out then Mu yazhe takes his shot taking out the car on his left. The one in the middle is left Anna needs to make her swift move to get you of the opening they gave her before they close in again Anna swirls to the left giving the indication that she's manoeuvring that way so cars all move that way as she closer she immediately swerve to the right takes the opening gliding past the oncoming cars.

Anna screams cheerfully but it's short-lived they're trailing her now they being chased down by uncles men. Anna smirks and puts her foot down the boys are looking at her trying to work out where Anna learned her driving skills from she handled the car like she's born to race. No wonder she called them old ladies thought Mu yazhe. Anna was on hands-free talking to the shadow guards who were guiding her with directions. They guided her to where the other team members were waiting they had left an opening for her to bring her car through once she passed the closed the gap and swirled the car around bringing it stop. Anna got out of the car and took command of the team Mu yazhe just watched as she told them exactly what she wanted them to do. They were ready to face their enemy as the other cars came to a halt they were blocked in from the vehicles behind. The leader came out if the car was their cousin Uncle firstborn son Shun Beng he stood I don't and said to his men kill or be killed they charged Anna told her men to hold there ground let them get closer once in the right range Anna give the to command open fire which they did most of the other team was wiped out there were a few left including the Shun Beng Anna wanted to take them alive they had answer to her questions when the other wide run out of ammunition Anna gave instructions for the team to capture them.

Anna could not fight Shun Beng in case it was trap to sus them out so the team did the job. Which they did successfully they took them back to the compound blindfolded so they couldn't glimpse to where they were been taken. Once everything had been dealt with Anna turned the boys and asked are you hungry they looked at her thinking we're she was stuffing all the food she dessert for all three of them "for the small person you sure eat a lot where does it all go "Mu yazhe asked: "well I have a fast metabolism" retorted Anna with puffed cheeks Mu zain pinched her cheeks and said "lets go home you can eat until your hearts content". Anna pulled her tongue at Mu yazhe and got jumped into the driving seat. My yazhe shook his head and got in.

In the car Mu yazhe stared at the back of Anna head and thoughts himself she is not like the women that throw themself at him. She speaks what is in her mind she's blunt with words doesn't think even surprise herself sometimes. She is feisty she beats the crap out of you and calls it training. She eats like a pig she's not shy when it comes to food and when she sees dessert she goes crazy she rob yours and eats it. But when she protects those dear to her she does it from the heart not even caring about her own life. He couldn't believe in short space of time she conquered his heart or should we say she beat a space for herself. Secretly he has always loved her since the first time he touch her. When she gave birth to the triplets his love deepen more. Mu yazhe wants to touch her, taste those tender lips feel next to his skin every time they train her body touches his he feel like an electric bolt shot through his body. But he holds back knowing that she is his brother's wife. His only consolation is that his brother won't touch her intimately. Mu yazhe loves his brother more than his own life he would never overstep the boundaries he can only keep his desires hidden deep inside. They have arrived home Mu yazhe is still caught up in his deep thoughts.

Anna and Mu zain get out they look at Mu yazhe he does not get out Mu zain opens Mu yazhe doors and pokes him hard we here. Mu yazhe winced and looks at Mu zain "oh we're home". Mu yazhe manages to say. Anna turns and says "A Penny For Your thoughts". He looks at her confused what does she mean. Mu yazhe gets out walked in straight to the study. Anna Scruggs walks off in the direction of the kitchen. Mu zain follows Mu yazhe into the study. When the door is closed Mu zain asks:" cuz what's up you were quite in the car too. Mu yazhe says nothing "I was just thinking how Anna managed an entire team this afternoon it was an eye-opener that she's come so far in short period of time". Mu zain chuckled "if you thought that was impressive I will let you in on secret the mission we completed over the past four years Anna's been the team leader of all of them and also when she rescued mother she went in alone"." Mu Shin says her work is remarkable she doesn't leave a clue behind he borrows her for some mission". Mu yazhe looked without blinking "what you sent Anna on such dangerous mission what if she got hurt"! Mu zain looked over at Mu yazhe "she is in her element when she's on a mission Anna never asks for anything so when she asked I couldn't say no especially when she pouts".

The door to the study is open in charges the triplets Mu zain is closet's to the door so he gets pounced first by all three then Mu yazhe gets pounced by little Blessing and Little Rock but little Tiger holds back. They ask where their mother is little blessing tells Mu zain to carried her to the kitchen Mu yazhe and little tiger are left in the study. Mu yazhe signs to little Tiger "do you need something" little Tiger first shakes his head then nods. Mu yazhe then sign "what". Little Tiger signs "I want to ask you a question". Mu yazhe signs "alright ask away". Little Tiger signs "are you our other father I mean that help bring us into the world". Mu yazhe looks surprised then he figured Little Blessings must have told them "Yes are you okay with that". Little Tiger signs "yes cool can I hug you". Mu yazhe came on to his knees opened his arms as to say yes Little Tiger came to his embrace he held on to his son with the knowledge all his children accept him as their father he never felt happier he just about held his tears from rolling. In the doorway Mu zain watched he'd seen everything he was happy that his children accept the situation. But he shudder to think what Anna response going to be.