Class Begins

The bell rang, and the playful students ran inside their classrooms. The constant conversations and noise echoes through the halls. Peter, Seth and Maria walked into their next period class. Each of them took their seats and got their things out, except Seth, of course. Seth didn't care about school all that much. Seth rarely studied, but besides that fact, he usually managed to get decent grades. Seth looked out of the window and watched innocent birds flying around and swiftly going in and out of the many trees the school had behind outside. While they all waited for the teacher to arrive, a student took notice of Seth looking out the window. The boy then walked over to Seth and said:

"Hey weirdo, what are you looking at?"

Seth didn't answer, nor did he lift his head to see who was talking. Seth just continued to mind his own business as always. The boy didn't like not getting the attention he thought he deserved. He felt ignored.

"Hello? Answer me now, I'm talking to you and its rude to ignore fellow classmates. " The boy said in an annoyed tone. Peter saw this happening to Seth and decided to walk up to them both and see what all the commotion was about.

"Hey, what's going on here? You ok Seth?"

Peter asked. As always, Seth didn't bother to respond and he stayed silent. Peter sighed and let out a soft smile, as he turned to the guy that wanted to get Seth's attention.

"You, what's your name? What do you want with Seth?" Asked Peter calmly and nicely, as he always was.

"I want him to stop being a coward and square up and talk to me" The boy exclaimed.

"My name is Axel, which you should know by now."

The boy said in a snobby tone, perking his nose up to Peter. Axel then looked towards Seth again and he remembered his reason for being there.

"I tried to start a conversation with this weak looking scrawny boy and he wont even respond! Does he not know who I am?"

Axel said clearly angry.

"Well, I didn't even know who you were until now."

Peter said as he let out a slight laugh. This clearly made Axel extremely upset.

"You little- now you will know who I am! Take this!"

Axel rose his fist and swung his fist in an attempt to reach his target, who was Peter. In a flash, Seth stood up from his seat and caught the punch with his right arm that was aimed at Peters nose. Seth glared at Axel. Axel looked at Seth in fright and wondered how he was able to stand up and block a punch so fast. Seth was so swift they couldn't even see him coming out of his seat. Peter was just as shocked as Axel was, and confused about why Seth would protect him from a punch, after they just got into a fight. Peter thought Seth didn't care about anything, so why would he help him?

"Don't hit on him because you wanted my attention. That's not fair."

Seth said calmly. Whenever Seth spoke, he sounded lifeless, like he was a zombie who knew perfect english. He sounded scary. Axel lowered his hand, but he didn't stop there. He refused to be beaten by a weird little boy who appeared weaker than him. He lifted his left hand up aiming at Seth this time; just as he was about to throw a second punch, Peter said:

"Don't do it. You don't know what this boy is capable of"

Peter said as he turned his head towards Seth who calmly stood in place.

"Fine, but this battle isn't over."

Axel said clearly sad and annoyed. People watched Axel as he sat back down. He was embarrassed that he lost to Seth. He felt that he gave up too easily, but he was sure that another fight was going to start again another day.

Peter looked at Seth. Seth, without looking back at Peter, sat back down and stared at the window. Peter followed Seth to his seat, and Asked:

"Thank you Seth, but why? We fought today, and I apologize, but I didn't deserve your help."

Seth looked at Peter and said in a low volume voice.

"I wasn't helping you. That was my way of telling that loser to back off."

Seth turned his head back to the trees that flowed against the hard wind. Peter heard this and let out a chuckle.

"Of course, that's my bad."

Peter said light heartedly to Seth and decided to leave him alone. Peter walked past Maria and into his seat. Maria has witnessed the fight for the most part, but did not appear to be interested.

The Teacher finally arrived into the classroom with a girl. The girl was very pretty. She had long black hair and fair skin. She looked sweet, but scary at the same time. As she walked into the classroom throwing her hair behind her head, the teacher stood and said:

"Student, please welcome this Girl who was late today. He name is Clementine, be nice and give her a warm welcome."

Clementine gave the classroom a fake smile, and walked into the first empty chair she saw. She sat a few seats away from Maria. Maria looked at her and scoffed. Clementine laid her head on the desk and started sleeping. Everyone looked at her and wondered why she looked so sweet, but acted like such a bad student. Clementine was different from a lot of the girls at the school and it was visible.

As the school day was coming to an end, everyone packed their things and walked out as the bell rang. As Clementine walked out, she noticed Seth. She decided to walk up to him, and she said:

"I bet school is hard for people like us, don't you think? People always go for the weak looking ones."

She said as she looked at Seth. He looked back, but did not respond. Clementine was embarrassed but didn't mind, it was like she was used to being ignored or treated like a ghost. Clementines let out an awkward smile and started to frown again. She watched Seth leave the school doors as he met a sweet looking lady with white hair who hugged him. It was apparent that the lady was his mother, because of their matching unique hair color. Clementine let out a jealous expression, and continued to walk home alone.

"I cant believe that HE is the chosen one. Those annoying white haired Katsus."