Mu Yazhe finally brought by a nurse over she unlocked the door and also gave Mu Yazhe a weird look it was the same nurse that thought he was an abusing husband to his wife he glared at the nurse she quickly walked out of the room. Mu Yazhe slowly pushed the door to see Anna had fallen sleep behind it he went pick her up brought her into the room sd placed her on the bed he covers her with the cover has he stroked her hair and face he notices the wet eyes he cursed himself he knew he caused it. He had upset her he thought he would explain himself after she woke up he kissed her forehead went sat on the sofa and took out his laptop finished off the work that was pending. Anna didn't wake up that night she slept through the whole night she was up however at six in the morning she looked around and remembered she was in the hospital she looks to her side the bed was empty normally Mu Yazhe would be next to her she sat up to see Mu Yazhe had fallen asleep on the sofa.

Anna was very disappointed in her self she thought she has upset Mu Yazhe that's why he slept on the couch she would never cross the line of making the first move or ask for strange requests ever again. She headed to the bathroom she showered and dressed her self she would be going home today once the doctor saw her today. After she stepped out of the room she looked over Mu Yazhe was asleep she decided to go for a walk she hadn't stretched her legs in a couple of days so now would be the good time she heads down and into the garden, it was beautiful she sat on the bench and watched the people coming to work and the night shift people going home it was peace full she didn't know how long she had been sat there it was only her belly rumbled that she realised she hadn't eaten anything last night so she was hungry she headed back thinking Mu Yazhe was awake they would order breakfast.

Anna entered the room to see Mu Yazhe wasn't on the couch so she thought he is in the bathroom she went and sat on the couch to wait for him to come out after a long while Anna went to the bathroom to check only to find he wasn't in there where has he gone she thought maybe he has gone to get breakfast so she waited for a little longer by now she feels the cats and mice playing chase in her belly so she picked up the phone and the nurse asked her to bring her breakfast. After she ate the doctor came round and checked Anna the doctor said it was alright for her to go home but she had to come for regular checks Anna was so happy she hated hospitals. She looked around she didn't have much stuff so she packed all of her things and placed them in the way ready to go home.

Anna dialled Mu Yazhe phone to ask him to take her home but he didn't pick up her phone she now wondered what had happened did she offend him that much that he doesn't want to see her he refuses to pick up her phone she felt the pain in her chest she felt yesterday she didn't want to call a doctor in case he says she has to stay she really wanted to go home. Anna dialled Li Jannan phone to pick her up she told her he would be there in half an hour so Anna decided to vacate the room and wait outside for him.

Anna waited for Li Jannan it was the longest wait she had ever done she had a lot on her mind she didn't know who ask or tell this problem too she would be embarrassed to mention it so it was best to hide this problem she then focused on her plan to locate Master Falong and arrange a meeting with him so she could solve this conflict that was happening she didn't want to be looking over her shoulder all the time take a break. Anna also wanted to join the businesses she had her hands tied too.

Li Jannan arrived to see her stood there by her self it was rare to see her alone normally she would is surrounded by her family and friends he got out and took the bags of Anna then he opened the door for her to get in once in him back to his front passenger seat. He had his sun visor down so he could see Anna face she was extra quiet and busy in her own little world she was staring out at the scenery as they arrived home he opened the door for her to see her walk inside she was busy in her thoughts to remember how she got home she headed to her room she went in and snuggled on the couch with her cuddling her cushion she sat their thought about how to meet Master Falong.

Then she remembered that he did give her number and told her to ring but where was the number oh! did she remember in the sea somewhere? she typed a few messages on her phone and quickly got a reply the was a number from the underworld where she could contact Master Falong not directly but still the same she left a message that she was looking for him with a business proposition so hopefully he or one of his subordinate would get in touch with her.

After Anna was restless so she did some training to tire her out so she could take a nap she was bored she would go crazy without doing anything she wasn't an idol person normally she would ask Mu Yazhe for some projects but he wasn't talking to her so she couldn't ask what to do?

