28 SIS (1)

Anna's up early again she has the same nightmare which always ends in her drowning. She doesn't understand what it means it's all jumbled up. She gets up and goes on and runs around the track for a bit then does some practice she then rests on the rock it's become her favourite place she finds peace here she able to think clearly but the best it's the best place to watch the sunrise and set. Today it's different to normal days she feels anxious about Lord only knows she certainly doesn't. She watches the sunrise trying to distract her self it's beautifully serene the darkness fading to bring light to a new day new Delima. Anna looks at her watch and says to her self back to the madhouse I go she hums as she heads into start the breakfasts every one had their own personal preference and unexpected guests and those who just came part of the furniture. After the breakfast is ready she wakes everybody up they make their way to the dining table and get ready to eat breakfast every chatting about the day ahead Mu yazhe walks in he greets everyone there is already a place setting for him. Mu main asked him about what's on today's schedule Mu yazhe tells him the itinerary for today but in the evening we going out for a meal we've been invited by our old friend (tingling) Ting Ju he's back and wants to catch up also introduce his wife. "The old sly dog got married and didn't invite us to his wedding we should punish him when we see him" retorted Mu zain. "Anna you will be coming as well I like to meet our old buddy of ours, we been friends since kindergarten" Mu zain asked. Anna didn't like going out to to the club come pub come restaurants they were always too boisterous for her every time she's been there's always been a brawl Anna's usually the instigator but always behaves like she didn't know what had happened. Anna looked pleading at her husband to change his mind he firmly said "you are going no fighting". Anna looks at him innocently like I'm a good girl. Both Mu zain and Mu yazhe look her shake their heads. Everyone goes about there work Anna sulks around the house thinking of ways to get out of going she stands at the top of the stairs thinking" if I threw my self down I wouldn't have to go yeah good idea "she thought to her self. Ah, that's a bit drastic I like my body I put it through torment I go but don't blame me if there's trouble.

Evening came to fast for Anna she got a call that Mu zain would pick her up in hour Anna got ready she hate meeting people. Mu zain beeped outside Anna walked out with puffed up cheeks and sat in the car grumbling she said "hello". Mu zain chuckled "you make it out I taking you to read your last rights come on it's a bit of fun". Anna spoke "but there you're friends and they're stuck up wife's they always say such snidey remarks". Mu zain sighed he how much she hated it but he needed her to start to mingle with the elite family. When they arrived Mu yazhe was already waiting Anna felt such turmoil in her heart she had never felt before she couldn't work out if it was good or bad it didn't feel it was dangerous. They headed in the music was noisy they headed straight to the booth allocated to them open the door Mu zain walked in first followed by Anna Mu zain stop in his tracts Anna was not paying attention walked into his back she rubbed her nose as she looked up at the tall figure and cursed in her head (lamppost).

Anna walked around and looked she froze in her place couldn't believe what she was seeing she blinked her eyes then rubbed them to make sure she was not a hallucination. It was her twin sister Amelia, . Amelia looked equally shocked she stood up everyone around them looked at them both they were identical Anna stayed frozen Amelia, ran over put her arms around Anna and hugged her. Anna still frozen felt her sisters heart beating like a drum throwing her arms around and squeezed tight she didn't want to let go in case it was an imagination playing tricks on her she whispered "its really you"tears strolled down their faces Amelia whispered "it's me".

Lord only knows how long they stay like that. Anna didn't want to let go in case she disappeared. In the background, Ting Ju butted in my wife doesn't hug me the way she is hugging you that's when the two of them realised they weren't alone. Amelia pulled away she wiped the tears with her thumbs and giggled "hey blue rose how are you". Anna replied with tears lI'm good jade". Everyone around them didn't know what to say or do. They stood like two lovers in embrace reluctant to part. Ting Ju came over and spoke," so this is the sister you've been telling me about wow, I didn't know the world was so small that I'd end up being related to my buddies". "Same here "Mu zain butted in. Finally, Anna let go of her sister's hands. They sat down jointly all the friends gathered looked on at the identical twins they had all seen the triplets apart from Ting Ju and Amelia so they weren't surprised and they knew that Anna hadn't seen her family in almost 7 years. So they gave them space. Anna and Amelia didn't speak much they had a lot to tell each other but this wasn't the place. At the end of the evening, it was time to leave all the other couples had bid their farewell and left. Outside Anna didn't want to be parted from her sister Amelia didn't want to leave Anna either. Mu zain watched them he then turned to Ting Ju and asked:" to bring Amelia over in the morning to spent time with Anna". Ting Ju agreed he would drop Amelia of he had some business to discuss with Mu yazhe and Mu zain. Anna stood routed while she watched her sister get in the car and drive away it was as though her heart was being torn again this was the turmoil she was feeling all-day. Mu zain held Anna's hand and guided her to the car sat her down put her seatbelt on.

They didn't speak all the way home Anna just looked out of the window. As they reached home just as they were going to exit the car Anna clutched Mu zain hand and asked in a low horsey voice" she will come tomorrow won't she". Mu zain turned to Anna placed his other hand on her head and ruffled her "yes definitely Come on let's go in". Anna walked in she settle her children to bed then came to her bedroom Mu zain was on his laptop finishing some work off. She told him "she was going outside for a run ".Mu zain nodded he understood her well. Outside Anna went and sat on her rock she let the tears gush out silently she was overwhelmed by what happened she didn't know how t to react was she happy-sad definitely confused. They was so much running through her mind. She didn't realise that Mu yazhe was near her watching her this was the first time he saw this side of Anna his heart pained for her he moved closer pulled Anna into his embrace held on to her tightly Anna was a shocked by the sudden action firstly she didn't know who it was secondly she has never had someone to embrace when she was like this.

She felt an electric current running through her body so she knew exactly who it was only one person could do this to her Mu yazhe. He whispered in her ear which tickled her "it's ok I got you". Anna never had somebody tell her it's alright Mu zain was wonderful but even he didn't know how to console her. Anna didn't why it was comforting she could hear Mu yazhe heartbeat it felt soothing but she didn't know why she wants to cry more her tears run rapidly she cried until she felt satisfied she didn't know how but fell asleep in Mu yazhe arm maybe it was warm, cosy and comfortable. Mu yazhe gently lifted her Princess style brought her to her bedroom as he walked in Mu zain looked on why was Mu yazhe bringing Anna back after Mu yazhe in the bed tuck her in he looked at Mu zain "she fell asleep outside". Said Mu yazhe" Oh "replied to the answered Mu zain. Mu yazhe left.