When they arrive home they head straight to the office where the father in law is sat with Mu yale they all look at each other and Mu Shinn runs over and hugs his father and they sob quietly so not to wake the children up. After Mu Yazhe hugs his Uncle and has a good sob after they moved away and sat down. Father in law asks "where's Anna". Mu Shinn replies:" She fainted in the hospital so they kept her in for observation and put a drip on her. Father in law was about sit but falls in his chair he says "I can't lose any more I don't have the strength to deal with anymore loses". Mu Shinn "Anna is okay she is just in shock and exhausted she needs the rest I left Amelia with her".

Mu Yazhe asked who is with the children"! Mu Yale spoke "your mother". Mu Yazhe:" I just going to look in on them". They all nodded. Mu Shinn stayed downstairs to discuss matters with his father and uncle there was lot happening all at once a so they needed to on top form they also had to keep with what had happened out of the media with Mu Shinn being special forces he had access lot of powerful, people so it was easy for him to deal these matters it was informed to the media it was a car crash. Mu Yazhe went upstairs he stood outside the room his hands shook to open the door but he needed to see make sure they were alright he need to see something good after all the bad that had happened. He slowly open and peeked inside his mum was sat on the chair Little blessing was sprawled out on the bed she was sight for sore eyes she made him smile then he saw Little Rock who was sleeping he looked peaceful. When he looked at Little Tiger the big blue eyes looked into his green eyes. Little Tiger gesture Mu Yazhe to come over he slowly moved and sat on the bed. Mu Yazhe signed:" Why are you not asleep Little man". Little Tiger signed:" because I worried I know what's happening and I need to be there when Mummy comes she needs me". Mu Yazhe signed:" what do you know my little man". Little Tiger signed:" that Daddy and grandma are not coming home anymore they went to a faraway place where people wouldn't come back from". Mu Yazhe signs:" who told you, Little man". Little Tiger signed:" I read granddad's lips and he is very upset he's been crying secretly when he thinks we are not paying attention, my friend, Lilly when her father went to the far way place her family was behaving like this". Mu Yazhe hugged Little Tiger he couldn't believe how grown his son was he was more mature for a child his age. Mu Yazhe signed:" do Little Blessing and Little Rock know". Little Tiger signed:" yes Daddy they know Little Blessing spoke to Daddy and he told her he couldn't come back and her to look after everybody and she has been bossing us around". Mu Yazhe was taken back that how easily they accepted him as their father. Mu Yazhe signed:" you need to get some rest if you want to grow tall and strong". Little Tiger signed:" Daddy how old do think I am it's not sleeping that defines you it's your genes and I'm looking at my tall genes and strength gene will come from my mother". Mu Yazhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry his kid was a really smart and no-nonsense child. Mu Yazhe signed:" I'm strong too you know". Little Tiger signed:" Daddy I've seen Mummy beat you up she has the strength". Mu Yazhe shook his head he realised that even though he was signing this little man was going to have the last say.

Mu Yazhe tucks Little Tiger in and looked over to his mum and asked: " hey mum how are you doing". Mu Yazhe mum replied:" I'm just holding together if it hadn't been for these little ones distracted me I would have broke down already". Mu Yazhe sighed:" mum what do I say to comfort you we've lost a lot in one day you lost your sister also your nephew I lost my brother, my best friend and my Auntie". Mu Yazhe mum:" she was my best friend we shared all our secrets our happiness our sorrow who will I run to with my dilemmas" her tears flowed down like a waterfall. Mu Yazhe was walking over when a little figure ran over and cuddled her Mu Yazhe looked over in surprise it was Little Blessing she spoke:" don't cry, grandma you won't look pretty if you do and grandma would be sad if she sees you sad". As Little Blessing wiped Mu Yazhe mums tears away. Mu Yazhe looked on at the antics of his daughter in amazement at how they know what to do to make someone feel better. Mu Yazhe mum hugged Little Blessing and kissed her cheeks and said:" I won't cry sweetheart your so adorable can I take you home with me". Little Blessing looked at Mu Yazhe mum and said:" Grandma can stay here with us we will look after you". Mu Yazhe mum put grandpa needs me at home". Little Blessing:" Grandpa can stay as well we have plenty of space grandma share with me and grandpa share with Little Rock he can't share with Little Tiger he kicks you in the night". Mu Yazhe mum couldn't help but laugh. Mu Yazhe walked over and picked his daughter up kissed on the forehead and asked:" are you not asleep Little Angel". Little Blessing replied:" Daddy I was but I heard your voice so woke up to check and it was really you" she hugged him. Mu Yazhe:" you! why are you so cute" he placed back in her bed tucked her in. Mu Yazhe smiled at her and said:" my Little Angel needs to sleep now we will talk in the morning". Little Blessing:" promise". Mu Yazhe:" promise". Slowly Little Blessing dozed off. Mu Yazhe mum:" Yazhe I want some grandchildren just like these they're so adorable I can't describe how it feels to have them around". Mu Yazhe sighed if he could tell his mother that these were her grandchildren and if had taken responsibility for them from the beginning would she have accepted them.

In the hospital, Anna was coming round she woke up having a beautiful dream she chatted with Mu Zain. She opened her eyes to the cold reality that he was no longer around he had left her she was never going to hear his voice see him smile at her given her the confidence to strife and achieve anything. Anna turned to see her sister looking at her " Jade" Anna whispered Amelia held Anna's hand and said:" I'm here Blue Rose". Anna:" why does everybody we love always leave us are we that bad that nobody can stick around for long". Amelia:" Blue Rose it isn't like that it's just the lords will they time had come they had to go we can't stop it we have to accept it". Anna:" but why is it always us the lord sure likes to punishing me". Amelia:" Anna I don't know the answer to that". Anna:" oh holy crap the children are at home how do I explain this to them will they understand oh jade I'm scared I don't know how to face my father in law what do say sorry father I failed to bring your wife and son alive but here you can have their corpses". Amelia:" I sure Uncle will not blame you it wasn't your fault it was the scumbag that hires those thugs". Anna:" it's my fault I should have picked up something was wrong I shouldn't have waited I gone with my gut it's never wrong". Amelia, " stop second-guessing what happened is not your fault ". Anna:" what good is all my years of training if I can't even protect the ones I love I failed my self and my family Master Isaac knew this that he turned his back on me he knew I was a disappointment". Amelia sighed heavily she knew that this was going to happen Anna didn't believe in failure if she ever didn't complete a mission she would punish herself isolating her self away from everybody else putting her self through rigorous training torturing her self until she could complete the next mission. Anna kept on repeating things to her self blaming herself. Amelia tried to persuade her but she was not having any luck she looked at "Anna we have to go home your children need you get up get dressed now I will not repeat my self do you hear me, Anna Jaden Isaac"!!! Amelia spoke very sternly. Anna looked at Amelia and nodded she got off the bed and dressed followed Amelia out with her head lowered as though she was getting disciplined by the headteacher. Amelia hated this method but it was the only way when Anna was younger for Amelia in order to discipline Anna had used this stern voice Anna knew the minute she heard this tone with her full name instead of her nickname from Amelia she was in trouble.
