My Yazhe whispered:" okay next time I will do the bandage okay sorry this time" as he held his ears.

Anna smiled in her sleep he looked at her and let out a chuckle he had so much to learn about her he had plenty of time to learn they had there whole life ahead.

All the elders came in one by one to see Anna while she was asleep. They said they would come back when she was more stable and able to chat with them. The last we're her father and grandparents Anna just woke up as they walked in Anna blinked with her big blue eyes at her father she thought she was hallucinating earlier when she had seen her father but he was really here.

Grandma Jiao, " hello sweetheart, you're awake good I can chat with you "

Grandpa Kang:" my sweet child"

Kang Jung:" hello my beautiful little warrior princess that was one hell of a scare you gave us were you checking if our hearts we're working properly"

Anna smiled with all of her teeth showing her dimples made her look even cuter and she giggled like a little girl she didn't answer their question but smiled then she waved for her father to come over Anna poked him one on the arm then she touched his face she held his big hand, Anna, then pinched her own face to make sure she was awake.

Anna:" it seems to be real it's my papa" Anna's mouth was left open gawing her father moved forward and closed her mouth with his hand and kissed her forehead.

Kang Jung, " yes my Little warrior princess I am real"

Anna looked at her grandparents and waved at both of them they smiled and came over and gave her kiss in the forehead.

Anna:" did you all come for me"

Grandpa Kang:" of course sweets, you are my granddaughter why wouldn't become"

Grandma Jiao:" my little sweetheart we came as soon as we heard and I have been praying all this time that you are well I can't lose you I just found you we have a lot to talk about.

Anna:" thank you"

She put her hands out to get a hug from her grandparents they came over and hugged her and gave another kiss on her forehead.

Kang Jung:" I really sorry I didn't see you sooner and explain our circumstance I did not know I had such beautiful daughters I have missed out on a lot and I am very sorry for not being there when you were growing up" he was choking on his words trying to hold back his tears.

Anna:" papa don't be sorry what has happened we can't dwell on the past but we can make the future better all how's mama"

Kang Jung:" she is good but she still doesn't remember she lost her memory that's why I didn't know of your existence but I will the best father in the world for you girls I already met Amelia and I met my grandchildren they are really clever they knew who I was even before they were introduced they said I looked like you and the boys have the same eyes their uncles can't enough of them they want them to move in or they want to move in Amelia had great difficulty taken them home we need one big gathering when you get better"

Anna listens to her father they didn't realise that they were still holding hands while her father told her about her brothers and her mum she listens to her father speaking she was so mesmerized by it all she wished time would stand still and this moment would last forever this her father. Anna's father she couldn't believe her eyes he was how she dreamed he would be gentle sweet warm and welcoming he lived up to Anna expedition. Anna loved every moment her eyelids we're getting heavy sleep was taken over Anna was trying her best to fight it she didn't want her father to disappear her father was patting her like you would a little child eventually sleep won.

When Anna woke she didn't see them she was starting to think she had dreamt it all she looked towards the door Mu Yazhe looked at Anna she looked confused and lost.

Mu Yazhe:" what's the matter little demon"

Anna:" did my father and grandparents come to visit me"

Mu Yazhe:" yes they did they had to get back they said they would check on you soon"

Anna:" okay and when can we go home "

Mu Yazhe:" you have only come out of a serious operation you still in ICU and you want to go home"

Anna, " I only need bed rest I can do that at home can't I"

Mu Yazhe:"...!?....huh?

Anna:" they keep coming round and jabbing me with stuff and the next person tells me to remove my top so they can check my injury I am kicking in the head"

Mu Yazhe chuckled:" oh that's the case I see now"

Anna:" okay if they come now you can have injection too then say I see now!"

Mu yahze:" huh! Why do I need it they only doing it for your benefit be a good girl the quicker you recover the quicker you go home"

Anna grunts turned to her side and sulk she hated hospitals the smells of disinfecting made her feel uneasy the worst she hated anyone looking at her body call it been insecure of oneself or self-conscious she didn't like it that's why she always wore baggy clothes Anna had a perfect shaped body all the right curves and she had bigger breast that the average Asain women but Anna never felt comfortable it she sees that most Asain women looking like a pencil she wasn't. When she would go to the hotel the skinny models that stayed would stare at her making her feel weird. What she didn't know they were looking at her to see if she had breast implants and her average body was perfect for her she suited it. She didn't consider her self good looking and often wondered why men ogled her but she was very pretty when she smiled her dimples would show making her the more beautiful even though she had brown contacts in she had big eyes she didn't look her age she looked like a teenager rather than someone who was almost 25years old it didn't help the clothes she wore she looked like a rebel without a cause.

Mu Yazhe looked at her sulking this was the first time he had seen this side to her he found her so adorable he couldn't help, but tease her especially when she tried to glare at him angrily her contacts weren't in so her big blue eyes made her so cute he wanted to kiss her so badly he just about held himself back.

Mu Yahze:" little demon be good the nurse is here to change your bandages apply ointment on your back"

Anna:" not letting her I've told you before I hate it when she touches me"

Mu Yazhe:" hey little demon the fearless warrior is scared of the nurse touching her "

Anna:" her hands like porcupines they are so rough"

Mu Yazhe chuckled:" really what about mine "

Anna:" your hands are soft and tickle me"

Mu Yazhe:" really so should I apply the ointment"

Anna:" yeah"

Mu Yazhe:" what if I want to touch other places too"

Anna:" what do you mean"

Mu Yazhe:" like other parts of your body like earlier"

Anna:" hmmm! since it's you but if the nurse comes and touches me I wouldn't be your friend I wouldn't speak to you"

Mu Yahze smiled at Anna who still had her back facing him there was no nurse in the room he just wants to tease her but was surprised with what he learned she was describing feelings women wouldn't normally be revealed. Mu Yazhe worked out that Anna didn't know that these feeling she was having was her body telling her how her body felt when he touched. Anna innocent sometimes surprised him too but that's one of the things he comes to love about her navie honesty of describing what she didn't understand. Mu Yazhe phone rings he walks out to take the call. He walks away from the room and the nurse walks in to change Anna's bandages he didn't see her come in.

Nurse:" Mrs I come to change your bandages" she looks at Anna and feels so sorry for she wasn't informed what had happened so she made her own assumptions

Anna:" hum! Where's that man when you need him he said he'd change the bandage now nowhere to be seen let me get better I will your training to a next level "

The nurse starts to take the old bandage off she cleans and replaces the old bandages are slightly covered in blood she sighs as she cleaning the wound she looks at wearing Anna's back wear she has been whipped she is thinking is Anna one of these spoiled teenagers who got more than she bargained for. They go to have fun when it goes wrong they scream they have been assaulted to save face.