Anna hadn't told anyone she was home and li Jannan had left to but some errands Anna asked for he left his phone in the car. MU Yazhe came to the hospital to pick Anna up he knew she would be discharged today he walked into an empty room he went back out and found the doctor who told him she had left he rung her phone Anna had fallen asleep so she didn't hear it he rang Li Jannan phone he did answer he rung Ed he wasn't at home he was doing errands for the company since he had joined the office he then rang Anthony and Adrian they were out too then he rang home they hadn't seen her know everyone knew Anna was missing they we're looking for her frantically Mu Yazhe cursed himself for yesterday he wishes he had responded quickly none of this would happen she is very upset with Him was he going to do he prayed she was fine he had all sorts fears building up inside of him.

In the meantime, Anna cosy sleeping on the couch she had headphones on listening to music so she couldn't hear the commotion outside she was sleeping on top of that in the meantime everybody met at home so they could discuss the next step in to find Anna.

While they all piled in the living room discussing where to look for Anna Anna woke up she walked downstairs and past all the commotion she heard the noise and followed on the other side Li Jannan walked in he saw Anna they looked at each other.

Anna:" what is going on did something happen bro:" she asked Li Jannan asked innocently.

Li Jannan:" I don't know Meimei I just come now" he shrugged his shoulders.

Li Jannan went towards the kitchen to place the items he brought and Anna headed towards the living room she walked in nobody noticed her there she could hear her being mentioned but she didn't know why she spoke they were too noisy they didn't hear her she scratched her head and wondered why they were all panicked did something happen to someone she asked Adrian.

Anna:" uncle what happened:"

Adrian with thinking who asked the question, " we can't find Anna we've looked everywhere:"

Anna was amused that she was there they were all looking for her what was going on:" why are they looking for her"

Adrian:" she has been missing most of the day and isn't answering her calls nobody knows where she is"

Anna:" oh okay you will find her look harder" she shook her head idiots the lot of you I am right here.

Li Jannan walked in the room they all surrounded him started to ask all sorts of questions he looked puzzled. He did get the gist of the questions so he pointed at Anna who was sat on the sofa next to Adrian. Adrian turned and looked at her he leapt and hugged her tightly Anna was wondering what was happening now. They were fussing over her they asked all kinds of questions she felt like she was being integrated she looked at them puzzled.

Ed:" where have you been boss" he was happy to see her safe and well.

Anna:" I was asleep in my room" she looked so innocent and cute.

Anthony:" baby girl What? you were at home all this time when did you come home why didn't you tell us who brought you home? are you okay?" he looked at her for answers.

Anna looked and blinked her big blue eyes because she just woke up she hadn't put her brown contacts in her eyes yet:" yes I was home I came this morning you were all busy so Li Jannan brought me home and I feel fine but I won't be if you all keep bombarding me with questions and not tell me what happened why are of you looking for me" she finished her answers.

Little Blessing:" mummy we have been looking for all-day you didn't answer your phone which worried us more we didn't know if you were okay or not" she hugged her Mummy then all the children piled on Anna.

Anna giggled underneath them all she thought that's so sweet they couldn't get in touch with me for one day this is how they reacted what are they going to do when I go looking for Master Falong obviously I not going to tell these I am looking for him they will turn the world upside down, in the midst of all, the chaos she caught some eyes eagerly looking at her they belonged to Mu Yazhe the minutes the eyes met she lowered hers in shame she remembered what she had done she wasn't ready to face him just yet.

Mu Yazhe was watching her every reaction like a hawk he seen the faction when their eyes met he thought she is still upset with him that's why she came home without informing him. He needed to talk to her but everybody was around so he couldn't. He has to wait for tonight when they were in their room. he quietly left he had some work pending. Anna looked up to see he had left she knew she had caused a problem and cursed her self inwardly she didn't know how to face him and sort this out.

After dinner Anna went for a walk in the garden she informed everybody she was going to the garden they all chuckled about it she walked around and then went and sat on her favourite rock. Anna loved to come to here and sort out her muddled head she could think clearly once sat here.

Anna phone rang it was an unknown number he thought could it be one way to find out.

Anna:" hello"

Master Falong, " hello I here you're looking for me sweetheart what can I do for my lovely lady" he chuckled sarcastically.

Anna:" want to meet and talk okay I will decide the time and place and text you on this number okay"

Master Falong:" oh straight to the point okay we will plenty of time talk when I meet you my lovely lady" he chuckled again.

