Anna was left the room Anna opened her eyes and took her phone out she dialled a number.

Anna:" hi it's time to wake the sleepers up" there were no emotions on her face.

Jimmy:" Hey nice to hear from you too babe no hello how are you straight to the point babe send me details and let me know when okay" he chuckled.

Anna:" less of the babe and nice to hear from you I have contacted you but this is my mission and mine alone I only want necessary arrangements in place the rest I will take care off "she smiled with a sinister look in her that could even scare the dead she meant business.

Jimmy:" Hey babe it will be done as your order is my command send me the relevant information and it will be done okay when will you be coming by babe it's been a while since I saw your beauty" he chuckled.

Anna:" thanks I think? I have already sent it and then I will let you know when the rest of the details I will come and visit you soon and thanks buddy"

Jimmy, " hey babe remember no sorry no thank-you for my life is yours your ghostsness hehe"

Anna put the phone down. Anna facepalmed her face he really was strange but she didn't mind he always spoke to her this way she had got used to overtime he was the biggest flirt she had ever seen but that was part of his charm he could lure the enemy with his charm and aloofness at the same time he was the most deadly of weapons you ever saw.

Jimmy was Mu Yazhe opposite one let off a cold aura and the other let of a warm aura but was as deadly as each other as for her sleepers they all had their own ability and they excelled in them together they made a team that could even take down the shadow guards Anna had saved each one of them they owed her their life's she then gave them the choice of joining her and becoming her sleepers they didn't need to be asked twice and from that moment they became the loyal team she only acquired their help when she didn't want to trouble the rest.

They lived ordinary lives like ordinary people as disguises underneath they were also the most deadly people you ever come across they were a group of people who had been treated by the society ruthlessly and shunned when their luck was down and just about survived thanks to Anna so they didn't have any remorse and no conscience about carrying certain mission. During the day time, they all worked in one Anna design studios for clothes they all live together on one mansion so they saw Anna regularly as her workforce but in the dark, they were a whole different league. Even her smart-alec children didn't know they had checked all her employees but they came up as regular joes what they didn't realise is how good their mother was at hiding secrets.

If Anna 's team ever found out they would be very upset with her for not trusting them it wasn't about trust it's about Anna being Anna. She didn't even trust her own shadow let alone the people around her who loved her with all the heart she always lived in fear of being betrayed or getting somebody hurt after her mother left so this was her cheque for a rainy day. She knows deep down they would never do anything to hurt her but there's been a but in Anna mind that she can't shake.

Jimmy was the boss he also ran the business as well he was a tyrant he was very serious about his work he believed work hard play harder in his meanings for playing was with guns and enemies and torturing them he took great pleasure in sometimes Anna thought he was mentally insane but it only added to his charm he only was like like for his enemies for his friends that he trusted he would give his life for.

The experience of his life taught him this very tough valuable life lesson after his own family his so-called wife and biological parents and Aunties and Uncles who wanted his business sold him out after sending him on a deadly mission he was lucky that Anna was also there that day otherwise he would have died that day. After he paid his family back with interest for their love and betrayal with their life's he wiped their existence in one night he took out his own family his loved ones once he would have given his life for. He was a successful businessman but he packed that all in and started working as a designer with Anna after he dealt with his family.

Anna was on her own mission that day their target was the same person when Anna saw this she helped him saved him and had treated for his injuries privately and kept him save until he had fully recovered he wanted to lock himself away after he found out it was own loved ones that betrayed him. Anna taught him that hiding wasn't the answer she showed him the true colours of his so-called families and the enemies the way celebrated his death his wife was in cahoots with the enemies who she was sleeping she was sent to destroy him but his own family his own flesh and blood was involved too he also found out that they murdered his mother so they get the company and property and money only to find out it was placed in a trust fund for him by his mother until he was 25 years old when he would the sole power of it all may she knew what these people we're like so she put a clause in so they waited until it was in his name before they decided to kill him since they decided to kill him he should return the favour he decided to take revenge and payback for each of their betrayals he didn't spare any of them although Anna didn't approve of his methods she never got in his way. When he was done she came looking for Anna and swore his allegiance to her. At first, they went on a mission together when Anna didn't go with the shadow guards then slowly they build their team today they have their own little group of crazies who would do anything Anna asked them without questions.

Anna sat there in own thoughts did see Mu Yazhe who had come and sat in her bed and watched her trying work out what was going on in that pretty head of hers or what mischief she was cooking up. He leaned over and kissed her on the lips next thing he lying on the bed with Anna on top he of all should have to known not to sneak up on his little Demon but he didn't mind the position he was in he grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him.

Anna:" so sorry how many times do I have to tell you don't sneak up" she smiled.

Mu Yazhe pulled her in more and kissed her without saying a word he only let go for to breath he looked at Anna with her cheeks burning red at least she had loosened up and wasn't holding her breath.

Anna liked this position very much she felt bossy on top so she thought why not try a few moves she had seen on t.v she put her hands through Mu Yazhe hair and stroked his cheeks then rubbed her fingers on his lips this caused Mu Yazhe to let out a little moan he liked what she was doing so he let her continue Anna came close and whispered with her warm breath on Mu Yazhe ear which sent a shiver down his spine:" when we go home I want to be on top teach me how okay" she smiled shyly.

Mu Yazhe didn't know how to respond he was taken by surprise this was so unexpected of the little Demon he stared at her. Anna looked at him nervously for an answer but nothing she panicked.

Anna looked at him and thought she had gone too far she felt really awkward now she sat up and leapt off him ran into the bathroom cursing herself under her breath she had gone too far what Mu Yazhe thinking of her now she wishes she stayed a stiff board then this feeling she was getting in her chest wouldn't be happening now. Anna didn't like this feeling at all what the hell was it she thought would happen. Anna locked the bathroom door she leaned on it slid down the door sat there thinking what the hell were you thinking didn't he say I could express anything then why did he freeze on me was it too much Anna notice tears started flowing down her face. Anna didn't know why was she feeling guilty was she ashamed she never had this feeling before so who would she find to explain this. Anna didn't even bring her phone she sat there like a frump for not understanding the like and dislikes of Mu Yazhe in the bedroom she even giggled to her self thinking you beat you enemy' down with strength you have all the other skills but when it comes to this you failed what would she do now she would better of asking Mu Yazhe want he likes and he doesn't like. Anna would be too hesitant to ask she sat for a long time until she finally tired herself to sleep.

My Yazhe outside of the room was lying on the bed he watched her leap and run into the bathroom by the time he responded she had locked the door he cursed under his breath at first he thought she was too shy so she was hiding. But then after she didn't come out for a long time he thought has he angered her after this was the first time she asked about something he took that long to answer she thought he didn't like it what had he done he went to the bathroom door he called out her name but she didn't respond now he knows she was upset with him he waited for while then went to find a nurse to see if she had key for the door. He was in big trouble how would he coax hi Little Demon.