Jun Ting:" hey you two why are you sitting in the bench outside not inside" he needed an excuse so he grabs his wifey and runs away. If it was to him he would just pick her up to run but it would be rude considering the other party was his sister in law and his best friends, wife. So he would have to make small talk.

Amelia:" Att was inside with Jenny and we give them space so we sat here chatting" she smiled and looked at him and thought about what her bad Anna was talking about Amelia loved this man so much.

Anna:" it's getting late you guys to go to your room" she could see the look Jun Ting had in his eyes.

Amelia:" what about you where will you go you can crash in our room" she looked at Anna. But didn't see the look on Jun Ting face. Anna saw the look and had to respond quickly before she gave her brother in law a heart attack.

Anna:" huh! No! I'm going to crash with Jackie and jade" she smiled at the couple and walked out.

Anna walked towards the other courtyard she was really missing Yazhe a lot she doesn't why and when it happens but he made his home in her heart and every time she missed home there was a slight pain in there that she couldn't explain. On top of everything, he was sulking she was too far so she couldn't go and coax him and she thought it's only a few more weeks and then I will see him again. Anna thought about all his warm hugs his and kisses made her heart beat faster. Anna giggled to her self girl slow your mind down you will give your self a heart attack.

Anna would make up with her hot-headed, bossy husband her hubby all hers she had to think of a way to coax him. Should she take him for a fancy meal or cook something at home or buy him a nice gift hi that was hard how do coax a sulky husband.

Anna walked into the room and told them that she would be sleeping with them because she was given space to Att and Jenny they made room in the middle as Jackie and Jade fell asleep Anna was still awake she had a lot to think about and resolve them she felt Jackie turning her into a pillow with her arms wrapped around her boobs and legs wrapped her waist. Anna smiled and looked at Jackie she didn't mind she has been sleeping like this ever since she can remember when Jackie first came to stay she would end up sleeping on top Anna. They would have some rough nights when she first came but soon settled in before she became part of the family. Anna dosed off fairly quickly when Anna woke up she felt she was under something heavy and held down only to realise she was been pressed down by both Jackie and Jade. Anna lay there and sighed she didn't wake them up so she lay there and stared at the ceiling. Anthony walked in to wake Anna up when he saw them he laughed it wasn't the first time he has seen this but it was just as funny as the first time and he also took a picture this was the not the first time but couldn't help it he had seen Anna turned in to a sandwich.

Anna:" Uncle don't go help me" Anna really want to beat her uncle for laughing.

Anthony:" baby girl how what do you want me to do" he didn't know how to free Anna.

Anna:" grab my feet and pull me out please uncle it's not like this the first time you are just teasing please help" she wants to yell but she also didn't want to wake them.

Anthony:" okay, okay " easy enough he laughed.

Anthony held Anna's feet and pulled softly not want to wake the girls but not also hurting Anna. Anna managed to wriggle out of there she looked at her Uncle she smacked on the shoulder.

Anna:" thanks uncle is as getting stuffy in there and I also need the bathroom" Anna turned and ran.

Anthony laughed and walked out of the room he headed to the training ground for his morning run. Anna caught up with him and jumped on his back he carried her to the ground when they got there most of the other teams and shadow guards were there. Att team had come along some of them already knew Anna they came over and greeted her. They all trained together their we're two men from Att team who were looking at Anna then at Amelia they walked over to them while the girls were on the bench drinking water and chatting more like gossiping.

Mark:" hey there I'm Mark this my buddy Tony" these girls were identical and they very pretty Asian girls.

Anna looked at Amelia she was looking at her they knew each other was thinking that these guys don't know who they are and they come to flirt.

Tony:" would you like to train with us maybe my partner" he really likes Anna.

Anna smirked:" sure why not" Anna was happy she thought fresh meat to beat up he doesn't know what he let himself in for.

Tony:" your English is really good" she impressed him, even more, he wondered if she had a boyfriend.

Anna and Amelia smiled as she walked in the ring the men stood opposite them ready to have a friendly fight the whole ground cleared while everyone stood on the side they all looked at the girls and the ones that knew the girls shook their heads they felt sorry for the men who just challenged them. As they started Anna didn't even give him a chance she had him on the ground in the first move Amila followed suit they both looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as they were walking away the men stood up they were embarrassed.

They were angry and spoke stop "they were are not done"

Anna:" We are done:" she didn't want to do anything they were after all Att men so she better leave them alone.

Mark:" sweetheart are you bit sacred I promise to be gentle with you and we will bet too if you lose I want a kiss from you" he was pissed he wasn't going to lose face in front of his men.

Tony he like the girls he was just getting dragged into this field he really didn't want to fight the girls he just wants to talk and see maybe he had a chance with one of them but now it looked less likely and the way the other guys were staring at them they would surely be a brawl.

Anna:" I am not a sweetheart and I hate people who use sexual favours as bets especially when fighting the last guy it didn't go too well" she didn't want to bother but she was going to beat him silly.

Mark:" oh your English speaking is good and you are very feisty I like them with fire you are sure interesting I only want to play with you the one I want is the blue-eyed beast she is worthy of my respect"

Anna:" huh? She looked at him you wanted to play with me but you want to respect me too this guy was something Anna yawned and went back the ground.

Anthony:" baby girl no need come back leave him alone" he knew the look she was emanated she wasn't going to spare him.

Mark:" he called you baby girl is he your boyfriend isn't he old enough to be your father," he thought she already has a boyfriend this is embarrassing.

Anna:" that's because he is my Uncle you dirty pervert let's fight I was going to take it easy on you but not now" she was pissed off.

Mark:" oh you are going to be easy on me I like to see you try babe" he wanted to grab her and kiss her he found her more attracted to her now.

Anna:" shut the fuck up and fight" she was done with politeness she was going to be at his arse.

Mark looked at the change in Anna talking and posture he felt a little uneasy but he was still going to fight he was a good fighter so he went forward. By this time the rest of the shadow guards had arrived and Att had come with Jenny. He looked at Anna and Mark and asked what is going on.

Anthony:" that silly bastard challenge Anna he wants a kiss if Anna loses and you know my baby girl she hates this kind of challenges she is going to slaughter him" he wasn't worried about Anna it was the other parties that worried him.

Att:" oh fuck my sweet loyal knight she will kill him" he was worried he knew Mark was arrogant fool his baby sister was rough at best of times but piss her off she wouldn't back down.

Anthony:" do something he is one of your men call him back" he didn't the team's to fall out.

Att:" my loyal Knight please don't go through with it please come here" he needed to Anna to spare Mark.

Mark:" bro it's alright I got this" it was easy he thought he was worried in case he hurt her.

Att:" you don't understand she will kill you" if granddad comes here he will kill me what the hell should I do. He rubbed his forehead.

Anna:" hey big bro what you worried about me or him it's alright I will go easy on him okay:" Anna thought just gonna hurt a little bit just weeny bit that's all.

Sixth Uncle and Ed came over they saw the commotion they saw Anna and Mark and realised that had happened.

Att:" uncle she will list to you call her back please I will, take her place" he didn't want her to do something she would regret later. He knew his baby sis was hot-headed it always was the reason she got into so much trouble.

In all, the commotion Master Isaac and Master Chung stood from a distance and watched them Master Isaac knew his hotheaded granddaughter but Mark deserved everything that was coming he hated the men teasing the girls about weakness so he wasn't going to interfere.