Anna:" okay bye" she could the phone she didn't want to make small talk she was still mad at him for kissing her.

She smiles sinisterly she was gonna make him pay for kissing her and trying to blow the ship whole she was still on it.

Uncle Jack was still, in China he spending time with his sister Jaden he had a lot to catch up on.

Anna only saw him at the hospital. Anna rang Amelia she needs to tell her sister she messed up what she could to rectify her mistake.

Amelia picked up on the first ring:" hey Blue Rose I here you had the whole house on alert was it one of your drills you were putting them through"

Anna chuckled:" you heard did you I was keeping everybody on their toes hehe he"

Amelia:" okay, you definitely did that Mu Yazhe freaked out they nearly rung mama papa to see if you went there lucky they didn't "

Anna:" that would be awkward trying to explain it to our parents eh" she chuckled with her hand on the back of her neck.

Amelia:" your parents, not mine I didn't want them I will pay you to have them" she retorted angrily.

Anna was surprised at the reaction of her sister what has happened now that she was so worked up I rang to complain instead she wound up, " wants up Amelia something happened"

Amelia:" too right I am angry I tell you what happened Grandpa rung and told me that he has put his and Grandmas shares into our names and it's not that we need them we have plenty of money and I own shares in all the new ventures you start up but that's not the point papa rings up later and ask me to transfer it to Boys name we should rely on our husbands to support us what the hell is that supposed to mean and mama chimney into everything he said I was so pissed I put the phone down without replying then Uncle Jack rings and complains that I was rude and I should ring and apologise they are my elders by the way I am not speaking to Uncle Jack I am annoyed at him too he should listen to both side before making a judgement he seems to forget that we still exist once he found his sister not that I am complaining but he is still my Uncle I don't want to share him even the women is my mother.

Anna:" sis Jade I know you are older than me but putting the phone down is rude you should apologise but as for the shares talk to grandpa about them whatever you decide I am with you" she smiled gently.

Amelia:" you as well okay I will apologise but I am not giving the shares back neither are you, okay Our Grandparents gave us them we are part of that family too just because we didn't grow up there it doesn't mean we don't have a right whether they like it or not and I still not talking to Uncle Jack" she was still angry.

Anna chuckled:" that's good apologies to Papa and you And Uncle is your business so I won't interfere but you got to remember he met is dead sister after a very long time so you gotta like give some lea way okay"

Amelia:" why are you so softhearted you will get hurt the most I am telling you it's okay to care but do it with your eyes open Blue Rose"

Anna:" jade you need to relax and unwind I know that while protected me you have become immune to be soft and are always on the alert not everybody is the enemy okay you have to give people a chance I know when you don't like somebody and make up your mind it's next to impossible to change it no matter how nice that person you have to at least give them a chance for you to pass judgment "

Amelia" that's why people walk all over you because you too busy given everybody a chance I don't know how to do it where you get this logic from that everybody has a good side you just need to find it we are from is a totally different world but you still manage to have a weird concept of reality" she sighed at this silly sister of hers.

Anna:" I believe never judge a book by its cover you never know when that person may surprise you and never believe that everybody's guilty until you yourself don't see it" she understands her sisters logic as well.

Amelia:" there's no point in talking there is no winning with you I sometimes think you should have been a politician you tell them half the stuff you tell me you be able to conquer the world" she giggled thought really they chew you up and spit you out you are too soft I don't how you deal with missions it's beyond me.

Anna:" haha hehe you're so funny I know you weren't complimenting me if you weren't older I would make you train with me" she chuckled.

Amelia:" its been a while since we had trained together I will come over when we get back and we can sweat to together and shower together eat together and sleep together oh I forgot to die together remember you promised me all these still plans on keeping your promise" she laughed so hard reminded Anna.

Anna went bright red she said that when she didn't understand the birds and the bees now that it sounded so weird:" sis Jade don't tease I was small okay and I think your and my husband would have some objections don't you think?

Amelia:" your right my husband is very possessive he wouldn't like to share" she giggled at thought of her husbands face if he heard.

Anna:" tell bro I came first so I have first dibs okay I am willing to share my sis so bro in law better is prepared to be reasonable" she giggled so much.