
Ting Ju was stood outside the ward this was the first time he heard his wife raise her voice and boy was she domineering as he saw Amelia walk out then, Anna, walk-behind her with head lowered like a rebellious teenager gotten into trouble. He followed quietly behind as the reached the elevator they got in nobody spoke you could hear pin drop the elevator pinged when reaching the underground parking lot they got out went to the car headed towards Anna's home they reached Anna got out and stood and stared at the entrance she didn't have to courage to tell her children that no longer had father and her father in law he no longer had a son. Then explain why to the children that they lost their grandma and father in law lost his wife. Amelia looked at Anna her heart hurt for her but it had to be done, Amelia:" Anna Jaden Isaac gets your backside in the house and go and report to your father in law". Anna lowered her head and entered the office with Amelia and Ting

Ju behind her Anna looks up sees her father sat in the chair near the desk she walks to the middle of the room and drops to her knees. Anna:" I'm sorry father I have failed you and disappointed whatever punishment you give I will accept"? Anna didn't lift her head up she was too ashamed she couldn't make eye contacted with him. Her father in law looked at her horrified Mu Yazhe, Mu Yale, Mu Shinn equally puzzled. Her father in law moved out of his chair and held Anna's shoulder lifted her up and hugged her tightly "you haven't failed me or disappointed me, my child how could you it's my destiny that disappointed me". Anna looked at her father in law and asked:" you're not angry with me I let you down". Father in law:" silly child why would be mad at you". Anna looked around her "nobody angry with me". They all shook there head. Anna looked really stunned. Anna asked:" I can leave". Father in law nodded Anna ran out of the room past Amelia she didn't stop until she reach her rock she fell near it on her knees and sobbed quietly. In the office, they looked at Amelia for an explanation " I don't have one it was the only way to get her home". Mu Yazhe said:" Uncle I see them out". As they left Mu Yazhe asked," what happened". Amelia:" Anna believes she failed the rescue mission so she gonna be very hard on her self I had to get her home this was the only way I knew so I had to march her hear it was the only way I'm sorry for being hard on her but I wasn't left with an option you are all, aware of her strength she needs to tire herself out otherwise you'll see her breakdown trust me you want that nobody can deal with her she didn't receive her nickname for no reason

Amelia grabbed her husband hand and left. Outside Amelia grabbed her husband and said:" hold me". Amelia collapsed in his arms she burst out crying Ting Ju picked her up princess style and spoke:" come on my warrior princess let's get you home". Ting Ju placed her in the car he held Amelia until she calmed down then placed her seatbelt on they drove home in silence. Ting Ju wanted to ask a lot of question but decided to ask her another time

Mu Yazhe headed out to the rock he knew that's where Anna had taken off too. Mu Yazhe walked over Anna was on the floor curled into a ball she looked so cute when he approached her he could hear her saying "sorry I'm so sorry". Mu Yazhe asked:" Anna what are you sorry about". Anna lifted her head looked at Mu Yazhe she leapt up and hugged him tightly and burst out crying she held on as if she let go he would disappear he stood there like a statue until she stop crying. Anna:" Yazhe we weren't quick enough if we got there earlier we could have saved them both I failed I wasn't fast enough I saved random people but when it came to saving my own I failed miserably". Mu Yazhe, " Anna stop being hard on your self if you failed so did I". Mu Shinn butted in:" then I failed miserably too". Anna looked at them and asked:" do we know who is behind this". Mu Yazhe, " we are looking into everything". Mu Shinn:" I hacked into the traffic cameras to see what happened why Mu Zain and mum ended up where they were". Anna:" we need to find something quick I need to vent my anger it's going to drive me insane. Mu Yazhe:" Anna it's cold out here go and take a shower and rest we will tell you if we find something out okay". Anna:" my self and the cold are old acquaintances it helps clear my mind and helps me think clearly it doesn't bother me". Mu Shinn looked at Anna and thought what kind of life has she lived to talk the way she does the more I know about her the less I understand her. They all sat on the rock in silent in their own thoughts you could hear the wind gust past them lightly kissing their faces but it didn't disturb them

The time came for the funeral it was decided it was best that Anna and the children didn't go they stay at home they would privately say their goodbyes. Family, friends acquaintances, the business world came to pay there respects some to find out what happened others came to see how the

family chose to ignore it was common that in elite families kept their private lives were hidden from the public eyes. So the public didn't know that they had triplets. Because of Anna not attending many functions apart from the board members didn't know who Anna was. The elite society we're more interested who would inherit the Mu fortune the vultures we're looking for the widow of the deceased who hadn't even buried her husband so they could make there move to impress her thinking they had a chance becoming the CEO of the Mu fortune. Mu Shinn was about to lose his temper Mu Yazhe had to hold on to him. Mu Yazhe took Mu Shinn to the private room to calm down. Mu Shinn "can you believe these people I'm glad we didn't bring Anna and children today they would have devoured alive". Mu Yazhe:" you need to stay calm and get over today I know you're stressed but we're here for Mu Zain and your mum we don't want to send them off like this so keep, it together". Mu Shinn: "easier said than done bro I am glad we didn't bring Anna she would kick-off already". Mu Yazhe:" hmm. Mu Yazhe waited for Mu Shinn to calm down then they headed back out.

At the alter the priest asked the family say a few words father in law shook his head he didn't have the emotional strength to stand in front of everybody and say a few words without breaking down Mu Shinn stood up to speak he addressed the people:" Thank you for coming to pay you respects to our family I would like to say a few words about my mother first she was the most kind-hearted person I ever met growing up she saved me plenty times from my father's wrath she was my angel there every time I needed support emotionally I loved coming home on leave and sitting in the kitchen having tea, cake talking catching up on the latest gossip about who done what I never needed a newspaper when mum could tell me everything she nagged me about getting married like my brother She'd say I'll line some nice girls up for you see I'd get flustered and even said if you like them you marry them she smacked me on the head and said your father would chase them out he's a very jealous person he wouldn't share me with anyone. She was just my mum": "My little baby brother he was as fresh of breath air complete opposite of me he ruled the business world with an iron fist he was cold business tycoon but at home, he was soft cuddly bear I would tease him about his coldness he wouldn't find a wifey with that icey look he kept giving out he needed to learn to smile but little did I know he would surprise us all he had his whole life ahead of him only to cut short I would exchange my life without blinking " Mu Shinn voice became horsey so he stopped. after the service was complete the guests have guided the buffet that was late in the big hall. One of the board members came over and introduced himself and his wife and his beautiful daughter to Mu Shinn. The daughter kept staring at Mu Shinn. Mu Shinn polity excused himself walked long strides muttering to himself do these people know they're at a funeral. Mu Yazhe was walking towards Mu Shinn he grabbed arm in a proactive way as to I swing for the other side the girl who was watching was horrified at what she saw there were going to be rumours spread around tomorrow.