Anna chuckled:" hey everyone aren't you a sorry bunch you look awful"

Ed chuckled while crying:" We are aren't we but least we look good looking awful "

Anna chuckled:" you are a good looking bunch and I never been prouder to know you all I love you guys so much in there all I could think about was if I would see you again and look here we are thank you for being you and always being by my side"

Anthony:" Hey baby girl you know we love you so much we happy you came back to us"

Anna chuckled:" you know you can't get rid of me that easily"

James:" Meimei you are sure something you sacred me so much doesn't ever do this again"

Anna:" sorry I didn't expect it to go the way it did"

Harry, " that was the most painful thing I ever had to be watched"

Anna chuckled:" you only watched it I experienced it"

James:" Meimei you are crazy you know that you said we in it together then you go it alone"

Anna chuckled:":" I am sorry next time I let you share it okay promise"

Jade:" if we hadn't failed the mission you wouldn't have to rescue us and wouldn't have been in the mess"

Anna:" that was part of their plan they wanted me not you guys"

Jackie:" Meimei I am so sorry we really let you down "

Anna:" no you didn't let anyone down we just need to take this as a lesson to investigate thoroughly before we go in in future"

Anna:" alright guys what's happened has happened let's not dwell on it I am glad you here we actually we have bigger problems on our hands they were only the henchman the actual mastermind is still out there my identity is still in tacked and also they don't know I am the dark knight but we are going to have to be careful because we don't know what information they have about us and who we are up against Harry did you manage to intercept Aunt Jackie mobile she was constantly texting something "

Adrain:" my pipsqueak what are you saying we're under attack then we should put an emergency protocol into action"

Anna:" I think it would be wise for the time being we will leave the triplets where they are and Jenny we also need to send Jade and Jackie to them they trust you a lot more. And Harry and James you need to hack the government database I need information on some people I will tell you to be ready you four head back now and don't alert anyone the less knew the safer they will be"

Jade, Jackie, Harry, James, " yes Meimei get well quickly"

Li Jannan:" anything for me I am sorry I failed my first assignment"

Anna chuckled:" hey bro you didn't fail it is something that we didn't anticipate we actually let our guards down but you can stay here I will tell you in a bit"

Li Jannan:" okay thank you "

The four left and turned to Li Jannan, Adrian, Anthony, James, Ed stayed behind.

Anna whispered:" you remember when we went our 6th mission and we saved the son of the Feilong Dragons and when we got out there his mom was inside the building we didn't know the building blow up killing her I got a feeling they are still holding a grudge they think we did it on purpose but we didn't even they were there we went on a rescue mission for the French embassadors daughter"

Anthony:" but we explained that to them so why after all these years now"

Anna:" I think its the bratty kid we saved"

Ed:" shouldn't he be grateful we saved his butt"

Anna:" but he lost his mum and for some reason, he thinks the Blue-Eyed Beast has something to do with it "

Adrian:" what makes you think it's the bratty kid"

Anna:" something Aunt Jackie said got me thinking the boy was about 10 years old wasn't he "

Ed:" yeah he was what an ungrateful brat he is his mum told us to take him along he was dying she would have not made she was just happy that somebody came along"

Anna:" well I think the kids logic is completely insane but we won't find until we come face to face"

Anthony:" I agree but first my baby girl is going to get better before you go anywhere"

Anna:" I will get some rest" she yawned she barley keep, her eyes open she fell asleep. Anthony went over and covered her properly and slowly kissed her forehead:" sweet dreams my baby girl"

They all walked out and Mu Yazhe and Mu Shinn were walking in they all stood outside the room.

Mu Yazhe:" Anna wake"

Anthony:" for a bit but she sleeping now she is still weak"

Mu Yazhe:" that she is the doctor says it's going to take a long time for her to recoup "

Ed:" she needs all the rest possible but she is the worst bed patient ever I still remember she was running a high fever she was still gallivanting around outside she had to be dragged back kicking and screaming eventually we tied her to the bed

Mu Shinn chuckled:" that does sound like Meimei she can't rest she becomes restless that without her the house can't run"

Anthony:" good luck Yahze trying to tame that one when she is not well"

Mu Yazhe:" don't exaggerate she is not that bad okay she will listen to me"

Adrian:" okay don't say we didn't warn you I don't call her pipsqueak for no reason "

Mu Yazhe looked at them suspiciously like are they winding me up and see how I react I am not falling for it Anna is fine she will listen to me. Mu Yazhe froze he remembered something when Anna was poorly Zain had to chase her around the house to give her medicine boy she was fast if she hadn't bumped into him and landed on her bum he would still be chasing her after which she tortures Mu Yazhe training for a week.

They all looked at him it looked like he'd seen a ghost they all chuckled:" good luck"

They all walked off even Mu Shinn.

Mu Yazhe:" Shinn were are you going you were coming to see Anna"

Mu Shinn:" Meimei is asleep I'll come back when she is awake"

Mu Yazhe nodded his head and walked into the room were Anna slept peacefully she didn't look so awkward to deal with but only time will tell what future she would put him through. He went over kissed her on the lips he was addicted to her lips he couldn't get enough the softness sweetness for one peck was never enough until he went for seconds and thirds. It made worse for him whenever she gave a little moan it makes him not want to stop he was pleased with his handy work. He was busy in his thoughts remembering how he woke Anna up he didn't realise that Anna had woke up and watched for a while he was close enough to kiss Anna smirked and kissed him on the lips she didn't stop there she suckling on his bottom lip she could taste the minty taste and smell of mint was alluring she loved mint she completely took Mu Yazhe who was so busy in his thought she caught him off guard but he liked it, all the same, he let her do what she was doing and closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment, Anna stop she was panting it took all her energy out of her she lay back down

Mu Yazhe:" my little demon is getting bolder and better"

Anna chuckled:" I got a good teacher his demonstration is really clear and easy to follow"

Mu Yazhe:" my little demon is coming out of her shell soon I will have to tame her"

Anna chuckled:" I am not tameable I am one of the wild one's foot loose and fancy free "

Mu Yazhe:" we will have to see what we can do then won't"

Anna chuckled:" hmm"

Mu Yazhe then kissed her started slow-moving to her neck he noticed a mark on her neck he turned Anna over and see he moved her top up there were more marks why didn't he notice them ealier. Anna wiggled under his gripping she looked at him did I look like one of his kids . There was blood all, over her t-shirt. He remembered they used a whip on her he buzzed the nurses they came in he showed them Anna's back the nurse treated it then badge the bits that were deeply injured. Anna was so embarrassed about the nurse touching her and having to lay there with her top off he covered her with the sheet she frowned she wanted a top to wear the nurse brought a hospital gown to put on after Mu Yazhe helped put the gown on he stroked her hair and cheeks slowly she fell back to sleep while still frowning. My Yazhe smiled at her antics.