Days Had Passed

Days had passed where Blackkit was patiently waiting to become an apprentice.

He waited for it to come, growing more anxious to join with his brother that was still ignoring him apparently.

Some thoughts did crawl in his mind surrounding what Shadekit said about the Dark Forest being the place of bad cats; for some reason though it scared Blackkit so much that it also interested him.

"Blackkit?" Mothlight mewed, sitting by him, "Everything alright, my dear? You're going to become an apprentice today."

Blackkit sighed, watching Icepaw and Firepaw practice their new fighting skills with each other that confused him a little bit being they were the tactics their mentors taught them, "Do you ever feel alone, like no one wants you..?"

Mothlight looked down at him worryingly, but she looked up then sighed, "Yes..when your father left me..but then I realized I was wanted..I was wanted by you and your brother." She said, dragging her tongue over his ear, "You should get ready for your apprenticeship."

"Our final apprentice this new-leaf is Blackpaw!" Thistlestar thundered, "His black fur will make him a great apprentice for hunting, and so Ripplefang will be his mentor." Thistlestar added, flashing a quick glare at Blackkit, "From this day until you learn your warrior name, you will be Blackpaw!"

"Blackpaw! Blackpaw! Blackpaw!" The clan roared throughout Riseclan then traveled over the rocks and into Shadekit's ears.

The black apprentice's tail swayed over when he looked over to Firepaw, who was cheering loudly for his brother like Blackpaw was for him.


A/N: These parts before are basically one big prologue, the next pages will start off as chapter one and so on.

These pages were also useful to give a background of these characters.

Hope you are enjoying this so far!: Brothers Of Curse