
"So? Do you have any news? Did you manage to find her?" Katherine asked Arthur as soon as he sat down and placed their drinks on the table.

Arthur shook his head and took a sip from his drink while wandering his eyes around the cafe. Everyone looked so busy with their lives. He could not understand why they all looked so rushed when this place was supposed to be a place where one could relax and unwind.

"Still?" Katherine asked impatiently. "How hard is it to find one woman with the technology that we have today? Does she not have a social media account? What about the records from the company? Were you not able to get any information from your contact there?"

Arthur let out a sigh. "It's either she's avoiding social networking sites or she's using a pseudonym. I would have done the same thing if I were her, considering what she's done."

"This is annoying." Katherine grumpily stabbed her drink multiple times with the straw.