The shadow guards walked in one by one they looked at the two statutes stood there and laughed.

Anthony:" what happened to you two why are you starting at Anna door" he was sure puzzled.

Jun Ting:" I lost my wifey for the night" he was too upset to say any more.

Anthony:" wtf? ....?

Li Jannan:" both ma'ams have gone in and their cousin Att they said they will be staying all together" he blurted it out without thinking now it sounded so strange he really needed to think before speaking.

Anthony:" hey when did he arrive I need to see him too" he walked off happy.

And the rest of the shadow guards followed behind leaving Li Jannan and Jun Ting rooted to the same spot. They looked at each other didn't speak and walked back to their rooms.

In Anna room their all gathered after hugging each other they all sat on the floor and started reminiscing about the old days. They all talked for a falong time about this and that and especially about the underworld and the long clan and what they needed to do.

The door opened and in walked Jenny she saw Att the tears started flowing down her face Att stood up when he saw her he opened his arms for she came running in and hugged him she never even

touched anyone males she would scour into a corner but for her Att was special he was the only male she trusted fully she interacted with all the shadow guards pretty well but for Att was the one she could touch without freak in out of feeling cringed they didn't speak they just hugged in silence but in that silence, they spoke about how they missed each other.

Att also like her very much he always asked her to stay with him but she followed Anna although she really wanted to stay she feared the people around Att and he was away on a mission she wouldn't know how to coupe. All the rest of the shadow guards had left the room including Anna and Amelia left the room they needed to give them the room they all knew they liked each other. Att never got married although he did mess around with women he only wanted to marry Jenny. Jenny felt she wasn't good enough for him she felt she was dirty and she didn't deserve him he was too nice. But she secretly longed for him. It was an almost impossible situation the shadow guards had all exhausted methods to get them together, in the end, Jenny broke down so they stopped.

Outside All the shadow guards went back to the rooms. Leaving Anna and Amelia they sat on the bench outside they hadn't had a good chinwag in a while.

Anna:" hey jade will they ever get together" she really hoped they could do something this time.

Amelia:" I really hope so they wasted so many years I hope Att can persuade Jenny and take her with him this time" she wanted them to be happy like she was.

Anna:" hey can you tell me something more like explaining something without teasing me" Anna build up the courage to ask about love.

Amelia:" I try not to shoot away"

Anna:" you know when you make love and your body and mind are not in agreement is it normal what I mean which should you listen too" Anna was so embarrassed.

Amelia smiled:" so my baby sister has finally made it there then good I say always let your body guide you because the feeling your body gives is more honest than your mind. Your mind resists the unknown and sometimes holds you back the body, however, is responding to what it feels" that was a good explanation I think I should take my own advice.

Anna:" so don't laugh okay I wanted to ask someone I believe that you would be able to help since you married and my SISTER (she emphasised the sister) when Yazhe makes love or just grab me out of nowhere and kisses I want to crazy stuff back but I don't even know where to start heck once I tried to grab him to kiss I yanked that hard he flying across the room in the cupboard luckily he thought I was angry about something I felt like a right idiot from then I keep my hand to itself I even go stiff when he approaches me I think even a surfboard properly more flexibility" Anna was really felt awkward.

Amelia tried to hold her laughter in she knows her sister was clueless to love and the relationship she just knew how to fight and be the best soldier and protect the people she loved she never got to experience having the first crush first love first heartbreak she was too busy trying to get Master Isaac approval and she was learning about it so she needed to help her without making her feel awkward.

Anna:" say something help me I don't know what to do I want to embrace what's coming but I clamp up in case I hurt him" help please jade.

Amelia:" hey blue rose I was just thinking how to explain the birds and the bees but you pass that so let move that the next stage. Well I teach you the way l learned when I married Jun Ting he was my first everything so I didn't have a clue he quickly realised that I didn't have any experience in any of these matters so he just taught me each time he would make a move I would mimic that move and it best to let one person take the lead or it ends in a brawl without the bar and plus it makes it too trying they get their way in the end" I hope that was enough information without going into detail it will be embarrassing.

Anna:" so you think I just tell Yazhe that I don't have a clue what I am doing so he can teach me huh that's easy enough hey Jade why do they make it look so easy on t.v and when you come to put into actual practice it all comes out wrong" do I tell her or not.

Amelia:" what have you done I know you what please tell me what did you and do" Amelia know her sister when she tries to copy anything it always turning comical.

Anna:" well I saw a couple on t.v where she pushes her boyfriend on the bed and sits on top and strips his clothes while they were kissing and then they do other things so I tried it but I pushed too hard and manage to punch Yahze very hard in the belly he crouched down in discomfort when he showed me he a big bruise I felt a right idiot" Anna suffer at the thought of remembering.

Amelia burst out laughing:" hey blue rose I expected as such tell what excuse did you give" she was giggling so much.

Anna rubbed the top of her head and spoke:" well I said I was practising I didn't see him although he was stood there in front of me for a couple of minutes and after that every time, I put my hand to touch him he bounces a couple of feet so I stop approaching him he always found an excuse to run away" Anna looked at her sister and knew she was a having good laugh at her expense she sighed she already knew this would happen so Anna decided not to tell her about the other incidents.

Amelia laughed so much she was holding her stomach:" I don't blame him I would have done the same I would have avoided for days.e

Anna:" actually he did but that was another incident" Anna wonder should I tell her or not.

Amelia:" please do tell how can you make a man avoid you maybe I could use it too" she just really wanted to know.

Anna thought what the hell she is my sister who she going to tell:" well he approached and he backed me into the cupboard just he went to lift me up my knee bend and kicked him in you know"

Anna didn't want to say the word.

Amelia:" you in the balls oh my that have to hurt poor brother in law you really know how to torture him don't you," Amelia thought any more she laughed that hard she was going to pee her pants.

Anna glared at her:" jade it was serious he was in pain he had tears rolling down his face and he said that I might have broken it he asked did I love him because I inflicted so much pain on him and there would be no babies in the future it's not like I was thinking about it just may one day" Anna had lowered her head in shame.

Amelia:" hey blue rose you didn't break it was probably badly bruised and his ego took a big hit that's probably another reason," she thought my poor naive little sister.

Anna:" he really milked the situation, for every penny it was worth I became his personal slave for a whole week and dam he is bossy I nearly hit him again" Anna remembers the drama he put her through.

Amelia:" for the future just don't be so aggressive gentle dose it you can take you enemy down they won't even know it" she meant the husband not just any random men on the road.

Jun Ting happen to walk by the courtyard and seeing his wife sat there he skipped over happily his wifey was out that means they could go back together.