Att knew his sister was the best he knew his men were good but not as good as his sister she was exceptional even he couldn't keep with Anna hell he just about kept up Amelia.

Att:" Mark let me swap places with you" this was the only option he could have a workout or get his arse beaten by his baby sister.

Mark:" come on bro I will take it easy on this little cutie babe" she was a cutie how old is she does she have a boyfriend he would love to have her as his girlfriend she would very lively in bed.

Anna:" did he call me cutie babe oh I will show him the cutie babe:" she hates this kind of man the worst who thought women we're a plaything well his bad to think this cutie was a girly girl he was in for a surprise.

Att:" it was nice knowing you man see you on the other side" he knew he would have few broken bones and he calls his baby sister a cutie babe she wasn't letting him off the hook.

Mark looked over at Att why was boss behaving like this is there something he needed to know and why didn't he have confidence in him any more why was his boss trying to take his place and asking this cutie to be gentle on him that was weird but he couldn't back down now he didn't want to look like a loser in front of all these people here. So he was going to fight even if it mend hurt this cutie in front of him.

Att thought about it he wasn't going to tell Mark who he was fighting until he lost then he would tell him but he did feel sorry for him.

Sixth Uncle was annoyed with this arrogant man he was insulting his baby girl in front of us all he wanted to beat him until he couldn't recognise himself.

Sixth Uncle:" baby girl no need be nice to show him who we are" he wanted Anna to pound him so he would never disrespect a woman again.

Anna:" okay Uncle I was going to be easy but I think now he needs manner in respecting women," Anna thought how to knock him out in one go.

Att shook his head now that sixth Uncle had spoken there no way to stop Anna she had permission only the lord could help this arrogant man.

The fight started Mark came in for attack no warning he launched his punch Anna dodged with ease he then used his other hand to punch Anna in the belly Anna saw him coming he just moved back he fell forward he turned and looked at Anna she was smiling as to say that's all you got which aggravated Mark he turned to attack lunch a punch and kick Anna easily just moved out the way he was really fuming he aimed a few attackers together.

Anna easily dodged them without even exerting her self this was child's play the more he missed the angrier this man got the worst his aim was he was losing concentration and he was perspiring a lot Anna thought he is not that fit how is Att training his people none of Anna shadow guards was like this even all the guards at the compound were very very good at fighting and the smallest of the tiny shadow guard would only need one hand to take this man down she let this man exhaust himself she walked over and asked "had enough want to stop now" he looked at Anna she hadn't laid one finger on him all the did was dodge him he was exhausted while Anna stood there watching who the hell was she and how come she was so fast at defending her self he stood up he was going out without least landing on punch on this woman who had totally humiliated him in front of his men and all the others that where gathered.

Marked aim and flew across with hi fist ready his legs were fast he aimed one of his fists towards Anna's face and one fist to her a stomach Anna looked at this man and thought this is what you call to die with some dignity he would lose face if he couldn't hit her. But this was a fight and he challenged her so it was until he gives in Anna dodged with ease Marked landed on the floor he lay on the floor.

Att:" stay down man stay down my baby sister is being nice not hitting you" she was playing with him he know she was having fun.

Mark looked at Anna and listen to what Att had just said he thought did he just say that she was his baby sister they all called her different names nobody called her actual name so he wouldn't know that person in front of him was the legendary Anna.

Mark:" are you Anna" he stuttered his words and looked at her, of course, she was there the only twin's Att called his baby sister he only refers that term to his sister Anna and Amelia.

Anna smirked:" what do you think? He was an on idiot or what did it make a difference so you won't have rude if you knew.

Mark turned and lay on the floor and looked at her he couldn't believe that the person in front was his hero and he actually picked a fight with her but she didn't lay one finger on him she managed to exhaust him she was amazing.

Anna:" give up now leave yourself some self-respect okay" she was bored and she needed to ask what kind of train was Att team was doing.

Mark:" for you my lady anything I give up" he raised his hand that he was given up.

Anna walked off the whole group of people applauded Anna. Anna looked at them and though I didn't do anything not one stinky finger if he wasn't one bro's men I would have not spared him.

Sixth Uncle:" that's my baby girl are you hungry I will personally cook for you as a reward for not beating anyone today" he was proud of Anna that had been before she would have slaughtered him.

Anna looked at her uncle was he joking about its the food I am in. Anna grabbed here Uncles arm as they walked back to the kitchens.

Anna:" Uncle what's with Att team why are they not good fighters that guy was useless if her being in the field he would be dead" she was really surprised her brother was a very good fighter.

Sixth Uncle:" Actually a bit back one of his team members turned out to be a traitor the mission they went a lot of his group were either captured or annihilated he has been looking for the rest of his team these were just his old army buddies that came in to help.

Anna:" oh I see why didn't he ask us to help it's not like we e would have refused" she wondered what was going on with this brother of his.

Sixth Uncle:" you were injured at the time so he didn't want to involve you I offered but he refused" sometimes I wonder what happened to the boy to turn him so cold hey Anna could you talk to him maybe he will talk to you two were pretty close" he sighed as they walked to the kitchen.

Anna:" okay Uncle I will as since we all gathered here we don't have any missions for least two months we should help find his team and train Big bro's team what say? Anna wanted to help her big bro.

Sixth Uncle:" that's brilliant you call him over after supper and then we will talk to him he will come you ask him to" his nephew wasn't talking to him he doesn't know why may he kill two birds with one stone.

Anna, " okay uncle I will if he refuse to speak can I tie him to a chair and interrogate him please" she just wanted to payback time for when he would use duck tape and tie her to the tree and runoff.

Sixth Uncle looked at Anna and wondered what went on in that silly brain of hers:" baby girl he is your brother big brother at that"

Anna:" sorry Uncle was I thinking aloud" did she just blurt out her plan she really needed to zip this mouth up it was out of control.

After they ate Anna asked Att to come with her for a walk and they could talk if he wasn't busy so he followed her to her room when they entered the whole shadow guards and Amelia and Jun Ting and

sixth Uncle was there Att was surprised he looked at Anna he lifted his eyebrow:" what is up why are you all gathered here for" he was set up by his baby sister he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Anna:" hear us out first then you give us an answer okay" she smiled so cutely at him how could he refuse.

Att:" okay since you all here I will listen" he knew what they wanted to talk about he wanted there help as well that's why he came.

Anna:" We knew about the problems you have been having we would like to help find your teammates and also train them men outside you have your army buddies I now know why they rough around the edges but with proper training, we can whip them into shape in no time.

Att when he heard this he was choked up they understood him and didn't judge him they were willing to help that didn't even ask what happened that this was his family he thought this is family this is what I missed the most.

Att:" thank you I do need your help and it would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys and my lady" he was so happy that they were willing to help.

Anna:" okay you need to tell us from the beginning up til now okay" she looked at the pain she could see her brother in she had never seen him like this he was the one that had a solution for everything he knew how to do to everything perfectly he never was wrong or ever failed. And today he looked haggard.

Att started to explain